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Ruby Slippers

I haven't had much problem coping. While I'm sorry for all those who are suffering, so far things have been relatively easy on me. Working from home, recently transitioned to a new job that pays a lot more, getting along very well for the most part with my boyfriend in quarantine, enjoying the slower pace and spending time in my house.

The routine does get a little monotonous at times, but we do a pretty good job of taking silly, fun breaks. Every day the weather allows, we go for a walk/run after work. It helps to change the scenery and get some fresh air and exercise.

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2 hours ago, preraph said:

several of them would follow you and just take whatever you brought.   I never understood why rooms weren't keyed so people couldn't wander in randomly like that.  It's not safe.  Rapes even happen. 

it's not like that any of the places I work at. There are even random cameras in some rooms ( with permission of resident/family ) 

I've been doing this for many years and there's never been anyone attacked.

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1 hour ago, Ruby Slippers said:

While I'm sorry for all those who are suffering, so far things have been relatively easy on me.

I know, same here, I almost feel guilty ( that's not even the right word ) that Texas has it so easy...though of course that means less suffering/bereavement/deaths overall. 

The hardest thing for me has been coping without my own home, and with my friend's drinking. She's calm right now, so it feels like a good time to move out and take care of myself for a bit. I just want to get back to work to be honest though!

Edited by Ellener
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1 hour ago, preraph said:

I also picked up bacon, which I've not bought in months, and had a bacon and lettuce sandwich for breakfast and saved a cooked piece for later on a club sandwich.  

 Was good to get out of the house.

I love bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and I also think it was good to get out of the house. 

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5 minutes ago, Ellener said:

it's not like that any of the places I work at. There are even random cameras in some rooms ( with permission of resident/family ) 

I've been doing this for many years and there's never been anyone attacked.

I'm just curious because I've not seen a good one.  Is it part of a chain or an independent one?  And how do you know if you're getting into a good one or a bad one?  

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I am so tired of sanitizing things.  Every little thing.  The load I got from Braum's was easier than most.  Everything was pretty much vaccuum sealed or a container I could just wash with soap and water.  Anything in cardboard is what's risky, or plastic.  Cardboard is too porous to really sanitize it.  Plus it ruins the carton.  I should be getting some boxed au gratin potatoes tomorrow and I'll be wanting to throw out the carton but it has the instructions on it....


You can put some things like cookies into new containers, but really, nothing is as compact in the crowded fridge as the original container.

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18 hours ago, gaius said:

at this point it's fairly clear the lockdown is a bit of a joke

That statement is spectacularly uninsightful and myopic.  But if that helps you cope, great.

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The first week of being laid off from work, it just kinda felt like a "vacation" for me. And generally speaking, I've managed to keep myself entertained with video games, and catching up on shows and stuff I've been meaning to watch. At the same time, I'm about five weeks in, and it's really kinda worn me down, mentally.

I'm worried about my dad, because he still has to work, and has potential to catch it. Given my parents' age, I'm not so sure either one would survive it if they end up getting it. To be honest, I worry I may not survive if I got it, as I had mild asthma when I was a kid. I've read stuff about "young healthy" people who got it and ended up dying in their sleep because they just stopped breathing, and that freaks me out.

I had to go to the ER and get surgery a couple weeks ago, and as if that experience wasn't stressful on its own, I was convinced I'd end up picking up coronavirus from that trip. Thankfully, tomorrow will have been two weeks since I got home, and I've not developed symptoms, so in theory, I should be in the clear from that.

I'm very much missing my friends. It's been over a month since I've last seen them, and I expect it will be several more weeks before I see them again. Heck, who knows, could be months, could be till next year. Honestly, I'm worried our friendship will die altogether, because it's tough to keep it going just by texting and sharing memes on Facebook. I really miss them, and I'm kinda scared I'm going to lose them.

Between being laid off, and the bills from my recent hospital visit, I'm upset because my plan for moving out has now been bumped back to who knows when. At this point, I'm beginning to think I'm never going to end up moving out of my parents house.

Honestly, this whole thing has made me feel even worse about my perpetual single status, too. Life now is just lonely as heck. I envy my friends, because they're a co-habitating couple, so at least they have each other to make it not feel so lonely. Aside from occasionally getting to text with them and stuff, I basically have no one to really talk to or spend time with. I try to keep myself entertained with my video games and my shows, and stuff, but it's just so depressingly lonely. What sucks is, because of all of this, I can very safely say that I'm going to remain single and alone for several more years. At least when I said that before, it was more a fear. But now, that's reality.

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4 hours ago, Inflikted said:

Given my parents' age, I'm not so sure either one would survive it if they end up getting it. T

There was a 101 year old man who recovered in England, as he left the hospital all the staff lined the corridor in their masks and cheered him!

4 hours ago, Inflikted said:

have no one to really talk to or spend time with.

Talk to us! What would your dream apartment look like?

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A fairly recently, ex girlfriend of mine has been rushed into hospital this morning with bad breathing trouble ....not sure if it’s COVID related or not at the moment, but either way, I’m worried!

What’s makes it even harder is that I’d normally be straight down the hospital, but obviously no visitors allowed so ...just stuck at home, waiting for some news, and feeing pretty useless 😓

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Hope your friend is ok @Ollie180 Anyone with breathing problems it's being taken super-serious right now just in case ((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))

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@Ellener thank you!

Yeah - which is a good thing I guess! They’ve done a covid test but apparently she’s just waiting to go down for an X-ray because they seem to think it might be something else... so, just have to wait and see I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️

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9 hours ago, Ellener said:

There was a 101 year old man who recovered in England, as he left the hospital all the staff lined the corridor in their masks and cheered him!

I guess, though my parents are both overweight and both have family histories of medical issues, so it's difficult to be optimistic about their chances, if they get it.

9 hours ago, Ellener said:

Talk to us!

Yeah, I've been continuing to try to rely on the internet for "socialization", it's just not the same as being physically near someone, you know? You don't get to see someone's reaction, their body language, their facial expressions, the nuances in what they say, you don't get to hear their voice, their laugh, etc.

9 hours ago, Ellener said:

What would your dream apartment look like?

Honestly, I'm still holding out hope for the idea of owning a small house. I really don't want to live in an apartment. Especially knowing that we'll probably be having to stay vigilant about COVID-19 until there's a vaccine, so I'm extra against any kind of living scenario where I have to share any space (hallways, etc.) with random people.

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The virtual draft was interesting to say the least.  A few surprises as always but interesting nonetheless.  Let's see what Round 2 Brings.

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@Inflikted well they don't have it. You can practice online being a positive, cheerful person without the social cues then when you can get out again I bet you'll make lots of friends in real life. The internet is a good connection and excellent practice for the real thing, I've made lots of correspondent friends over the years, some I've met, some I've written to for years. 

Do you have a church? My UU Church has a zoom room every Sunday for a service then people socialise after.




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5 hours ago, simpycurious said:

The virtual draft was interesting to say the least.  A few surprises as always but interesting nonetheless.  Let's see what Round 2 Brings.

There's a virtual draft?

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6 hours ago, Ellener said:

Do you have a church? My UU Church has a zoom room every Sunday for a service then people socialise after.

Nah, I'm not really a religious/ "spiritual" person.

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Most of the time I am okay and I actually think my marriage has gotten better but I admit I would love to go out again. I can see Santa Monica pier from my window and it just depressing see it so dead and shut down. On a nice day we would take a walk along the pier and Venice Beach and maybe stop for a bite to eat but we are stuck inside. I know it has to happen and I will never be one of those people out there protesting but I do miss the pre-covid times.

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12 hours ago, Inflikted said:

Nah, I'm not really a religious/ "spiritual" person.

Open yourself up to new experiences?! 

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I had a slight scare last night. After I went to bed I started to cough and my throat felt raspy. Of course the virus entered my head and it hit me like a ton of bricks how unprepared we were if I got sick and then passed it on to my wife. What a helpless pair we would make.

My mind flashed back to where I could have picked it up and the only thing I could think of was the mail and a couple of packages we got from Amazon. Not likely, unless the mail person coughed on mail before they delivered it. I haven't read any accounts where the mail played a role in infecting anyone.

I got up to see what I had to combat this and found a zinc lozenge which I used.

This morning my throat is fine. I think it's just an allergy to some per annual plant that's in the air now.

I hate sore throats. I lose my upper register for weeks 


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On 4/23/2020 at 1:19 PM, schlumpy said:

I love bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and I also think it was good to get out of the house. 

I think here it's been good for businesses too.

It's easy here because many of them are drive-thru already.


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3 hours ago, schlumpy said:

This morning my throat is fine. I think it's just an allergy to some per annual plant that's in the air now.

I hate sore throats. I lose my upper register for weeks 


There's a tea called 'Throat Coat' I use, I sing for my living and when I'm working don't like the allergy meds, they mess with your voice almost as much as the allergies...

The number one Covid symptom is fever, glad you feel better.

Yes, ragwort has become invasive almost everywhere and many people are highly allergic.

There's an aspirin ( if you can tolerate that ) pill at Kroger, it's marketed as antacid and dissolves in water, you can 'gargle' with the solution and it's great ( I swallow some of mine for my arthritis! )


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3 hours ago, schlumpy said:

I haven't read any accounts where the mail played a role in infecting anyone.

No, highly unlikely.

Can leave it in mailvox for a few hours to be sure I guess 📫 and I wash my hands after touching anything these days ( to be fair I was a bit that way before! )

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18 hours ago, Ellener said:

There's a tea called 'Throat Coat' I use, I sing for my living and when I'm working don't like the allergy meds, they mess with your voice almost as much as the allergies...

The number one Covid symptom is fever, glad you feel better.

Yes, ragwort has become invasive almost everywhere and many people are highly allergic.

There's an aspirin ( if you can tolerate that ) pill at Kroger, it's marketed as antacid and dissolves in water, you can 'gargle' with the solution and it's great ( I swallow some of mine for my arthritis! )


I'll keep an eye for the Throat coat. My main restorative agent is lemon juice that can be taken as lemonade or just a sip straight up. It clears the throat of any mucous.

Do you have a daily routine you practice to maintain your breath support? I'm afraid that mine is fading no matter how much I practice. My normal routine is an hour a day. I start with scales and then I use Karaoke to push myself through a variety of vocal challenging songs.


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