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Ruby Slippers

I ordered some new clothes for my new job, but not sure when I'll actually need office clothes again. They're kinda dressy for video calls. But I'll keep them, since I already put in the time to pick them out, have them shipped, and try them on, and I'm assuming we won't be quarantined forever.

There are some crazy sales on clothes right now. 75% off plus free shipping at some places.

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I've been home officing for a couple of decades, with usually a small job on the side to get me out of the house.  The back add-on room on my house is windows all around.  It's rough, cement floor, and there's a huge roof leak in a closed off portion of it, but it's nice being able to see the yard as I work.  I wish my remaining dog went out a little more so I could watch her out there.  Maybe she will when it dries up and is warmer.  So I watch the squirrels and birds, and right now I have a Wisteria trying to bloom.  Not sure why it's kind of puny this year, or maybe just late, but it's been so wet.  Maybe they don't like this much rain.  I have some kind of puny bush roses by the fence and soon it will be crepe myrtle time.  I love all the green this time of year.  It is just a jungle of green out there. 


It does help to just sit by a window when you are working at home.  At my rent house, I just sat in front of the only window in the room and hung various colorful plants right in the window to cheer me up.  

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I'm trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible, old papers and stuff, and put pretty much everything in storage. 

I did plant some marigolds @preraph and there are azaleas blooming here. 

Feeling a bit low. Think I'll get an early night tonight. 

Going to make the overnight oats again for tomorrow!


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1 hour ago, preraph said:

What are you putting in your overnight oats, Ellener?

Ground cinnamon ( good for blood sugar apparently ) chia seeds, raisins, dried cranberries and almond milk. Every few weeks I've been going to Whole Foods or somewhere and get a bunch of stuff for it. I've also used flax and hemp seeds, ground nutmeg, trail mix type things, chopped dried cherries, grated unsweetened dark chocolate etc. 



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Coworker and I have started watching Little House on the Prairie reruns “together” in the afternoon, texting snarky comments over cell phone. I so much ❤️ working from home.

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Things are ramping up in the lab I work in, everyone is being tested for covid19, 

we had issues with the computer systems we use today, not good, but we carry on as usual. I’m sure our IT will sort it.

 I also kept an eye on my friends children while she went shopping today after I finished work, it took her just under an hour to wait in line, do her weekly shop and get out again. 

I went into the supermarket after her to get a birthday card and a sympathy card for a dear friend after, I used my essential worker ID and was in and out there before my friend had loaded her groceries! I’m so thankful for the goodwill happening here. 

Two more days at work, then 4 off!! 

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Ruby Slippers

I just finished day 2 of my new job, working from home. I've had about a dozen video calls since yesterday. My colleagues are VERY cool, nice, and welcoming. My boss is pushing me to quickly establish my image as a division leader, which is a good thing but demanding. I end each day with a BIG exhale and let it all go.

We'll go for a run in a bit and get a change of scenery, fresh air.

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I just wanted to post somewhere that it for anyone who is out of work because of this and fears they might not get back to normal, you should apply immediately with your local workforce commission. Texas workforce commission just hired hundreds of people to process these unemployment claims. 

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Been running my own business primarily from home for many years, as my competitors are bigger companies with big offices work is still good and the same. 
However, not going out and realizing how much I did.   Saves me money and kids and I are making great use of our NetFlix, doing puzzles, etc.  

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1 hour ago, preraph said:

I just wanted to post somewhere that it for anyone who is out of work because of this and fears they might not get back to normal, you should apply immediately with your local workforce commission. Texas workforce commission just hired hundreds of people to process these unemployment claims. 

Preraph, our economists are predicting that all this will PUSH long into the summer if not the Fall.  The whole idea of the hot weather eliminating the virus seems to not be holding up with the cases in warm weather climates currently.  I wonder how long people (as a whole) can hold up to the quarantine as well as the social distancing especially with summer upon us in the U.S.

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Don't know but I guess we'll find out. Even if it goes away, it'll come back around. The more time passes the closer will be to an immunization or cure. 

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My wife and I recently watched the HBO five episode series Chernobyl. You can find it in their ON DEMAND channel. It was a very dramatized story about the event. Once we started we couldn't stop. It's mostly about heroism and human sacrifice through ignorance and an overbearing government. I had a lot of mixed feelings.

I read the book (don't think this is based on the book) about twenty years ago. It was one of those reads where every other page you would stop, shake your head, and stare off into the distance for a minute before continuing on.

If you aren't doing anything and who is? Give it a look see.

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Finally got to see my daughter yesterday , my gf got down a few wks ago and her city was pretty bad so we wanted to be sure she was ok before l saw my d. We went back over to our isolated beach walked and had a beer sat up on the dunes, bloody beautiful. so nice to finally se her again but we were sorta a bit weord with all this distancing stuff it kinda gets into your head doesn't it ven with your own family if your sorta visiting like this.

But funny , it's just out of a holiday town, it's not theee main beach , but in the town with lots of holiday houses and everyones of work and kids not at school so a lot of them have come up from the city last few wks with their families to ride this out at their holiday houses away from it all. But be damned , just as we got there workers were putting up a sign beach closed but there were still people roaming round they're were 100s of mtrs apart though just scattered over the whole length of it which is a few k long plus dunes and a big lake of to the back so it's 100% safe . lt was just ironic though that the sign was just going up at that time.  Then the cops turned up , sat up on the look out parked awhile and then just drove off.

Bit overkill closing that one though there's never more than a handful of people scattered along , often your the only soul on th whole stretch .

Edited by chillii
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I finished my paperwork and put it all away.

Went to grocery, in out, ten minutes tops, no bimbling about like I used to. 

Using up all my food stocks and buying a minimum- on a strict budget now.

Found about $250 worth of gift cards in all my tidying...

Maybe this heralds a whole new super-efficient me? 👩‍💼

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16 hours ago, schlumpy said:

My wife and I recently watched the HBO five episode series Chernobyl. You can find it in their ON DEMAND channel. It was a very dramatized story about the event. Once we started we couldn't stop.

An old flame of mine was over there sometime after the event and got eye damage from it. 

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I've been so busy working from home and can't keep up with everything. Have been working 10-hour days , haven't even had time to stop and make lunch so far this week. It's been stressful in terms of pressure to keep everything moving forward, but I can only do so much each day. Everyone wants my time and I'm having to say no to some people, which isn't easy. But am saying yes whenever I can and am meeting deadlines, etc. 

After work, it's time for a break which usually means a 5-mile walk. Yesterday I met a friend for a  long walk, which we are allowed to do. We stayed 6' apart the whole time and it was good to reconnect.

Today, I had to go shop despite not wanting to. We were really running low on groceries. It had been 3-4 weeks since I'd done major grocery shopping (though I had filled in a few things a week ago, and a week before that, but just a few things each time). So instead of exercising today after work, I masked up and went and stood in line outside of my favorite food store, 6' apart from the next person and was able to get everything but 2 of the things on my list. It took me as long to clean everything once I get home as it did to go stand in line and buy it. I'm very grateful I was able to get almost everything we need. Also got gas when I was out even though I haven't been driving more than once a week, because I like to have a full tank in general in case we have a natural disaster (at least that is usually the reason I try not to go below half a tank, ever).

I'm getting more used to and comfortable with video-conferencing for work meetings. I will have 3 hours of meetings via video-conferencing Friday afternoon. Not a fun way to end the week but, as I keep telling myself, I'm lucky to be working so can't complain.

My son is very happy about there being no school, which is pretty sad. He is not motivated by academics at all, even though he is very bright. He would rather watch YouTube or read Reddit like many other teens. I can't believe the kids are going to be out of school for half of a year. Six months - unheard of in our lifetime.

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Happy Lemming

This morning, I'm working on the master closet, doing some caulking and touch up painting.  I'm being picky about every little detail, but I've got the time and not much else to do.

Later today, I'm going to dye my girlfriend's hair.  She was saying that if she is going to use "Zoom" & "Skype" for communication, she needs to cover up the gray in her hair.  So we ordered some hair dye off of ebay and I'll be applying that today.

I also have some weeding to do, outside...

Last night I watched some guy on youtube fishing off the coast of Australia, beautiful blue water and some amazing fish he caught.  They looked so yummy!!  Very happy I stumbled across his channel.

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Man, I'd love to be out on a boat right now.  I have been threatening to go to a state park, but they've probably closed them all by now.  It would be a pain to have to bring everything to cook there, too.  

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12 hours ago, preraph said:

An old flame of mine was over there sometime after the event and got eye damage from it. 

I worked with a guy from the Ukraine. One of his friends volunteered to work in the exclusion zone. I don't know what he did but he survived with money in the bank. His sacrifice was that his sex life was over for the rest of his life. 

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Ooh.  Not good.  I myself have been exposed to nuclear and other toxic waste as a teenager growing up right outside an air force base.  It did things to me too.  

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6 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

This morning, I'm working on the master closet, doing some caulking and touch up painting.  I'm being picky about every little detail, but I've got the time and not much else to do.

Later today, I'm going to dye my girlfriend's hair.  She was saying that if she is going to use "Zoom" & "Skype" for communication, she needs to cover up the gray in her hair.  So we ordered some hair dye off of ebay and I'll be applying that today.

I also have some weeding to do, outside...

Last night I watched some guy on youtube fishing off the coast of Australia, beautiful blue water and some amazing fish he caught.  They looked so yummy!!  Very happy I stumbled across his channel.


Hmmm, l have a dilemma in that department, your lucky. My gf's 51 and blonde/greyish when it's not recolored  . Well apart from the greyish coming through her hair which is  a bit like a wild woolly sheepdog or something , she only looks about 30 , but somehow as soon as the grey starts she suddenly looks a lot older even older than her age. Strange how it makes such a difference when really nothings changed but she likes the grey, l hate it. Although l'm not that into blondes l love hers it just looks cool all untamed the way it is , getting harder and harder talking her into some recolor though .




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It does make a huge difference, Chillii.  A gray haired person can go from looking 65 to 45 with some darker hair color.  Gray hair just doesn't flatter most people's complexions.  There are rare exceptions.  


First thing I did when they closed salons is ordered two dye kits before they were all sold out.  They were already gone at my market.  

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