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Visiting Family/Friends

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I know several friends and family members who are now meeting up at each other’s houses for dinner, game night, group fitness, etc. I’m not partaking in the get-togethers, but I was wondering if this is the norm now. Do you consider quarantine/stay-at-home truly stay-at-home with only the people you love with, or do you have a group of friends/family that you visit?

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I've turned down invitations from friends to get together.  We talk on the phone and text, but I'm not actually getting together with them.  

One of my friends gets together with her son and his partner once a week, and her son is a nurse at a busy hospital.  Then she and her boyfriend have have brief visits with her boyfriend's daughter and husband and child.  No telling how many others they are also "getting together" with.  So I think it's all too risky right now.      

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57 minutes ago, Belle23 said:

I know several friends and family members who are now meeting up at each other’s houses for dinner, game night, group fitness, etc. I’m not partaking in the get-togethers, but I was wondering if this is the norm now. Do you consider quarantine/stay-at-home truly stay-at-home with only the people you love with, or do you have a group of friends/family that you visit?

I dont see the point of quarantine, if people are going to eachother's houses for whatever reason. 
I stay at home completely, only went out once in 15 days for some essentials. 

My friends asked me to arrange a get-together and I refused them right there and then. Its not just me concerned about my own health, its theirs too and I wouldnt want them to be endangered by any virus contact during travel. 

Just stay at home, enjoy my hobbies and try new things or old things that I had forgotten

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No.  My sister wanted me to come by and pick something up and I just said, No, I'm tired of sanitizing things.  


People who can't isolate are who is spreading this thing, obviously.  So don't just go along with something like that.  

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40 minutes ago, preraph said:

No.  My sister wanted me to come by and pick something up and I just said, No, I'm tired of sanitizing things.  


People who can't isolate are who is spreading this thing, obviously.  So don't just go along with something like that.  

I know. I’m not going along. I was just curious what everyone was doing. :)

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There's an older woman where I live so I have to consider her. Or I probably would go and do essential work now and see some of my responsible friends.

There's been way fewer cases here, it depends where people are I guess.

I think the not touching, safe distancing, washing hands and staying home is working so the illness does seem to be spread by close contact; if people have an ordinary  get together they risk the whole group getting sick if one does.

At some point people are going to have to let themselves be guinea pigs and risk more contact to get back to work and stuff. Just not yet. Our lockdown starts to ease end of this month.

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Being high risk, I am going to try to hold off until I see what the loosening restrictions starting in the next couple of weeks do to the disease curve before I go out, but it will be hard.  Once they open the restaurants, I desperately want to do visit my favorite ones.  I just hope they're all still in business.  But I really need to wait.  And you can't eat with a mask on!

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I started looking for a home of my own online @preraph and putting stuff in my storge, just doing what I can for now. Trying to enjoy the rest and the time with my dog, but missing work and my son and definitely my friends.

I'm not much as a foodie these days ( as you can probably tell from the diet/eating thread! ) and my favourite comfort restaurant closed ages ago. But I definitely miss socialising, which surprises me as I am pretty solitary anyway!

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You seem very social, Ellener!  I'm social but also solitary.  I can only take so much social, but I really enjoy it in short bursts!  Hope you find a good living situation.  You will get back to work soon, I bet.  And your son will be here.  

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1 hour ago, preraph said:

You seem very social, Ellener!  I'm social but also solitary.  I can only take so much social, but I really enjoy it in short bursts!  Hope you find a good living situation.  You will get back to work soon, I bet.  And your son will be here.  

I'm a good actress! But very introverted on the quiet 😁 My son isn't sure what he's doing, he finishes his degree next week and he's working on his first contract job, but everything's up in the air. So I'll factor him in my plans for a bit. I'm missing him too! but we speak and text.

My walking group is planning to meet May 3, I will see how things are on the day.


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1 hour ago, preraph said:

Being high risk, I am going to try to hold off until I see what the loosening restrictions starting in the next couple of weeks do to the disease curve before I go out, but it will be hard.  Once they open the restaurants, I desperately want to do visit my favorite ones.  I just hope they're all still in business.  But I really need to wait.  And you can't eat with a mask on!

Same.  The owners of two of my favourite eating places are friends, so I see their posts on Facebook and I know how much they're struggling as a result of this.  If they did home deliveries, I'd order as a way of continuing to support them.

Edited by Libby1
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We get fined if we're caught out visiting here! I haven't seen my eldest son since March 2nd when he left for his honeymoon. I certainly miss my family, but we're on the phone to each other often. I have a group of friends I usually hang out with in the weekends at a bar we all frequent, Saturday night we had happy hour via facebook messenger, so funny!!!

I'm at work still though, and am lucky to be able to chat with my  work mates.

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Kitty Tantrum

My local, immediate family is isolating from "society," but not from each other. We went out and visited with my dad/stepmom/older brother the other day.

I NEVER go visit anyone if I'm sick or they're sick - but avoiding my FAMILY when everyone is healthy? That's a line in the sand for me, and we all seem to feel the same way.

If they wanna keep all the pot shops and liquor stores open under the rationale that all taxable vices are "essential" but then tell me I'm not allowed to hug my brother...  lol no.

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lt's pretty open where l am so really there's no reason you couldn't just get in the car drive over to someones place get out there , your not spreading anything as long as they've been doing the right stuff too. Say my brothers place for example or something , we usually just sit around outside anyway and usually a bit apart it's just how the chairs are, talk, have a beer, He's place is l hectare anyway so there's plenty of room , mines got heaps of room and space too . The few people l normally see are all situations like that so  it wouldn't even matter , cept one guy 4 kids wife and friends comin and goin from everywhere, wouldn't go near his place right now. Funny though , l haven't heard from anyone in 5wks , sent out a few texts, it's like people think they better not even call.

Sold my canoe though over the weekend but the guy was comin up to get it and got spot checked , they told him to turn around and go home .

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13 hours ago, Belle23 said:

I was wondering if this is the norm now. 

Not at all. Statistics and more importantly mortality rates across the globe would say otherwise.

People all of a sudden become oblivious when they notice a slight decrease in daily cases/deaths and instantly assume that a populated area is the smartest place to be.

Anyone can exhibit symptoms, thus resulting in more people at risk of catching the actual virus from someone they wouldn't even expect to get it by (e.g a close a friend, family member)

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I've been following isolation strictly. I am not working, and at home, alone.

My only family, one daughter, is a 2 hour drive away but I haven't travelled. (we talk most days.)

I've been dating online with one particular lady for two weeks, she is only 20 minutes away, and we haven't met. We considered an outdoor walk date but haven't yet. TBH the communication is now dying out now, as we can't escalate the relationship.

My friends live further away but we text sometimes. Local friends/ colleagues I am not close to and don't miss them anyway. 

In normal times, I would be very active going to music venues, cafes and pubs, so missing that massively.



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OP, this is exactly why we will get a second wave - people slacking down before authorities says it's ok. Isolation means isolation, period. 

I have a big close-knitted family, we all live in a radius of 10km. We all observe the quarantine to a  T. No meeting at all. We have weekly video conferences that's it. 

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Killing me a little bit!! I’ve never been by myself this much since.....well never! Plus I’ve never really been someone that really likes being in just his own company! But I’m isolating so strictly!!

My DD’s mum is so high risk, so if I want to keep seeing DD once a week (which is part of what is allowed in the U.K.) I have to follow all the rules!

1hr walk once a day, supermarket once a week, and I wave to my neighbours from very far away - that’s literally it!

But hey ho, if I can go without visiting friends then anyone can!! Gotta do you bit, it’s the only way this works!

We’re not being sent to the front line for months, we’re being told to stay home 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Also, talking to mates and that, I don’t know anyone that is still going to house parties etc, so I don’t think it’s the norm!

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On 4/19/2020 at 4:52 PM, chillii said:

l haven't heard from anyone in 5wks , sent out a few texts, it's like people think they better not even call.

I'm not much in the mood for talking to people to be honest, every time I do I find it pretty unhelpful as I'm in a difficult situation and people give advice or rant!



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Kitty Tantrum
On 4/20/2020 at 8:35 AM, Gaeta said:

OP, this is exactly why we will get a second wave - people slacking down before authorities says it's ok. Isolation means isolation, period. 

I have a big close-knitted family, we all live in a radius of 10km. We all observe the quarantine to a  T. No meeting at all. We have weekly video conferences that's it. 

Fauci says it's still cool to hook up with strangers from Tinder, soooo... all that stuff about isolation is a joke anyway.

People who are high-risk should definitely not count on social distancing and isolation measures to be effective AT ALL.

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Nope. I have to go out to work, so I try to stay home when I can. I have only been out to the grocery store and I hate going there. I am so grateful when my boyfriend offers to go. We have been buying for my friend’s mom, our neighbour, and my dad. We don’t go often. 

I have gone to my brothers to go for a walk with his family and my dad. I’m really worried about my dad’s mental health. He is a very active man, he loves to travel and golf. But, he is over 70 and high risk because of his age, he has asthma, and he has heart disease. If he was to get the virus, It would probably kill him. But, he is very isolated and very lonely - with no end in the foreseeable future. So, we have balanced the risk and the need to have some social contact. I will say, we live in an area where there has been relatively little disease activity. And, it has definitely plateaued - many days now with few or no new cases. So, we walk staying 6 feet apart and it is the best part of the week for him. 

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I miss my dad @BaileyB Glad you get this quality time.

I'm going to start socialising first with a couple of people I know will be responsible also keep their distance, I think we'll all be a bit wary the first few weeks after lockdown eases.


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The saddest thing for me, my little niece came running to me the first time we walked and attached herself to my legs. It was so hard not to hug her back. I should have pushed her away but I just couldn’t do that, she is three and she doesn’t understand,

The last time I saw her, I took a step too close to her accidentally and she actually pulled away, that broke my heart even more...

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On 4/22/2020 at 11:05 PM, Ellener said:

I'm not much in the mood for talking to people to be honest, every time I do I find it pretty unhelpful as I'm in a difficult situation and people give advice or rant!



Know what you mean l lay low during hard times too , don't feel like people or any bs that might come with them . Good luck with things anyway hope it comes together.

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