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do you think he's still interested

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So I’ve know this guy for a while, we talked almost everyday in the morning at work. Well since we both work now from home. We talk almost every day.. and I’ve been on 3 dates with him, I was supposed to go on a 4th date but everyone has covid19 in my family, so we agreed to post pone to a later date. Well now we text every other day. Idk, if he’s interested in me still or what. I mostly have to text him on the second day. Just to find out how his day is and all that. I feel like if a guy truly liked you, wouldn’t he text you through out the day? Or even ask how a family member of  mine is doing that’s currently in the hospital?  Thanks 

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3 dates in and 4th one on hold. He is/was interested in you.

It's a mess out there, the numbers climbing on infection and death toll of CV19. Stock markets have taken a hammering and $ Billions lost. Countries have shut boarders and total economies down with only the bare necessities to keep life going. Some people in total lock down in homes that appear to be a death sentence. These are still the early days. There is much more pain for many more people. I believe the normal we all knew is now gone, CV19 will produce a new normal..... Social distancing will be part of the new normal (personal space) and more valued. Maybe test results for disease, STD's etc will be common on the dating sites after all this. 

The world is changing, and is still evolving as time passes. The longer we are in this the more it will impact us. 

I think he is likely sitting back watching it all happen to see where he ends up. Keep in contact but don't expect too much from him at this time. Patience is the key. 

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On 4/7/2020 at 8:04 PM, Sparklystars28 said:

 I feel like if a guy truly liked you, wouldn’t he text you through out the day? Or even ask how a family member of  mine is doing that’s currently in the hospital?  Thanks 

No somebody who truly liked you would not necessarily text you throughout the day.  Some people HATE texting. He may not have the bandwidth if everybody in his house is one line.  He may be busy.  He may be sick.    If he's reaching out at all, that is good.  The fact that he doesn't ask about your family member in the hospital is not so good but most people are bad / awkward (not evil) about stuff like that.  

Don't make any judgments during this unprecedented time.  See what happens after lock down when you can actually go on your 4th date.  

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Unless he is working on the frontlines as a healthcare worker, it's not a good sign that you hear from him so infrequently. I'd not initiate any more texts to him and see what happens. The only way to gauge his interest is to back off and observe. 

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Let's look at this thing rationally. You're quarantined he's quarantined. what on Earth are you going to chit-chat about via text? You need to just chill. Not everyone likes to sit and try to think of something inane just say over text just to keep somebody happy. I agree that if he's in contact at all he is interested. But of course this could mean that you are more high-maintenance than he would be willing to accommodate if you expect constant communication. 

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