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i was curious. . . .

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A couple of months ago I cheated on my boyfriend with a well known guy from the town we live in. He found out that me and the guy talked on the phone a few times and thats all he thought it was. Now there mutual friends and last week I happened to run into my boyfriend at a bar and they where together. Im afriad the secret is going to come out. So should I tell him about the sex we had or should I take it to my grave?:o

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If you think your boyfriend will find out from someone else, then it's best to come clean and be honest about the whole thing now. If he forgives you, then you are lucky. If not, then you have only got yourself to blame. You should also be asking yourself why you cheated.

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I agree. Better you tell him than him finding out through somebody else. Just be aware of the consquences of your actions. You could lose him, either way. If you don't tell him and he finds out he may break up with you. If you do tell him, he still may break up with you.


How long were you with your boyfriend before you cheated on him?

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I think you need to tell him and tell him immediately. He will find out and then realize you allowed him to be friends with a guy who had sex with you behind his back. This will be a huge double betrayal. You better tell him now because if he finds out from someone else he will drop you in a heartbeat. The fact that this OM is friends with your boyfriend shows he is sadistic knowing he did this behind his back. Be kind to your boyfriend and be honest with him. If the roles were reversed wouldn't you expect your boyfriend to be honest with you. It is the very least you can do. I wish you luck.

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