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Upset at my gf for selling my ticket. How to deal?

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Hey guys. My gf and I were talking over FaceTime one day and she wanted to go to a concert that is coming up in a couple of months. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it so she said she’ll get me the ticket and if I find out later that I can’t make it, she’ll just sell my ticket. At the time I didn’t show toooo much interest in that concert but I still agreed to that because her siblings were going and I wanted to spend time with them all. And she knew I wasn’t too interested in it as well.

Fast forward to last week when I brought it up she said she gave my ticket to her friend because she thought I wasn’t too interested in the concert and her friend was a super fan. We had an argument the day before and I didn’t want to argue again so I told her it’s ok and I thought I was fine, but in fact I was not. I didn’t want to bring it up because I didn’t want to argue with her again. She offered to return her friend the money and stuff but I said nah it’s ok. But the reason I wasn’t ok was because she didn’t ask me before giving it to her friend and that made me upset 

So now I asked her if it’s too late to give her friend the money back and give me the ticket because I realized I was going to be there in the city that week anyway. She asked her friend and her friend said that she really wanted to go. And my gf said “I take blame for giving it away but that doesn’t mean she(her friend) can’t go just because I screwed up”. I was like it’s ok I’ll just try to see if I can get a ticket to the concert.

I’m upset because she first didn’t ask me before giving away my ticket to her friend. And I’m also upset that she isn’t trying to make it up by offering to help me find a ticket. I’m also upset that she didn’t explicitly say “I’m sorry” but I’m not sure if her saying that she “takes the blame” is her way of apologizing.
I want to bring it up but I don’t want her to ask me why I didn’t mention all this before or why I’m bringing this up over and over again(because I’m not good at thinking on the spot and I figure out why after thinking about it) so how do I deal with this? I thought it wouldn’t bother me as much but it’s bothering me a lot.

Edited by Ldrn
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When is the concert? There's a good chance it'll be cancelled and no one will be going.

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You were not into going at all, so you should be happy. Someone else was more excited so what do you expect?

Plus yeah there likely won't even be a concert. Sounds like you are just looking for some drama or a fight. 

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Well, you should have given her an answer back when she needed one.  But you didn't commit and it doesn't sound like you ever get commit to going, and it was for extra ticket and I don't blame her a bit. You drug your feet and wouldn't commit.  Now you know what that will get you in the future.

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Don't date long distance, if you don't see each other face to face at least once a week, what is the point? This is torture; if you really have love for the person you see long distance, you would want them to have the physical companionship of a relationship, not the sex or anything but moreso just having somebody around.

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On 4/1/2020 at 10:27 PM, Ldrn said:

Hi guys thanks for your opinions. I believe you are right and I’m going to let it go

Tell her to sell the other ticket fast too. There'll be no concert. No gatherings of more than 10 people in Texas... like in the rest of the world. And as deaths from contagion in the U.S. are now second only to France... it'll be a slow process before we'll return to normal daily life.

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OP: you seem very passive and wishy washy/aloof with you GF. That's really a bad way to be. 

Suggest you change that. Post haste. 

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Pick and choose your battles.  You didn't want to go.  It's going to get cancelled anyway.  Don't bring it up again and call it a wash. 

And make sure that if you don't really want to go to the next concert, that you suggest she take someone that will have a really good time, or tell her before she buys a ticket that she'll basically be dragging you there and you won't have fun.  You don't want to rain on her parade.  And if you really still want to go, just be excited to be there with her.  There's a way to go to something you don't love and still be happy and support your partner because you know they are really happy to go.

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She needs to show a bit more respect for you than this. Asking you before giving someone else the ticket would have been the right thing to do. If she can't communicate properly, and make decisions together as a couple, then what's the point of being in a relationship?

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