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I have a really bad stomach issue happening right now, and I'm terrified of getting coronavirus

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I'm very worried, because I may have to go to a hospital, as I have a really bad stomach issue happening right now, and I'm terrified of getting coronavirus.

I'm sort of concerned I have appendicitis, as I'm having similar symptoms, though it's probably not. I have a bad pain on my right side, though I don't know that it's where the appendix is, and I keep throwing up. Been going on since last night, and the pain is tough to handle anymore.

I've had similar pains and issues from eating certain foods in the past, but usually once I throw up, I bounced back. But whatever I have now, and I can't seem to shake it. And if I go to the hospital, especially if it ends up being "nothing serious", there's a high chance I end up getting coronavirus.

I don't know what to do. 😕

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16 minutes ago, Inflikted said:

I'm very worried, because I may have to go to a hospital, as I have a really bad stomach issue happening right now, and I'm terrified of getting coronavirus.

I'm sort of concerned I have appendicitis, as I'm having similar symptoms, though it's probably not. I have a bad pain on my right side, though I don't know that it's where the appendix is, and I keep throwing up. Been going on since last night, and the pain is tough to handle anymore.

I've had similar pains and issues from eating certain foods in the past, but usually once I throw up, I bounced back. But whatever I have now, and I can't seem to shake it. And if I go to the hospital, especially if it ends up being "nothing serious", there's a high chance I end up getting coronavirus.

I don't know what to do. 😕

Inflickted, call your doctor right now!  Or call the emergency room and get an assessment over the phone for now.  If you need to go to the hospital, you have to go and hope that they can protect you well enough.  If it's appendicitis and it ruptures, it could be fatal also.  Call the doctor!!!!

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Hi Inflicted, right side pain certainly sounds like appendicitis, which can be life threatening.

There is not a "high chance"  that you will get coronavirus if you go to the hospital.

PLEASE call your local hospital for advice. You do not want to wait until you have an absolute emergency situation (which a bust appendix is).

Our hospitals - anyone with coronoa type symptoms are sent to separate triage centers. 

Call, make arrangements to get to urgent care. 

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Your risk of dying from untreated appendicitis is a helluva lot higher than your risk of dying from Covid, even IF a doofus with Covid ignores all medical advice and shows up in the hospital instead of the triage centres.

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Inflikted: You need to seek medical care immediately. You can die from a ruptured appendicitis. The hospitals are well organized and they don't put regular emergencies next to people with coronavirus symtoms. My daughter had to take her boyfriend to the hospital he was very sick vomiting and he saw a doctor in 20 minutes. The entire staff was dressed as astronautes. He had been sick for days and like you afraid of going to the hospital. 

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Sorry, I didn't realize they moved my stuff to a separate topic. I ended up going to the ER, and have been transferred to a different facility. I'm still very worried because plenty of staff I've came into contact with since here weren't in masks or anything. I even had to be in an elevator with 4 other unmasked staff. 😕

It's not appendicitis, for what it's worth, but it is a kidney stone that they're talking about doing surgery on this morning. I'm just sitting in my hospital bed thinking about possibly getting coronavirus and taking it home to my parents...

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I answered the other thread before I saw this one. 😕 

3 minutes ago, K.K. said:

@Inflikted Oh wow! Sorry to hear you’re ill, but I’m so glad you went to the hospital! Try to put the main matter at hand- your current illness- and forget about the rest. Hard to do but sometimes you just have to throw up your hands and let whatever will be, just be. Hang tight, be strong and get it done. Good luck! So much good luck to you! 🤞

🙂 !! 

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18 hours ago, Elswyth said:

Your risk of dying from untreated appendicitis is a helluva lot higher than your risk of dying from Covid, even IF a doofus with Covid ignores all medical advice and shows up in the hospital instead of the triage centres.

^^this. go to hospital

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

I ended up going to the ER, and have been transferred to a different facility. I'm still very worried because plenty of staff I've came into contact with since here weren't in masks or anything. I even had to be in an elevator with 4 other unmasked staff. 😕

It's not appendicitis, for what it's worth, but it is a kidney stone that they're talking about doing surgery on this morning. I'm just sitting in my hospital bed thinking about possibly getting coronavirus and taking it home to my parents...

That is serious.  Get well soon.  

The staff doesn't want to get sick & they don't want you to get sick.  Follow proper precautions.  

Hang in there.  Keep us updated.  

When you get discharged, they will give you instructions on how to protect your parents.  You will have to change your clothes before going in the house.  You will limit your contact in the house.  They will explain the steps you can take.  Watch or Google Chris Cuomo, NY Gov. Cuomo's brother the CNN reporter who has it but is still living with his family & doing his TV show from his basement.  

Do remember, Covid 19 is survivable, it's just miserable.  

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

It's not appendicitis, for what it's worth, but it is a kidney stone that they're talking about doing surgery on this morning. I'm just sitting in my hospital bed thinking about possibly getting coronavirus and taking it home to my parents...

Good luck with the surgery. Everything will be fine. When you go back home you probably will have to quarantine yourself in a part of the house your parents will avoid. It's just to be safe. Give us some news after the surgery. 

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Happy Lemming
2 hours ago, Inflikted said:

...but it is a kidney stone that they're talking about doing surgery on this morning.

Be strong brother!! 

My father (90 years old) had a kidney stone removed last year (surgery), he made a full recovery and so will you!!

All the best!!

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The thing about going back home is that we live in a very small house, and it'll be virtually impossible to quarantine myself from my parents.

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1 hour ago, Inflikted said:

The thing about going back home is that we live in a very small house, and it'll be virtually impossible to quarantine myself from my parents.

You will  stay in your room for 14 days.  When you go to the shared bathroom you will clean & sanitize your way out.  Your parents can leave food & drink for you outside the door.  If that is the best you can do in a small house, that is what you will do.  It will be unpleasant but you will be as safe as possible.  

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I forget, does it transfer via touching surfaces? Like, if they leave me food, won't me touching the plates and glass and stuff still potentially spread it, if I have it?

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Studies show the virus can live a certain amount of hours on surfaces but the staff will take measures to lower those risks. It's unlikely you will catch the virus that way, you would have to touch the virus then go rub your eyes or pick your nose. Wash your hands before and after eating. The best way to protect yourself is still to wash your hands and not touch your face. Remember, you have been put in a department with no covid-19 patients. The hospital has strict measures to respect. You'll be fine.

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Happy Lemming
On 4/9/2020 at 2:16 PM, Inflikted said:

 touching the plates and glass

You could use paper plates and Styrofoam cups... disposable items.


Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Wishing you well with the operation buddy,

dont stress about picking up the virus, that is still unlikely so just focus on one thing at a time,

get the operation over with.

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1 minute ago, Happy Lemming said:

That is one theory... I have a different one.

It's not my theory, it's what our scientists have told us in my country. This questions has been asked several times in press conferences to our health responsibles.

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Happy Lemming
2 minutes ago, Gaeta said:

It's not my theory, it's what our scientists have told us in my country.

And these scientists keep changing what they say, first it was don't wear a mask, now it is suggested.  Tomorrow it will be make sure you wear gloves and so on and so on.

The scientists and experts have been wrong and will continue to be wrong...  They are working on theories like everyone else. Here in the US, they told us to prepare for 240,000 deaths, now they lowered it to 60,000, they are guessing just like everyone else.

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No one is perfect but I will still beleive a scientist with a Doctorate in infectious desease before I beleive anyone else. 

Yes sometimes the scientists will add to the instructions they've given but In the US you also have your President that tells his 'personal theory' then the scientists have to correct what he said with real facts. So, yes I agree, for an Americans all that must feel like every day the authorities are saying something different. 

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1 hour ago, Happy Lemming said:

But can live on metal surfaces 2-3 days, duct work is made of metal.

But it would still become airborne when the system fans start up.  So if it then needs to travel more than 6 feet, it's still not likely to be an issue.  It also degrades as it sits.  Let's see how this all plays out in China now that they have come off of lock down and what additional information (if they are transparent enough) comes from there.  I don't think the duct concern is significant or else there would be much worse consequences than we're experiencing.  Lock down is working and there are millions of miles of duct work everywhere.  If there were more and more cases after lock down, then we might have to look into the duct work question.  For now, what we know for sure is that we need to stay 6 feet away from each other and we need to wipe surfaces down.  That is working. 

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I'm waiting to be discharged now, though I'm still very unsure how I'm going to be able to distance myself from my parents. Heck, right off the bat, my dad has to pick me up from the hospital, so I'll be in a very small space with him.

Do you think if I try to wear a mask and gloves around the house, that should limit my ability to spread it if I contracted it? That's really the only reasonable way I can imagine being able to pull off a home quarantine. :/

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You should sit on the back seat. If you have a medical mask yes wear it. Even a home-made mask will help. Once home you should limit yourself to 1 or 2 rooms and that's it. When you exit a room make sure to wipe every places you touched. 

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I'm finally home, and on one hand, I'm breathing a sigh of relief after the last few days have been so stressful.

On the other hand, I'm still paranoid that I'm going to infect and kill my family with coronavirus. I mean, I'm going to try to be as careful as I possibly can, but I can't guarantee I'll be perfect. I'm sure I'll slip up, and forget to sanitize something, or whatever. And unfortunately, neither of my parents all that concerned, and seem borderline resistant to "distancing" so far. They don't understand how dangerous I am to them right now, and if the worst happens, it'll have been all my fault.

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