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How is your relationship in isolation?

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It's hubby, the two adult kids and me.  We're having a lovely time and are so thankful that we get on well together.  

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I heard from a married guy friend after checking up on him.  His wife had kids that are grown now when they married about 20 years ago.  Anyway, got a kick out of his email.  He said they had staying with them one pregnant daughter and her bf and a cat that belonged to the daughter, and now the cat is also pregnant (I know) and that none of them were pregnant when they moved in.  


So anyway, he and his wife are moving forward with building a new home and trying to find adoptees for the kittens.  So I guess that was one of the coronavirus households that got completely out of control, huh?

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1 hour ago, preraph said:

that none of them were pregnant when they moved in.  

house in harmony anyway,

make love not war

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On 4/12/2020 at 2:47 PM, chillii said:

Surely not how longs it been there , here it's only been about 3 wks , not much of a marriage and very weak people if they can't even spend a mth or two together.

I don't personally have any marriage problems caused by this, but I can definitely see how it would cause strain on relationships. It's not JUST "spending a month or two together", in many cases it's also not knowing if you'll be homeless in a month's time, or seeing your bank balance go into overdraft, or never having an hour of adult time away from the kids, or grieving a sick or dead loved one, or anxiety about catching the virus because you have a risk factor that increases your risk of death from it, etc.

It's not as simple as you guys make it out to be. Some of us, like H and I, ate fortunate enough to not have these additional problems, and some people are not. It makes no sense to judge the less fortunate.

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But calling divorce lawyers in a month , nope. Been though most of that with my partner and for a year or two at one stage.

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My wife and I will try giving each other haircuts. Let's hope I don't mess it up too bad.

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I happened to catch Gwen Stefani giving Blake Shelton a haircut on tv, and he looked like one of those dogs whose hair is always in their eyes.  


Keep it simple!  I badly need a haircut.  My hair is getting into everything and picking up stickiness from food and stuff, plus getting stuck under my armpit.  I hate that.  I may take an inch off in the only way I can (Pull it all forward and see roughly how it lays and follow that angle).  I'll have enough left over to correct my bad cut once I'm able to.  Just while ago, i got a noodle caught in it and had to go put that part under the sink.  

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After months of trying, our family has grown---to two adults and two rescued kittens. I don't think we anticipated the adoption process happening quite like this, but here we are. They are 8 weeks old and, having been here all of 3 hours, already control the bathroom. We are in waaaay over our heads.


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20 hours ago, lana-banana said:

After months of trying, our family has grown---to two adults and two rescued kittens. I don't think we anticipated the adoption process happening quite like this, but here we are. They are 8 weeks old and, having been here all of 3 hours, already control the bathroom. We are in waaaay over our heads.


Haha, congratulations!! Are they your first? ;)

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Ruby Slippers

Awww, good news! Kittens are totally some of the cutest, most heart-melting creatures on Earth! I adopted my adorable Maine coon rescue as a kitten and fell in love from day 1. She's 12 now and as sweet and feisty as ever. Have fun!

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Ruby Slippers

I did. He asked if he could bring over Mexican takeout for 2 and I declined. I feel let down by him and rather blah, don't have the energy for further disappointments. He's supposed to come over tomorrow to pick up a few things he left here. I predict he might try in his caveman way to make amends. It makes me tired just to think about it. I feel semi-depressed and don't have the energy to deal with anything beyond the bare minimum right now. 

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Happy Lemming
12 minutes ago, Ruby Slippers said:

I feel let down by him and rather blah, don't have the energy for further disappointments.

I'm sorry to hear that things aren't working out. ☹️

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Our haircuts look surprisingly well. Not ready to get a new job as a barber but she looks pretty good and so do I.

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Happy Lemming

My girlfriend started to complain about the dinner I prepared (last night).  (Chorizo and Pasta).

I told her that the chef was not in the mood to hear complaints, eat it or go hungry. She pushed it away and finished off the 2 layer chocolate cake for dinner, which was fine. I figure as long as she ate something and didn't go to bed hungry. 

"Let them eat cake" - Marie Antoinette

I'll snack on the leftover (Chorizo and Pasta), as I go through my day.


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Happy Lemming
5 hours ago, FMW said:

I'd tell her to prepare her own meals.

She'd burn down my home in the process.  I swear that woman could burn water trying to boil it.

She made one meal for me after I had out-patient surgery (when we got home)... not good.  The hospital vending machine would have been a better choice. 

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4 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

She'd burn down my home in the process.  I swear that woman could burn water trying to boil it.

She made one meal for me after I had out-patient surgery (when we got home)... not good.  The hospital vending machine would have been a better choice. 

It's hard to read that she was complaining about the food you made. Not because I think she's a bad person or anything. I just think she is taking you for granted and you don't deserve that. My BF cooks for me all of the time and I can't imagine complaining about a meal when he is cooking for me.  Something I've learned from being married and divorced, not to complain about the little stuff because I appreciate my BF so, so much.  Anyway, you seem very understanding about it and unfortunately you have made me crave chocolate now! 😃  The fact that you had a chocolate cake at the ready and you didn't mind her eating it -and you were happy she wasn't going to bed hungry...you truly are very forgiving, HL and that shows how much you care for her.

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It’s hour by hour, day by day... 😂

Seriously, it’s a lot of together time. We have been playing a lot of board games, and that’s been fun. The hardest part is when we both have work at home, we don’t have two dedicated work spaces. He’s been working from home everyday, he was desperate enough today that he even came for a walk with my family... physical distancing, of course. Overall, we are doing ok.

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8 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

She'd burn down my home in the process.  I swear that woman could burn water trying to boil it.

She made one meal for me after I had out-patient surgery (when we got home)... not good.  The hospital vending machine would have been a better choice. 

Boy Happy, you must have to beat the guys away with a stick! 😁 

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Happy Lemming

Well... my 8 year relationship is going to hell in a hand basket... I've been sleeping on the couch for the past couple of weeks.

My lazy shrew of a girlfriend is getting on my last nerve, if she isn't complaining about something then its 500 questions about how to complete a task.

Case in point, I'm cooking dinner last night (we usually eat at the dining room table) and she wanted to watch some TV show that was coming on.  I said "Fine, we can eat at the coffee table"  I actually have some large glass decorative cutting boards that I put rubber feet on that we use (as place mats) when we eat at the coffee table.  I told her put the glass "place mats" on the coffee table and I'll serve dinner there. 

Then the questions started... Where do I put the stuff that is presently on the coffee table? and preceded to ask about each item on the coffee table. Then more questions... Where do I move the box fan to? (it was rather warm yesterday and we put some fans on) Where should I plug it in? (how about a wall outlet, plenty to chose from and the fan works better when its plugged in)  You see when my lazy sloth of a girlfriend has to do anything that resembles work or chores, she asks 500 questions or does the job poorly, so I get frustrated and just do it myself.  

Originally, we were talking about moving in together this fall, but there is no way that is going to happen, now.

I can't wait for her to leave... maybe I'll ask her to try to go home on May 1st when she has to go her apartment complex to pay her May rent. I don't want her to get sick; we have been "sheltering in place" at my home... and its working.  We are both healthy, but I can't stand to hear her voice.

I'm miserable... I just want some peace and quiet!!

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Oh, I'm so sorry.  Well, just from all the cooking alone, it was sounding like you were doing a lot.  She certainly sounds helpless.  Is there any chance she asks before just doing it because she thinks you might be particular about it?  Seems like if so, then a couple times of being told "just wherever" would make her stop asking, huh?  

I guess there's no reason you can't go ahead and suggest she move out now.  She has an apartment.  You're both probably getting a little cabin fever, so she might even welcome it just a little.  

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Happy Lemming
7 minutes ago, preraph said:

 Is there any chance she asks before just doing it because she thinks you might be particular about it?  Seems like if so, then a couple times of being told "just wherever" would make her stop asking, huh? 

I think I said "Any where is fine"...  but that wasn't a good enough answer, each item on the coffee table had to be asked about, then she started the questions about the box fan.  Its a box fan, move it off the coffee table to some other location, it doesn't matter where and plug it into a different outlet.  I mean a 4 year old knows how to move a fan and plug it into a different outlet. 

I'm busy cooking and getting ready to plate dinner.  

I got so "pissed off" that I ate my dinner alone in my office (where it was quiet). 

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I'm so sorry HappyLemming.  She has either not much experience doing things for herself or she's trying to make some passive-aggressive point about having to do anything... either is not good.  Sometimes when we do everything for the other person it backfires and makes us the parental figure, which is not where you want that going.  Was she cleaning house some at least?  Since you were doing all the cooking and providing?

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Happy Lemming
1 minute ago, preraph said:

  Was she cleaning house some at least? 

If I give her a task, she'll do a poor job of it and I'll have to redo it. 

I asked her to help with the dishes on a couple of occasions, but a dishwasher needs some help with the pots and pans.  You can't load a pan with something stuck on it and expect it to get clean.  It needs to be scrubbed (a little) before you put it in the dishwasher.  So... after having to re-do the dishes a couple of times, I stopped asking her to help with that task.

Also wiping the counter down, does not mean taking a dish rag and pushing all the crumbs on the floor.  You gather up the crumbs and capture them in the dish rag (or your hand), not push them on the floor. 

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