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what does it mean

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Hi, My boyfriend of 3 years just broke up with me, 3 weeks ago. we still live in the same Appartment. I'm looking for the new House.


i accept that, and now he is telling me, he wants to move to his Family for a while, because


1. he wants to take a break of me so he can have time to think about his feeling.


2. he thinks, what ever he wants to do can be painful for me. so he doesn't want me to be hearted.


I mean he is the one who broke up the RS.


he had already hurted me. I can't understand, after all this happened, why he thinks that it hurts me. or he is confused.


So why should he care about me right now? Or he just wants to hide things, in case we come together again.


the second thing is, he is very nerves, and aggresive, he can't talk to me being calm.


I try to talk to him, but he get nervous very quickly??


what is wrong with him. I'm learning right now to move on.


i accept things, and i'm working out things. i'm not writing him or calling him, unless he calls me.


Does he wants me to get him back or what is that?? why, he will be nerves, wenn we start to talk.


Or Please what does it mean. I realy can't understand, what it means??

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I'm really confused. You say that you are still living in the same apartment but later you say you're not writing or calling him. Unless you live in one really big apartment, there would be no need for that.


You need to separate from this guy as soon as possible and start working to forget him. Stop trying to analyze your interaction with him, stop trying to figure out each encounter.


If he gets nervous talking to you, just stop talking to him. The two of you SHOULD NOT be living together now after a break up. However, he does sound very immature. But even for a mature person, it would be difficult living in the same apartment with someone you had broken up with.


The two of you have broken up and it's time for you to move on and begin the healing process. You have not yet accepted the fact that this is over. I know that's very difficult but you will do just fine. You can't start to heal until the two of you are apartment. One of you has got to move AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

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