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How is your relationship in isolation?

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Both of us work in the travel industry so not much work to do. Luckily we sold some of our stocks a few months before this happened so we should be okay for a while. Both of us were out of work nearly six months after Sandy so we have done this part of it before. I am just worried about where this is headed and where are headed as a world. 

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I really wish I had a partner. It'd be nice to be going through all this with someone, where we could be there for each other, and even just help each other make the time pass a little better. As it is, it's very lonely. No one to spend time with, or talk to or laugh with. Just alone with my thoughts 24/7. Granted, I've been single my entire life, so I've never had anyone in my life to begin with, but in trying times like these, it sucks being alone. Especially because the current situation of the world means dating won't even be possible for at least another year, year-and-a-half.

The hardest part thus far has been not being able to be with my two best friends. I was completely friendless for most of my life, then I finally made a friend a few years ago and have become best friends with her and her boyfriend over the last year. I've been so happy spending time with them, and now I can't do that anymore. We're still kinda texting and stuff, but it's not really the same. And I'm even more sad because who knows when I'll be able to see them again? Could be weeks, could be months. Could be a year, could be a year-and-a-half. It feels like I'm back to the life I had before they came along, and that sucked. But, that's life now, I guess...

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1 hour ago, Woggle said:

Both of us were out of work nearly six months after Sandy so we have done this part of it before.

Yes, it does make it easier to have been through previous disasters.

1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

We're still kinda texting and stuff, but it's not really the same. And I'm even more sad because who knows when I'll be able to see them again? Could be weeks, could be months. Could be a year, could be a year-and-a-half. It feels like I'm back to the life I had before they came along, and that sucked. But, that's life now, I guess...

I've been 'rationing' my contact with others like I did after my anxiety disorder following Harvey: I was overwhelming for some of my friends at that time and had to learn to manage it. For this pandemic I understand that people need alternately, space, reassurance, and most of all positivity, encouragement. I just said to my son 'we make it a self-fulfilling prophecy saying "life will always be terrible" type things', everyone is affected in some way by all this but it won't be forever.

Hang in there!

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My wife and I have been together for decades.  We even worked in the same Company and even in the same department for many years.  So we're very compatible.  She's still working during all this though. 

She has 4 people under her in her office and they're coping pretty well also.  They're trying to do the 6 feet apart thing and cleaning the bathroom everyday etc.   Myself, I'm kind of a homebody.  If I'm not playing golf I'm at home.  So this social distancing isn't that hard for me.  Right up my ally actually.

Also I've been a nut as face as washing my hands all my life.  And I've been using my shirt sleeve etc. when I open doors in public buildings.  So again, this hasn't been to difficult for me.  I do miss watching my golf on TV though.  

I only have so much relationship advice I can give here. 🥴

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

I really wish I had a partner. It'd be nice to be going through all this with someone, where we could be there for each other, and even just help each other make the time pass a little better. As it is, it's very lonely. No one to spend time with, or talk to or laugh with. Just alone with my thoughts 24/7. Granted, I've been single my entire life, so I've never had anyone in my life to begin with, but in trying times like these, it sucks being alone. Especially because the current situation of the world means dating won't even be possible for at least another year, year-and-a-half.

The hardest part thus far has been not being able to be with my two best friends. I was completely friendless for most of my life, then I finally made a friend a few years ago and have become best friends with her and her boyfriend over the last year. I've been so happy spending time with them, and now I can't do that anymore. We're still kinda texting and stuff, but it's not really the same. And I'm even more sad because who knows when I'll be able to see them again? Could be weeks, could be months. Could be a year, could be a year-and-a-half. It feels like I'm back to the life I had before they came along, and that sucked. But, that's life now, I guess...

Your post made me cry, but I want to tell you that your life will soon become as it was, you will get your friends back and you will be able to date to find a good partner. I understand that being alone in this situation sucks but please remember that this is a situation that will hopefully end soon. Try to make positive thoughts, try to use skype or other video chat to talk to your friends, you can find people in forums or in other sites to discuss things that interest you and so on. Thankfully internet helps with bringing people together in this hard time. Virtual hugs. :)

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Eh one good thing that’s come from this time of widespread pestilence is that my relationship with No Man’s Sky has become better. I’ve come to appreciate this game for the vast, empty time sink it is and not ask questions. We good. 

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3 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Your post made me cry, but I want to tell you that your life will soon become as it was, you will get your friends back and you will be able to date to find a good partner. I understand that being alone in this situation sucks but please remember that this is a situation that will hopefully end soon. Try to make positive thoughts, try to use skype or other video chat to talk to your friends, you can find people in forums or in other sites to discuss things that interest you and so on. Thankfully internet helps with bringing people together in this hard time. Virtual hugs. :)

I sure hope so, but I have trouble feeling optimistic about the situation. All the numbers and stats, and professional opinions, seem to point to the probability of this thing lasting quite a while. I suspect that the best case scenario is that we have waves of "semi-normal" and then back into lock downs, "semi-normal", then back into lock downs, etc. That's my guess for what life is going to be like for the next 1.5 years, or at least the best case scenario.

What sucks is that I have some forums I spend a good chunk of time at that pertain to some of my hobbies, but everyone there is mostly talking about coronavirus, and worse than that, they're all pretty much in the "We're doomed" mentality. So, even when I try to go there to get my mind off things and get some "online socialization", it's just doom and gloom.

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My relationships with my female partners are going fine.  My relationship with my husband is a bit strained.  I miss him so much!  He's gone a lot, since he's got a ton of responsibilities.  When he gets home, I'm not getting much attention.  I'm trying to be patient and understanding, but it isn't much fun.

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On 3/30/2020 at 2:09 AM, Inflikted said:

I sure hope so, but I have trouble feeling optimistic about the situation. All the numbers and stats, and professional opinions, seem to point to the probability of this thing lasting quite a while. I suspect that the best case scenario is that we have waves of "semi-normal" and then back into lock downs, "semi-normal", then back into lock downs, etc. That's my guess for what life is going to be like for the next 1.5 years, or at least the best case scenario.

What sucks is that I have some forums I spend a good chunk of time at that pertain to some of my hobbies, but everyone there is mostly talking about coronavirus, and worse than that, they're all pretty much in the "We're doomed" mentality. So, even when I try to go there to get my mind off things and get some "online socialization", it's just doom and gloom.

I just wanted to say I'm thinking about you and sending you my best wishes. I understand what you are saying, hang in there, things will go better sooner than later. You can request from these groups online to stop talking about the virus and talk about your interests. I'm sure many people will agree with you and follow your request. Try to video-chat with your friends also, maybe find some relatives or old friends on facebook and chat with them as well. What helps me is radio stations where people talk about various things or also podcasts, for example I enjoy watching a show and then going to forums or listening to podcasts or youtube videos where they talk about this show. This will help get your mind away from the virus. Best wishes. :)

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Trail Blazer

I work on an oil and gas drilling rig and arrived home a week ago.  The world has changed a lot in the time I was away.  I've been assured by my employer that my job is safe (from both COVID-19 challenges and the low oil price). 

I'm considered an "essential worker" and hopefully won't be affected from any official lockdowns, should the need arise.

I've been seeing my girlfriend most days since I've been back.  Our relationship is great.  We've set up a gym at my place, as I have the space and she has the equipment.

I've seen my children, however, they stay at their mom's house.  Since her parents are self-isolating and she works in retail, I'll often spend time with them at their mother's house while she's working.

As more and more cases are popping up in my area, the need to refrain from non-essential travel becomes more apparent.  I am doing everything I can to minimjze my movements.  It's all of our responsibility to keep this virus in check.

I'm home for another two weeks, then I fly back out to work again.  I've already put my hand up to stay back, should the need arise.  This isn't the most exciting world to be in right now, so I may as well socially distance myself in the desert and get paid handsomely in the process.

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I would absolutely love to be in isolation with my BF. We saw each other two days ago on Sunday briefly just to connect, outside, but we are maintaining distance to make sure we are doing the right thing. I so missed staying over his house over the weekend, but it's necessary not to do that and would actually be illegal at this point. Sigh. We had three days in a row together last week and it was blissful, fun and easy like it always is. It's going to be a while before I can stay over and be in his arms. 

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I am reading a lot about how this is putting a strain on relationships but it seems to be strengthening ours. There is no way to tell where this will all end up and I admit I am scared for what the future holds but it is good have somebody who truly loves and you truly love by your side.

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I've greatly enjoyed the few stretches where I've gotten to spend a lot of one on one time with my wife. She's got a very interesting mind to go along with the very interesting body so it's almost impossible to get enough of her.

We've always ended up a little closer than when we started.

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Happy Lemming
18 hours ago, Woggle said:

I am reading a lot about how this is putting a strain on relationships...

Yes... this is really putting a strain on my relationship with my girlfriend.  She is staying here (with me) through the pandemic as her small studio apartment would be impossible to stock or stay in for days at a time.

Personally, I'm getting sick of all the questions... Everything is a question I can't answer or a request for something we don't have.  I know she is scared and nervous, but for the love of God... just shut up for a while.  I'm really tired of hearing her voice.

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You know, I was a bit apprehensive at first, but it's been going great.

It's me, my husband, our two dogs and our two cats here.

We are both working from home, I set up my home office on the opposite end of the house so we aren't in each other's hair. Depending on my work load - some days I am rolling out of bed, then straight to my computer and I don't surface again till after 5 PM.

He has been occupying himself with the work he can do from home etc. 

I'll make lunch for us both, but I take mine back to my "office" and eat while working like I usually do.

I thought we would end up bickering or irritated with each other - but so far that hasn't been the case at all. 

Sex life is the same, and is most of my daily routine (work all day, ride my horse in the evening, cook dinner and have it together after that, then reading, cuddling etc before bed)

We are working together on some yard projects - gosh we can't wait for this to be lifted so we can hold a big party / BBQ for all our friends - but not until it's totally safe to do so.

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51 minutes ago, Happy Lemming said:

Yes... this is really putting a strain on my relationship with my girlfriend.  She is staying here (with me) through the pandemic as her small studio apartment would be impossible to stock or stay in for days at a time.

Personally, I'm getting sick of all the questions... Everything is a question I can't answer or a request for something we don't have.  I know she is scared and nervous, but for the love of God... just shut up for a while.  I'm really tired of hearing her voice.

((((((( hugs )))))) I feel ya. 

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Sadly, I will probably break a rule or two today.  It's just too beautiful not be in the middle of it. 

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On 3/27/2020 at 4:54 PM, schlumpy said:

I broke isolation by making run to the grocery store. Bread is back on the rack but the cheese section was cleaned out. Why a run on Cheese? Human nature can be a mystery.

In my neck of the woods, no eggs for weeks anywhere! Why?? Ugh, before this, eggs were the cheapest, most abundant thing in my fridge. 

Meanwhile, in NYC I heard they have plenty of eggs everywhere. Apparently, New York chickens are thoughtful and working overtime to supply eggs during crisis, while Florida chickens seem to be enjoying their own spring break at our now humanless beaches!

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Emilie Jolie

RL is mostly the same as pre-lockdown because we're both still working, but without pasta. Even in my time off I've not been able to locate a packet of spaghetti. I'm at a point where I'm considering teaching myself how to make pasta from scratch. Which may be a problem as there's no flour either. #firstworldproblems, #lifewithoutpasta

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Been quite strained - and I'm the problem. As an extrovert, I'm finding it really difficult not being able to see friends, go to the pub or go exploring, and being trapped in our tiny apartment. My partner is dealing with the situation OK in terms of the basic concept of staying at home, but I can tell it's getting hard for her to deal with my mood which is becoming more unstable.

Sex is still seemingly off the table - but with my stress levels high my libido has taken a massive hit anyway so it's less of an issue for me.

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I am discovering a side of my bf I didn't know before. He's a big 'conspiracy' beleiver. He beleives every darn thing he sees on youtube on the covid-19.  It came to the point I told him to not come to me with theories that don't have legitimate sources. 

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The biggest thing I've been bummed about, other than people getting sick/dying and the whole new great depression thing, is that our Chinese food place closed indefinitely and I haven't been able to get my fix of General Tso's chicken in weeks.

So my wife looked up the recipe online, figured out the ingredients, grabbed them all on her once a week shopping trip and is going to make it for me this weekend. 🥳 Not something I asked for, just because she loves me.

I'm a lucky man to have her in my life. Can't wait till this work week is over and I get to lay my eyes on her again.

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Happy Lemming

Personally, I'm sick of hearing the words "I want..." followed by something I don't have or something we can't do.



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