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Is she cheating?

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My wife and i have been married for 3 years. We argue like most couples but in the 3 years we have had 3 big fights. She confessed to me that every time we have had these fights she goes on Tinder. She says she only sends pictures never had actually hooked up with anyone.. Hard to believe i know. I also found out she had a social media acct i didnt know about. Early in our marriage she went on a cruise with her best friend. Her best friend is a pretty wild girl. My wife has admitted several times that when they are together and alcohol is involved she tends to get out of control. Well when she came came back she said she only flirted but didnt do anything more. I believed her. Well we recently moved and i found a big silver necklace. I asked her about it. She said it belonged to one of the guys they were hanging out with im Miami. Red flags everywhere. Now im dealing with trust issues. She went on a trip to California last year. We got into an argument while she was gone and she just confessed she went on tinder and talked to 2 guys and sent 1 of the guys pictures of her. Now when i say she exchanged pics or sent pics they are nude pics of her. Once again she only did that and didnt hook up. I have told her many times that if anything happened to please just tell me. Lets deal with it. I would rather deal with it and move on then have doubts. I think its too much of a coincedence that she would do everything except any type of act. Like she says she never kissed any  guy never even went to see any of the tinder guys. Please help..

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Well after writing this it seems that im pretty stupid for believing her but whats done is done. I would like to know peoples opinions. I cant speak to my family about this without getting a biased answer

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Alexander she's trying to tell your she's cheating without actually saying it. Most likely she doesn't want to feel like a villain. So she gives you pseudo truth.

That's my opinion.

If you want to keep her maybe you should consider an open relationship. I would not recommend it but it's your call.


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8 hours ago, Alexander22 said:

Well after writing this it seems that im pretty stupid for believing her but whats done is done. I would like to know peoples opinions. I cant speak to my family about this without getting a biased answer

Yep just re-read your OP again... then read it again.

Regardless of whether she did anything physical... your wife is sending nude pics to other guys. Sending nude pics to other guys. Read that again.. your WIFE is sending nude pics to OTHER GUYS!!!

There's only one opinion to have here... please have some self respect and end things with her, as she quite clearly through her ACTIONS (not her bs words) has ZERO respect for you.

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Why in the world did you marry this woman?  Is this a woman you would want for the mother of your kids?  She is an attention seeker and you will never be able to fill that hole. Strap yourself in if you plan to stay with her.

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10 hours ago, Alexander22 said:

My wife and i have been married for 3 years. We argue like most couples but in the 3 years we have had 3 big fights. She confessed to me that every time we have had these fights she goes on Tinder. She says she only sends pictures never had actually hooked up with anyone.. Hard to believe i know. I also found out she had a social media acct i didnt know about. Early in our marriage she went on a cruise with her best friend. Her best friend is a pretty wild girl. My wife has admitted several times that when they are together and alcohol is involved she tends to get out of control. Well when she came came back she said she only flirted but didnt do anything more. I believed her. Well we recently moved and i found a big silver necklace. I asked her about it. She said it belonged to one of the guys they were hanging out with im Miami. Red flags everywhere. Now im dealing with trust issues. She went on a trip to California last year. We got into an argument while she was gone and she just confessed she went on tinder and talked to 2 guys and sent 1 of the guys pictures of her. Now when i say she exchanged pics or sent pics they are nude pics of her. Once again she only did that and didnt hook up. I have told her many times that if anything happened to please just tell me. Lets deal with it. I would rather deal with it and move on then have doubts. I think its too much of a coincedence that she would do everything except any type of act. Like she says she never kissed any  guy never even went to see any of the tinder guys. Please help..

This story, that I read a few years ago in another thread is very familiar.   From what I remember, it comes out later that she confesses to actually having sex with the guy while on the cruise.  I hadn't read any other posts but the opener before I typed this post.

Anyway:  "Red flags everywhere."  Yes, indeed.  

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no man buys a silver reckless for a woman without getting some thing.

that wild GF has to become history for she is a bad influence on your WW. she

uses your WW, that is a married woman, took hook up with men on GNOs.

also what is it with married people going on separate vacations? worse on

cruises where men are looking to hook up.


tell your WW that all of the above and that she will have to take a polygraph test.

otherwise she is gone.


added WW cannot control herself she cannot have social media sites.

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Why are you even with her after everything she has done?


You know she has been f’ing other guys your entire relationship. 

What is there to save?

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OP, you need to find your backbone and get out of this marriage. Seriously. She wipes her feet on you. 

She shouldn't be using to Tinder to begin with - ever - if you are in a monogamous marriage. The very fact that Tinder is her default when you fight is bad enough, let alone the fact that you own wife is sending nudes to other men. This is completely ridiculous, and I am frankly quite shocked that you have tolerated it at all. 

As for whether she has ever physically cheated? Well, I'd be astounded if she hasn't. I would assume that she has. She isn't telling you about it because she doesn't want to get through it. She is fine with this broken marriage the way it is. Evidently, she plays around with other men and then expects you to just sit tight. 

Let's say she does someday come clean and tell you she's had sex with someone else. Then what? The bigger problem is still the fact that she has no respect for you, and doesn't love you. You're the only one taking this marriage seriously, dude. She doesn't. 

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this marriage is over. Revenge, content are just a few of the signs that this marriage doesn't have a chance. I don't know what is happening on your end because we don't have her story...but she is purposely trying to hurt you...that isn't love. You don't do that to the ones you love and care about...now give that a think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is her sending nude pics to other men acceptable to you?

She's immature and needs male attention all the time.


I'm not buying her not doing anything on the cruise. Not for a minute. 

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Why did you marry her? Is she the only woman in the planet? 

Never have kids with her or you’re gonna suffer even more. And get a great divorce lawyer.

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