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It's all doom and gloom: It's getting harder to keep up with the news without feeling hopeless about the situation

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I fear the "doom and gloom" has perhaps consumed me too much at this point... I want to "take a break" from following what's happening, but I just can't tear myself away, and more and more, it seems most are saying that we're basically doomed, one way or another.

I woke up this morning, thinking about how much this derails for me. Like, I was hoping to look for a place to live early next year. Now, being laid off indefinitely, I can no longer save money like I was doing, so chances are, that goal is getting pushed back to 2022 at the earliest. I also thought about how I don't know when I'll get to see my friends next. Months? Next year?

I feel hopeless and empty, right now. And that sucks.

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Id imagine they will get at least some form of containment by July anyway,

some form of antibodies treatment,

society can function in a limited sense anyway for the next year, certain restrictions but not as severe as the current ones,

April and May are going to be the really tough months, June we should see the start of the comeback for want of a better word


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