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so hardheaded

I cheated on my boyfriend a few months back with a well known guy in our town and he found out before that we talked on the phone, but thats all i told him that we did only I lied. We had sex on numerous occasions and now they are mutual friends and I ran into them last week and they where together. Im wondering should I tell him before the other guy does?

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eh thats a toughy..


maybe you can just lie again and say hes lying

lol im just playing...


there could be a possibility that the friend wont tel him because he will feel alot of guilt..


but you should have told him in the first place..

now your stuck...

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Lemme get this straight:


You have a boyfriend; let's call him Bob. There's also this other dude in town, named, say, Doug.


You & Bob are an item.


Somehow, you end up talking with Doug. You & Doug eventually end up doing the deed. Not once, but many, many times.


Oh oh. Seems like Bob & Doug are buds.


So Doug knows that you & Bob are a couple, but Bob doesn't know that you & Doug have been intimate.


In short... you're screwed. Literally & figuratively.


In order to salvage your reputation, you may consider Mexico.

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Someone else knew you had a boyfriend... you. You seemed to forget that while you were sleeping with the other guy, not once, but several times.


You have a few choices on how to handle this;

1. Be honest, tell your boyfriend, and deal with his reaction, good or bad.

2. Don't tell him. Go on acting like nothing happened. Walk on eggshells every time you're around the other guy and your BF, and wait for the your BF to find out...and he will.

3. Let the other guy tell him first, then they can both sit and talk about you, exchange notes so to speak, but I doubt the talk would be sweet.


Mistakes happen, and temptation can be hard to turn away from.

Can you fix this? Your BF is the only one who can answer that, but letting him find out from anyone, other than you, probably isn't the best thing.

I would also suggest that, if you do decide to be honest with him about what happened, you do not promise him it will never happen again, unless you're 100% ready to own those words and live by them.

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Lets see Doug and Bob are now buddies and you think Doug has been telling his new found friend about the girl he has been doing? Is that your problem?

Mexico might not be a bad choice at this point in the game

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WoW, this is like straight out of Jerry Springer.


You slept with 'Doug' NUMEROUS TIMES, and now 'Doug' & 'Bob' are friends?

And you're wondering if you should tell ur bf, 'Bob' about you and 'Doug'?




Or do you want to wait until the ish hits the roof, when 'Bob' EVENTUALLY finds out? (AND YES, he WILL FIND OUT!!! You don't think 'Doug' won't say something or drop a hint sooner or later??? WAKE UP!)


IF I WAS YOU - I'd do damage control ASAP. Tell him your side of the story, before 'Doug' gets to him. I don't know if this will ruin your rel'ship or not *cheating is a deal-breaker for ME*, but your bf deserves to know what happened. And better he here it from you, than the OM.



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