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Guilty pleasure

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Hope everyone is doing alright with the quarantine time.  I think we are going to be confined until the end of May now.  But during this time, I confess I have found a certain guilty pleasure: interactive trashy books on my phone.  What's yours?

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Generally things I really shouldn't be. Weekends only. And a sad dose of reality will kick in tomorrow. I've got to go back to work. I can only lay low on the weekends. No more than that. 

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  • Watching ASMR videos until I tingle and my hands go weak. (i ♥️ you #asmrlatte don’t ever change)
  • Crushing Doritos flaming hot limon chips.
  • Listening to gay, overly emotional emo music until I cry like a lil bitch. 
  • Writing dirty stories with me as the star. 
  • Inhaling the finest ganja.
  • Drinking weak piss beer through a straw, on the balcony, while browsing Facebook and LS.
  • Taking butt selfies that I never send to him. 
  • Having a nap anytime I feel like it.
  • Procrastinating about every single thing. 
  • Trying to convince my chihuahua to appreciate rap. (she prefers the emo stuff) 
  • Sparring with strangers with attitudes and cute ways. 
  • Letting the phone ring off the hook and all texts go unanswered. (my favorite) 

I guess I’m supposed to feel guilty about these pleasures but I do other more constructive things as well so, I don’t. 😬

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I just made my first tank character in WoW. Every once in a while, I queue up for LFG dungeons and get instant queues (as tanks are wont to do), but I don't accept them. I never intended to go for the dungeon. I just like seeing instant queues pop...

I swear I would not be doing this if it weren't for the stupid quarantine, lol!

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TikTok... I’m definitely too old to be their target market but I love a dance as much as anyone..


me and my mate send videos back and forward to each other as a bit of a ‘challenge’ 😂

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On 4/6/2020 at 9:36 AM, Elswyth said:

I just made my first tank character in WoW. Every once in a while, I queue up for LFG dungeons and get instant queues (as tanks are wont to do), but I don't accept them. I never intended to go for the dungeon. I just like seeing instant queues pop...

I swear I would not be doing this if it weren't for the stupid quarantine, lol!

I have been thinking of making a tank toon too but on classic. I'm still working so no time for that. I see Diablo IV is coming out...there goes my life!

Edited by smackie9
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31 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

I have been thinking of making a tank toon too but on classic. I'm still working so no time for that. I see Diablo IV is coming out...there goes my life!

Nice! Classic is definitely a lot harder to play with a busy work schedule... dungeons take like 1.5hrs minimum usually, including getting everyone there, lol. I played a pally in Classic til lvl 50, but I was realizing more and more that there wasn't really anything much I could do in Classic if I only had 30 min to play at a time. So, err, I went back to retail. 😅

When is Diablo IV releasing?

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