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Visiting Family/Friends

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I’ve got a really annoying friend who turns up randomly and makes a general nuisance of himself, anyway he randomly turned up on my doorstep and wanted to visit last night. I opened the door a crack and told him that he couldn’t come in as I’m in contact with the virus at work everyday. He still wanted to come in so I just said no go home!

Then he asked if I had any alcohol I could sell him, I told him no and he reluctantly left. Phew!! 

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I'm sure he isn't the only one struggling to cope alone and without booze @mrs rubble

It's the thing I am proudest of through all this- I've kept a clear and sober head 😇 The last thing I need is another episode of anxiety...

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This has definitely been one of the rougher parts of this, for me. After spending my entire life with no friends and no social life, I finally befriended a couple over the last couple years, and up until the pandemic hit, I was hanging out with them like once a week. Now, I haven't seen them in over a month, and I don't know when I'll see them again. Probably weeks, could be months. Heck, could be not until next year, for all I know. It sucks, and it's killing me to not get to spend time with them anymore, but at the same time, I get it, we all need to be safe and do what we can to keep each other healthy.

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