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do women argue just to test men?

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A  lot of women seem to argue for no reason. Then they seem to like it when a man argues back. But guys who say nothing lose out. Is this normal?

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l'll get shot down for this , so what's new. But even my woman admit's she likes a bit of an argue ,  women love convo and some stimulation and with some , sometimes a bit of arguing too haha.

PS , but of course there's the other kind of arguing too where you just don't get a long and into disagreements and arguments about anything , now that one, that's a different thing altogether and just plain incompatibility .

Edited by chillii
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It's like men working out with the heavy bag, keeps the skills honed. Bonus is destroying someone in an argument or emotionally is perfectly legal, at least if one is female. Men are big, muscular and threatening. We do most of the killing on the planet. Any argument could result in death. Do women enjoy tempting death? IDK. Many sure seem to like to argue and berate. ExW didn't argue much but she had massive berating skills. Expert level. I watched her destroy men, figures since she had three brothers. Survival.

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No one should stay with anyone who berates them. I think arguing is a different matter and there are certainly people who will stay right in a relationship where there's a lot of arguing but I am not one of them. So I would say if it really bothers you don't do it. I mean you do have to communicate with whoever you're with though and sometimes that's going to mean talking something out that you're not agreeing on but it shouldn't get ugly and there shouldn't be berating and calling each other stupid and that sort of thing.

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Rational women know how to state their issues without causing a bunch of drama. I have managed to be isolated inside with a woman for about month while barely leaving the house and we have only had couple minor disagreements that get solved in about five minutes. If I can do it then other people can.

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2 hours ago, Letschill said:

A  lot of women seem to argue for no reason. Then they seem to like it when a man argues back. But guys who say nothing lose out. Is this normal?

A lot of women are too passive to their detriment. So, you must be referring to your own selective experiences. 

Some women may seem that way based on their own experiences. They test to see how you will respond. Do you lose control? Do you sit back and take it...passive aggressive. Many women (and men) have grown up in abusive families where they have seen (most men) verbally abuse their partners and the partners stay or commonly do no leave. Some people believe that if someone fights or yells back that signifies caring or love. Age old, human conditions. 

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I don’t think women argue for no reason. There’s always a reason. Emotions and women just go hand in hand. Sometimes their mood is just off. Sometimes he just sits there with radio static in his head and it’s boring and you’re trying to kick some life into him. Sometimes he just breathes wrong and it’s annoying. 😛 Sometimes you just want to know that he cares enough to argue back? It’s not the arguing that you’re wanting. It’s the emotions. Any emotions. Nobody wants a doormat. But nobody wants a man that doesn’t make you feel safe and loved and protected either. We need safety. Someone that’s willing to let you be all that. A woman! With all of her emotions! And no I’m not talking about giving her a free pass to berate you just for the hell of it. I’m talking about standing up for yourself when needed without being a complete dick about it. 

And hey... if you’re from an abusive household or have been in an abusive relationship, sometimes you just need to know that he’s not going to beat on you. So in that way, yes. Maybe it’s a test. At the beginning at least. You push him a little to see if he angers easily. To see if he gets that certain look in his eyes that makes your blood run cold. So you can run like hell if he does. 

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5 hours ago, Letschill said:

A  lot of women seem to argue for no reason. Then they seem to like it when a man argues back. But guys who say nothing lose out. Is this normal?

So if a woman argues with this statement, is that a reason or not a reason to argue?  


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Emilie Jolie

Can you please illustrate your point with a concrete example, letschill? I need clarification on the following before giving you a tailored answer:

- How many is 'a lot of women'? A rough number out of 3.5 billion will do.

- What does 'for no reason' mean? Are you saying a woman will walk up to you in a restaurant for example, and argue with you just because you're there (and a man)?

- You say men who don't argue back 'lose out' - they lose out on time? Money? Sex? Respect? What do they lose out on?

- Does your statement apply to gay women too, or is it just a thing heterosexual women do?

- How old are you? It'll help to know, for context.

Looking forward to your reply! (see, I'm taking this one seriously...)

Edited by Emilie Jolie
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7 hours ago, Letschill said:

A  lot of women seem to argue for no reason. Then they seem to like it when a man argues back. But guys who say nothing lose out. Is this normal?

This statement or post is quite vague.

Most women I know, don't want to argue but like to communicate.

Do they argue to make them argue  in response? Hmmmm, very debatable. A woman probably wants to do this to check the intellect of that man, or maybe to test his patience.

Because some men are quick in losing their temper during arguments. (My own personal opinion)


Idk why you would say, that a man loses out on something if he doesn't argue back, lol 
What is he losing though?  


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I'm a woman and hate arguing.  In general, I would agree that women tend to argue more than men do, but I also feel that men like to ignore things, or pretend like nothing is wrong more than women do.  I attribute this to laziness which is not healthy either.

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8 hours ago, Letschill said:

A  lot of women seem to argue for no reason. Then they seem to like it when a man argues back. But guys who say nothing lose out. Is this normal?


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Fletch Lives


Oh yes, some women will say they don't feel loved if a man does not want to argue with them.

These type of women fall into the crazy category. Stay away from crazy women (and crazy men). They will suck the life right out of you.

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54 minutes ago, Fletch Lives said:


Oh yes, some women will say they don't feel loved if a man does not want to argue with them.

These type of women fall into the crazy category. Stay away from crazy women (and crazy men). They will suck the life right out of you.

Yeppa , and there's those too ain't that the truth, aren't we lucky with so many choices of arguing.

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You can ferret out many key personality characteristics of a potential SO when they are under duress. 

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41 minutes ago, chillii said:

And a lot of guys just can't be fkd or even givafk about whatever it was too,.

There's a difference between truly not giving a fk about whatever it was, in which case, someone would go along with whatever keeps the peace, But deliberately ignoring what is going on, even though things are not good and uncomfortable,  because you don't want to do the hard work to address it is something else.  The latter is what I was referring to in my previous post.

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16 minutes ago, schlumpy said:

You can ferret out many key personality characteristics of a potential SO when they are under duress. 

Yes.  It's amazing the change you see in personalities once under duress.  I'd argue that it's absolutely necessary to see someone in this condition and how they act before you marry or move in with them.

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Society: When a man states an opinion or preference, he's having a discussion. When a woman states an opinion or preference, she's being argumentative.

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1 minute ago, GeorgiaPeach1 said:

Society: When a man states an opinion or preference, he's having a discussion. When a woman states an opinion or preference, she's being argumentative.

Ooooh there's that too! 

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Yes but it's not just women; there are men that do it as well. I have met men and women that, for whatever reason, either need validation/security from "winning
an argument or just simply don't know how to communicate in any other way. And, there are personality types that just thrive on conflict, for a variety of reasons. They love being in a drama filled environment and will stir things up.

In any case, it's not difficult to pick them out and it's best just to stay away from them. I work with a guy like this; he turns virtually everything into an argument in an attempt to validate his rather inflated ego. I picked up on this after spending two hours with him and have done everything I can do avoid working with him in any capacity. I have stayed away from school extra-curricular activities he's involved with as being around him is draining. Even if you're not the one he's picking a fight with.



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Fletch Lives

Furthermore, the best relationships have less than a handful of arguments per year. They are easy to get along with, understand that relationships are give-and-take, and pick their battles. They calmly and rationally discuss things because they are nice, sane people.

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Ruby Slippers

I only get worked up if he's being rude, unfair, hurtful in some way, because I know I can't endure that stuff so it puts me on alert.

I tend to be pretty calm and level-headed in disagreements.

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