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Would I able to stay friend..?

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Hi there,

I am really confused now. I share a flat with a male friend,who used to be my colleague (I moved to another office).


From the beginning, I always tried to avoid being too close to him, or go further than friendship. I saw there were things different between us, and it means we are better just friends: languages, backgrounds, experience, and most of all, we both know we just stay in the country (where I am working now for a certain time, one or two years).


But somehow we have been spending time together a lot and seems quite happy with each other's company. Perhaps, also because we are both lonely and dont have many friends here. He told me of his ex-friend when he was in another country (not too far here).


one everning, about two months ago, after some drinks and talks, we were a bit drunk, he kissed me and we cuddled a little. I was trying not too misinteprete with something else, and the next day, I told him it should not happen again and he compeletly agreed, we never mentioned that again. But it happened again, he started (seem innociently) but I had been happy to go further, however, we always stop before anything happened because he said he didnt want a b/f-g/f relationship, just want an intimate friendship. I was not very upset about that as I wasnt sure my feeling for him. but..


The thing we still sometimes watched the film together and sometimes ended up leaning on each other, that made me still feel an intimacy with him. But 2 weeks ago, his ex-gf came to visit him for a week, she stayed in his room and they both travelled to some other cities together. I really had difficult time during that week, difficult to believe they are just right there, what the hell had he said, all the story "ex-" and "just friends" and now .. However, I managed to behave nicely enough and after that I tried to talk to him normally , but stop have any close contacts with him. ..


Now we are back normal, keep refriendship just as it should be. Though we met and talked everyday, we never stay with each other long in the same room. Once in the conversation, I asked about his gf, he said she is no l onger g-f, just friend, that made me really not understand either him or that girl, as I am sure they had sex again.


What should I do? Although I believe I would keep this friendship with him at the normal level, however, thinking of him really distracts me from other things, I dont see anyone else out recently...


Thanks for reading my thread,



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