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I can use someadvice

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I met this one girl who i never thought i would meet she and i have so much in common it's almost creepy well not really but you know.Well she's been hurt so much by past boy friends she even has a kid from one of them who doesn't want to father the kid.My question is i want to become more then friends but she has a hard time trusting anyone cause of her ex.The other problem is i have made some mistakes in the past and i don't want to hurt her.:(

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soo start "anew and fresh". Do not make mistakes and if you happen to, make it up, treat her like the Goddess that you should treat her.

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TRUST:the state of readiness for unguarded interaction with someone or something.”

give her time ,never lie to her,don't rush her be yourself.

I have noticed, in my own relationships ,i have been quick to outwardly give trust but inside im not totally trusting.

There is a time and place for everything, and there is something to be said for not telling her with your past all at once,if she asks YES tell her.

Letting her know where you stand and what is going on inside your head is the best way.

And time it will take her time.






Being right is easy. Realizing others are right - that's the problem." -- Mário da Silva Barreto

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