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Anybody enjoying the quarantine?

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1 minute ago, Ellener said:

Where do you live right now @Inflikted ? I mean what kind of accommodation, you mention 'my own place'...


I still live at home. Been saving for a place to live, but I still needed this year to save up.

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

I still live at home. Been saving for a place to live, but I still needed this year to save up.

for a lot of us our plans are de-railed for now, it's irritating I know.

So, do you have somewhere safe and comfortable and presumably loved to be for now?

Try to focus on the positives, is what I am doing.

I'm in a very difficult living situation but determined to handle it with grace and resilience also to let it motivate me- never to be in this situation again! As soon as it is safe to do so I'll be moving and working around the clock to buy my own place again. And I'm so much better off than many around the world I know, and strong enough to start over ( again ) and get to where I need to be for the future. And to appreciate it when I do- I took for granted having my own place etc before- I will enjoy every day, or try to, in future. 

Or I'm sure I will at first...we soon forget when the crisis passes!

Hang in there, cultivate hope and strength of character and gratitude is what I said to my own son; yes he rolled his eyes, but only because he knows I'm right. Because what's the alternative?!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))









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7 hours ago, preraph said:

^ A lot of whom must be politicians, since they're who decided the liquor stores were a necessity!  What?  It would be bad to be locked up with someone jonesing though. 

It's pretty dreadful to be locked up with an alcoholic. If it weren't for my long professional background in this field I'd be terrified, as it is I am increasingly concerned...

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6 minutes ago, Ellener said:

So, do you have somewhere safe and comfortable and presumably loved to be for now?

Yeah, my living situation is "comfortable", but at my age, I shouldn't still be at home.

My mom is... difficult, and my dad's not super talkative. So, it's fine, but I don't really have anyone to actually "be" with or talk to about stuff or decompress with. I just have to bottle it up and stew over it in my head, and that's very stressful, and is wearing me down.

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

at my age, I shouldn't still be at home.

well 'shoulda/woulda/coulda' isn't the thing to think about now.

'Decompress' with us here, and don't watch crappy news/info/entertainment shows about the pandemic. No point any of us obsessing about what we cannot change.

Do you get to exercise? 

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3 minutes ago, Ellener said:

Decompress' with us here, and don't watch crappy news/info/entertainment shows about the pandemic. No point any of us obsessing about what we cannot change.

Yeah, I mostly just miss being able to spend time with and talk to my friends. Online interactions are fine, but I spend most of my free time on forums, and it's fine, but it's not the same as being able to spend time with people in person.

Thing is, I don't really "watch the news", I mostly absorb the news via discussion forums I frequent. And the problem is, everyone on my forums seems to be agreeing this is a "doomsday" event, and that we're all screwed one way or another. So that's all I seem to see now.

7 minutes ago, Ellener said:

Do you get to exercise?

Nah, but I've never really exercised to begin with.

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

the problem is, everyone on my forums seems to be agreeing this is a "doomsday" event, and that we're all screwed one way or another. So that's all I seem to see now.

well you can choose to do something else you know, find positive threads and people online. I don't see this as a 'doomsday event' though I am fully aware of the seriousness etc and I feel sad for all the people suffering illness/loss right now. But that is my empathy- it's not actually happening to me, because I am in a comfortable bed and well so far and managing my anxiety.

Best not to catastrophise and not to panic. 

1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

never really exercised to begin with.

Good time to start? Or some other positive holistic habits? To beat the loneliness and depression.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Kitty Tantrum

I'm annoyed because it used to be really easy to go out for a walk and avoid people.

Since they've all be told to "stay home" the streets are CRAWLING with them.

It was easier to social distance before social distancing measures were implemented.

Grocery stores are crowded with MORE people at a time because of limited hours and people keep having to go back and see if things have restocked. Nobody pays attention to distancing when they're in a state of insecurity about being able to replenish supplies. It's not like people were all rubbing up on each other in stores BEFORE, but they'll totally do it now if they have to reach over or around you to get something they desperately need because now they're "quarantined" and the supply chain is OBVIOUSLY DISRUPTED no matter what anyone says.

Or everyone is lined up to go inside so instead of being dispersed, EVERYONE - literally every. single. person. has to walk through the same physical area, breathe the same air, touch the same bottle of sanitizer/wipes, the same box of gloves, etc. Then everybody takes their gloves/mask/whatever off and throws them in their cart or on the floor or just wherever as they're leaving.

I mean, people are not congregating in AS MANY PLACES, but I tell you what - the stores, etc. where they're still "allowed" to go have CERTAINLY NOT been made any "safer."

But, congratulations, at least when you get the virus you'll know you got it while you were doing something "essential!"

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I agree about the grocery stores. I went last week and I couldn't wait to get out of there. I felt like it was feeding time at the trough or something.

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My life is almost the same. I go to work at my real job, get off do a hour or two of my gig job, go home and hang out with my husband. The only thing that’s changed is husband can’t go out anymore. So if anything I’m kind of enjoying all the extra time we are getting to spend together. 

I miss my friends, but most of them either don’t live here or have kids (and don’t have a male to watch the kid) so we were limited on going out anyway. 

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I'm going to the store less and less, but have found the best time to go is about 40 minutes before closing, to one store where they have everything cleaned and organised and kindly staff.

There's another store has fresh stuff right by the door I have been to but it's way busier there.

I don't look around, the only things I can say I really need regulary are fresh stuff- fruit, veg, bread. I'm diabetic so I can't eat all processed stuff or just do without.

I don't use a trolley just a bag I take with me then self-checkout. Anything I can I leave it in the car for a couple of days. Other stuff goes on a separate shelf in a bag, though I know I'm probably being over-cautious, until we know more about it all.

Sorry it's so bad in other places. 

1 hour ago, Kitty Tantrum said:

it used to be really easy to go out for a walk and avoid people.


I drive to a solitary park, if there's many people there I don't walk, but I like it because it's a big circle with grass either side and plenty of space to avoid others who are walking.

We don't have traditional 'streets' here, it's a car-bound city, not even much public transport; I used to complain about that but right now it's helping here.

A strange thing, my walking group is meeting tomorrow, the organiser posts there's no risk because they are outdoors...he's a nice guy some ways but real extreme opinions sometimes, like a few people here, I didn't know whether to respond with the CDC guidelines but surely he must have seen them by now? Needless to say I'm not going.

I'm even avoiding phone calls right now, people provoke my anxiety with their anxiety! 🥴 



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One of our beaches is beautiful wild and isolated went over last week praying for it's best winds stood up on a sand dune looking out to the ocean and that wind roared through our bodies like natures cleanser , blew the worlds worries away for just awhile.

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Kitty Tantrum
41 minutes ago, Ellener said:

We don't have traditional 'streets' here, it's a car-bound city, not even much public transport; I used to complain about that but right now it's helping here.

The actual "town" part of my town is pretty walkable, but on my street (outskirts where residential transitions into rural/farm land) over the couple years I've lived here, there's always been only a very small handful of people who walk. There are no sidewalks, lots of ditches, and it's a busy road where everyone drives too fast. The only people who used to walk it were people who lived here and didn't have cars, walking to the bus stop or nearby job or whatever. And literally TWO people who walked/jogged regularly for exercise. I used to sit on my porch for HOURS reading or writing and see nobody aside from that small handful of particular predictable people, and an occasional cyclist. Now I can't go outside during daylight hours without seeing several whole families trundling up and down the road. It's madness.

I've noticed on my social media that some folks who have ALWAYS lived their lives mostly indoors are now going out MORE than they used to... since they were told to stay home. It's like for some people a switch just flipped and they started thinking "I have to leave the house as often as I can now that I am quarantined."

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7 hours ago, preraph said:

He's digging himself a hole pulling stunts like that, Mrs. Rubble!  I can't talk though.  I get more done when I'm busy than when I'm idle.  My metabolism drops, I guess.  I've been meaning to go grab a couple of big bags from the garage for 2 weeks to throw some donation clothes into.  I'm in the garage every other day at least, too......no excuse.  

Well I got home from work and he’s obviously been to the gas station, because the lawns are mowed!! I noticed it as soon as I pulled into the driveway. He’s also cooking dinner for us now. 

I’m going to reward him later! Lol!! 

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I'm really enjoying it. My girls decided to split up and so one is with me at all times. And then we trade weekly. I'm really enjoying the one-on-one time with each. Aside from this severely hampering my ability to date this has been pretty great. Life just got small for a little bit and that's not necessarily a bad thing. 

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1 hour ago, Kitty Tantrum said:

I can't go outside during daylight hours without seeing several whole families trundling up and down the road.

Probably stuck home with kids?

I complained last week people are going to the store in groups, I mustn't have been the only one thought it as people are now being asked to leave their children at home and shop singly where possible, or order ahead which we can do here for free during the pandemic. Not official yet, just recommended via individual stores and more and more ads and websites. 

Gas is so cheap now I went for a drive earlier, there are police everywhere here. That's how it is when it floods too, they position themselves all over.

My solitary walks bring me great comfort so I empathise...




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  • 2 weeks later...

I live just about the same way as I did before the quarantine. My neighborhood has yards and sidewalks so while there are people out enjoying the beautiful weather it's not crowded outdoors even a bit. I walk almost every day and often chat with my neighbors when out, keeping a distance, of course.

Things I've been doing:

Planting flowers and cutting back flowering bushes that have stopped blooming around my home.

For awhile I was on zoom conferences every night with a group of high school friends I haven't much kept in touch with over the years. It was fun for awhile. But, I stopped for several reasons. One of them was I'm reading a commentary on the book of Revelation that's pretty fascinating and want to do that in the evenings instead of the zoom.

I talk on the phone with my friends, some of which are LD, so we discuss how the virus quarantine, sheltering in place, etc.,is affecting us the same and differently.

On the down side I don't get to go see my grandchildren now, though, so I'm really missing them.

As for my work, a lot of it I can do from home but that's always been the case for me. I do have some times I need to be around others but for the time being I'm fine.

All in all, I'm enjoying life immensely as always. 

Oh, almost forgot to mention that I got the virus.

On the plus side, I got to test my herbal mixture which knocked out the uncomfortable virus symptoms within three hours though I was very comfortably contagious for three days.  I plan to contact my Dr. in a couple of weeks to get tested for antibodies. 

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