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I hurt my husband trying to kill time during quarantine

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Hello everybody,


At first i have to apologize for tht very bad english but as you did guess it is not my native language...

So we are married since 5 years now. Everything is great but before the virus we struggled to find some times together because of work, daily routine... He is a military, I am a ex ballerina (semi pro), now working in a  beauty shop. To fix that we decided to make some sports together. The most difficult was at first to ind one who fit for both. I wanted salsa and he wanted tennis but i hate racket sports...He then proposed me taekwondo. At first i refused but because he insist and we were stuck i said i was ok. to try.

SO we tried and after 5 lessons we both had fun. I had the feeling to progress and felt good about it. We were on the same lesson but we had pur own partner for "the friendly match" in the end.

Because we are confined since 3 weeks now he asked me to train in taekwondo together at home. Ok why not? So we warm up and pratice some moves during 30 minutes.

Then he challenged me in a friendly match and want to count the point "if i dare". He put also a bet on it looser ll make part of the housework of the winner for the week. He is a lot larger than me but only few cm shorter. He teased me telling me "it ll be a lot more tough than just dancing...".Ok let's try it babe!

So we start. I notice he kick hard. Even if it slow and Im able to block almost all of it he seems to kick vountary hard. I asked him to reduce the power twice... But he continu... I was winning 8 to 2 when he throw me a very hard kick on my breast. Even if i did block it it hurt so badly. I ve seen he laugh and it has get me really mad I confess. I send my leg as high and speed and strong as I could. He ddin't see it coming and my foot land right on his face! He fall on his back totally KO !!!

Im in panic. I slap him to wake him up (not sure it was a good idea). he finally wake up after maybe 10 very very long seconds... I help him to reach the sofa and bring him ice. I told him <i ll drive him to the emergency but he refuse I insist but he told me that with the coronavirus it would be silly to go there... I accept it he was right...

Obviously I did apologize for what i ve done and he answer me nothing. He change the subject. He almost not speaking anymore. I struggle having monologue and hearing yes, no...as simple answer... He seems mad but cant tell me. I asked him if it s because I beat him in taekwondo and he started to be agressive pretending it s not and anyway he wont come again in the club...He is so cold now...

Honestly, im very disappointed and I think I just hurt him..


How can I fix that??

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Don't do taekwondo (or any other activity with such potentially forceful physical contact) together again.  He was, at the very least, insensitive about kicking so hard, especially once you told him to lighten up.  You should have just stopped and walked away, but it's understandable that in the situation you struck out and kicked him back.  You apologized, there's not much else you can or should do.

Don't keep trying to talk to him if he's not being responsive.  Give him time to cool off.  Being knocked out by any woman, but especially his wife, was probably a big blow to his ego.  Give him a little time and space to deal with it.    

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Fletch Lives

Thanks for the laugh this morning


It's all fun and games until someone looses an eye


Edited by Fletch Lives
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Welcome to LoveShack.org, isabelle49!

4 hours ago, isabelle49 said:

Im in panic. I slap him to wake him up (not sure it was a good idea). he finally wake up after maybe 10 very very long seconds... I help him to reach the sofa and bring him ice. I told him <i ll drive him to the emergency but he refuse I insist but he told me that with the coronavirus it would be silly to go there... I accept it he was right...

It sounds like he took quite a blow to the head. I wouldn't want to go unnecessarily to an emergency room with the current pandemic, yet if he's not acting himself, you might want to make sure he isn't suffering from a concussion. Do you have a nurse line you can contact through your insurance to ask medical questions over the phone where ever you might live?

Mayo Clinic: Concussion Symptoms

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