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Never Trumper friend

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1 hour ago, mrs rubble said:

I don't understand how your politics even work over there!

nobody does honey 🤑

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37 minutes ago, mrs rubble said:

It's amazing the number of people who argue over Trump, and his politics. I happened to mention that I didn't think he was doing a great job with covid, and an American friend came back with a big rant about me hating Trump and turning it political, it was not political at all, I was genuinely concerned for the USA and public health. I don't understand how your politics even work over there! Also currently my Father in law and brother in law are not talking to each other over a difference of opinion's with the way Trump has handled things. It's just ridiculous.


It's like people get into this "us vs. them" mentality on both sides and they take it personally if you criticize or praise anything that Trump does. I don't want to put my personal views on here, but a lot of people don't seem to understand that Trump (or anyone) can do things that they'll agree with and things they disagree with. If you want to talk politics don't do personal attacks and discuss the pros and cons of the different policies and ideas. It does really bother me when people attack Trump for things he never said or did or base their attacks on other wrong information.

There was a WSJ article about a woman who wouldn't talk to a family member because she believed that Trump mocked a disabled reporter for his disability. This misunderstanding ripped the family apart. What happened is Trump used the same frazzled, shaking expression he used to mock everyone with a reporter that has a disability where he couldn't move. So Trump's actions were not directed at his disability at all. That's just how he represents that he thought the person was frazzled and you can see videos of him mocking Cruz, Rubio, and others. Yet the dishonest press put a headline "Trump mocks the disabled" and to this day liberals will say that they won't support him because he mocks the disabled.

Stossel does a good job explaining it if you look up "Media Myths About Trump" on youtube

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To answer your question OP,  my family is going through something similar with an aunt who sent us an email saying she's happy that the coronovirus is shutting down the world economy because it will hurt Trump and save the planet. Her parents were very conservative, but she's gone off the deep end and is as extreme as it gets. She said it's beautiful to see nature reclaiming the planet from humans.

The thing is she was a great aunt and always there for me when I was growing up and is still very close to my mom. So we don't argue with her and don't respond to her political emails and reply with positive, non-political things going on in our lives.

So maybe try ignoring those emails and talk about things you have in common instead

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Miss Spider
24 minutes ago, max3732 said:

It's like people get into this "us vs. them" mentality on both sides and they take it personally if you criticize or praise anything that Trump does. I don't want to put my personal views on here, but a lot of people don't seem to understand that Trump (or anyone) can do things that they'll agree with and things they disagree with. If you want to talk politics don't do personal attacks and discuss the pros and cons of the different policies and ideas. It does really bother me when people attack Trump for things he never said or did or base their attacks on other wrong information.

There was a WSJ article about a woman who wouldn't talk to a family member because she believed that Trump mocked a disabled reporter for his disability. This misunderstanding ripped the family apart. What happened is Trump used the same frazzled, shaking expression he used to mock everyone with a reporter that has a disability where he couldn't move. So Trump's actions were not directed at his disability at all. That's just how he represents that he thought the person was frazzled and you can see videos of him mocking Cruz, Rubio, and others. Yet the dishonest press put a headline "Trump mocks the disabled" and to this day liberals will say that they won't support him because he mocks the disabled.

Stossel does a good job explaining it if you look up "Media Myths About Trump" on youtube

It should be about the individual policies and ideas, yes, exactly .But it doesn't matter to them at all because they don't like him as a person. They believe he is did mock that disabled person, and that he is a racist, and a sexist. The things he says and "grabthembythepussgate" etc  do nothing to dispel this belief that he is just a terrible person. So to them if you support him you are supporting someone who espouses all these horrible beliefs, so what does that make you?

Edited by Cookiesandough
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Politics is a big take sides nothing but a football game to I am going to say the vast majority of people here.  It's very frustrating.  They pick a team and get drunk and ugly about it.  


Why I switched "teams" is all about policy.  I go by my biggest couple of issues that are important.  Crime has always been important to me, so I started drifting in 2016 after Hillary's primary speech.  Then immigration, which directly ties to crime, came into it in a big way and I had to go with national security and switch teams entirely.  And of course, it doesn't help that Dems went all socialist and had the four headless chickens in the House who are so nasty and ill informed and just doing propaganda.  

Our generation was taught about the dangers of propaganda.  I don't think most of the young people are anymore.  They seem to thrive on it.  I don't think they're being taught about it.  And of course, it's everywhere now with the internet. It's really hard to even find a fact checker who isn't partisan nowadays.  Both sides do it, but I have to say left is worse than the right about that.  It's all pervasive and it's the core of their movement. 




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I don't like the guy myself and you couldn't pay me to vote for him but many of the people who do hate him actually push more people to his side with their attitude. They have no clue how to actually win people over to their side.

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Yeah, I'm not enamored of him.  But really, it's rare I agree with or like any one politician.  There are many things I disagree with him and the right on.  He has actually shown some signs that he personally might agree with me on a couple of things but for needing to take care of the special interests on the right.  He's the only hope right now for the main things I do care about and worry about, crime and national security.  The other side is letting people out instead of putting them in (and he did too, some -- I hope no violent ones though).  And btw, one of the murderers released just this past week murdered the next day, I saw on my Twitter feed today.

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We are wired to believe in something. Many people fill that space with religion but others use politics and causes. The similarities between a religious zealot and a political zealot are apparent. Facts bounce off them. They must remain pure and dedicated. Their minds are shut.

Borrow a relationship technique from married people. When your spouse is talking about their day or some topic you could care less about you just give them a sporadic "Yes dear" or "You don't say dear" while reading a book or watching tv. Keeps the peace and that's really all you can hope for with your friend.

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23 minutes ago, preraph said:

Yeah, I'm not enamored of him.  But really, it's rare I agree with or like any one politician.  There are many things I disagree with him and the right on.  He has actually shown some signs that he personally might agree with me on a couple of things but for needing to take care of the special interests on the right.  He's the only hope right now for the main things I do care about and worry about, crime and national security.  The other side is letting people out instead of putting them in (and he did too, some -- I hope no violent ones though).  And btw, one of the murderers released just this past week murdered the next day, I saw on my Twitter feed today.

My feeling is that it's going to be impossible to find someone you agree with 100%. You may not agree 100% with your own positions from several years ago and you may change your mind in the future. There is legitimate criticism about any person. If someone is such a zealot they can't accept good or bad qualities about someone or their policies it's very difficult to have a rational discussion.

There was a commentator who said something like "stop making me defend Trump with all your false accusations when I want to be attacking him for the things he actually did say or do".



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It's hard to avoid political talk these days . . . there is no other "news" just politicians holding press conferences,  & members of the press interviewing each other & doctors about what the politicians said.  Everybody on social media has an opinion or they want you take quizzes & look at pictures of their pets. 

When I'm dealing with people I love & respect who spout political rantings that make my blood boil, I take deep breaths & remind myself that I love & respect them.  With others I'm a bit more short tempered & snarkier especially when they say insane stuff like snake oil cures Covid-19.  

When she says stuff you disagree with just click next.  

Let's have a PM chat about why we can't let Trump get reelected.  I'm not saying the alternatives are great choices, but 4 more years of him scares me.  He threatened to shut down Congress today for heaven's sake.  

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The alternatives scare me a lot more than Trump does for the stuff that I have concerns about. I'll have to watch and see what he said about Congress. He says something every once in a while that is crazy.  I try to pay more attention to his actions than his words and we were going along pretty good until the pandemic. There keeps being rumors of a third-party somehow entering the election but I thought all the deadlines for that were long over. 


I think I'm going to go ahead and have this thread closed down since we have so many political threads over where they're supposed to be. but if I have further activities with my friend I might have them reopen or just post about it somewhere else. 

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