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What type of regime is most effective?

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There's a lot of chatter that the COVID-19 crisis will be touted as a kind of litmus test as to what type of regime is actually most effective when push comes to shove.

How well are Western democracies such as the US and AUS doing, or communist regimes such as China and Russia? What about the semi-authoritarians such as Singapore?

What are the pros and cons as you see them?

Let's get geopolitical Loveshackers! Keen to read your opinions.

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They're completely different countries situations and populations and on opposite sides of the world and did things quite differently , what about the UK and many other places too also doing similar but at the same time differently , Germany too and much of Europe .  But as far as what worked best l guess the world will only know for sure in about 12mths time , even Sweden's looking puzzling but who knows what the outcome will be , again a totally different country and population , situation.  l sort of can't wait to see in ways yaknow , feels like a pretty morbid curiosity butttt, l suppose a few billion other people can't wait either right.

Edited by chillii
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