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Am I in love? unbelievable situation


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I am in love with a man I have never met yet. I met him by accident over the phone because I work in the customer service department of credit card company and half my job is spent talking to people over the phone. There is a 35 year age difference.


About a month ago I delt with an older man who had an Israeli accent so I started talking to him in Hebrew to see if my intuition was right. We had a nice conversation and I told him I was learning Hebrew. He was a retired Hebrew teacher and psychiatrist.


Every now and then I would call up this man when I was bored at work to chat with him (he lives in another city, but all my calls are free).


Well last week I called him up and told him I loved his voice (it is really calm and relaxing) and then something happened which I can't explain, but we knew that we had feelings for each other. I gave him my home phone number and two days later he called me when I was out and left two nice messages.


For some strange reason I couldn't stop thinking about him the whole day and last Thursday night he finally got me at home and when we spoke it was as if he could read my thoughts as he told me exactly how he felt (I had been feeling the exact same way)


He told me that he had thought and thought about the huge age difference between us, but came to the conclusion it didn't matter because we were so much alike. We both have a passion for languages and learning and we "think" so much alike.


We spoke for about three hours that night, then the next day he called and we got to know each other even more. We both recognized that this was a bit scary and that we had to take precautions that if we met, it might not work out, ect. but even it it didn't we would be great friends for life.


Every day we have been speaking to each other. We even cried together once and last night we spoke such subtle, soft words of knowledge and love combined that I couldn't sleep.


He told me he had so much to give and he wanted to give it to me because he also wanted to learn things from me and he had never been with a woman like me before.


He divorced his ex-wife some 15 years ago because she had become too religiously obsessed for him and he wasn't such a religious Jew. He has too very religous children older than me as well.


This week we both mailed each other our photographs and a little letter and we plan to meet at the end of this month.


All my life I thought I could find love thru sex, got involved with the wrong type of men (married ones where I was the mistress) and now I think to myself that if such strong feelings of heart and sould are present, sex should not be so important.


Should I be concerned about the age difference? Can love really overcome age?

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The only concern you should have about the age difference is that when he is 100, you will be 65 and he will possibly want a younger woman.


Of more concern should be the fact that you have self-manufactured feelings based only on audible sounds of voice and content of long distance conversation. Love does not work that way. A connection of lasting significance can only be made in person, face to face, and over a period of time.


The mind can play tricks on you and manufacture love from almost any delusion to satisfy a void.


Spare yourself some serious heartbreak and hold off on the decision to be in love until you meet this guy in person, talk to him, interact with him on a personal level, and see if he's who you really want.


If you decide he's the one for you, after careful deliberation, forget the age difference. GO FOR IT!!!

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