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I plan to start meeting face to face after May 6th

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which is after the 8 week no social gathering in public of 50 or more people recommendation by the CDC.     And if life is still not back to normal then I will just suggest meeting at a public park where a lot of people dont go to so we can sit and talk and break the ice.   I actually had dates like this when life was normal so i dont see the issue.    No way in hell am I going to talk on the phone and text all summer long.    Im already going crazy without sports and gambling so I need some kind of pleasant outdoor activity to deal with this new life we are all dealing with.     Im sure most of the people that are on these dating sites feel the same especially once the weather breaks and we reach mid may

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2 hours ago, IntBrowser said:

 I will just suggest meeting at a public park where a lot of people dont go to so we can sit and talk and break the ice.   

Good luck finding  someone that will agree to that. I would not meet a stranger in these days and trust he will respect my 2 meters bubble. Also here anyway, we are suppose to limit out outings to the minimum which means only grocery shopping once a week. I wouldn't go out of my way to reach a park to meet a stranger who could caugh, sneeze or spit on me. 


Edited by Gaeta
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