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well me and this girl were friends for about 1 and half before i asked her out. we went out for about 3 months then she said she had problems. she said to temporaraly brake up so she could fix her problems. 2days later another guy asked her out she said yes.every day that goes by i can't help but to think of her. a 1 1/2 months go by they can't see each other and she realized he was a bad for her. now she wanted me back. i asked her what she would say if i asked her back out. she said she would say yes. this made me think that she really wanted me back and only me. a few days goes by she makesout with a guy right infront of me. right after she apologize. she said wouldn't do anythin with any other guy. she ended up screwing a guy a few days after that.then i made her promise to quit with all other guys or else i would just forget about asking her out and she said ok. I know i loved her. a few days later with another guy she ended up doing something with a guy at a dance but she wouldn't tell me. then a few days later she got high and went pretty far with another guy but not all the way. every day i talk to her and she always says i love you at sometime. She always gets defensive of me when i even talk to another girl. right now i'm real confused if she really loves me and wants me back she still wants me to ask her back out but with this stuff she's doing with all these other guys it makes me wounder. please can anyone give some advice. if more details are needed let me know. i really want to ask her back but not if she's going to but this way with other guys. HELP PLEASE

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In order to love someone and have a true, healthy and mature relationship which should be built on respect, trust, honesty, love, understanding, fidelity, and many other things. Okay, this situation personally bothers me. This girl is disrespectful to you. She seems to lack respect for herself if she is actively sexual and flirtatious with other men in your face and most probably behind your back. This girl does have problems. She probably realizes how much you care for her but, she is not ready to be so serious, she wants to be free, smoke, and be promiscous, these are her problems, maybe she is scared to grow up and to really accept love that is true. I think she has been hurt in the past within her relationships with men and her familyt members. She does not love herself, her self esteem is very low, in order to love someone you must love yourself. If you have problems in a relationship you ask your partner for help and understanding, you don't go out and find other men to be intimate with and allude your problems through drug use. If you do LOVE her, be there to help her with her drug problems and any other problems, talk about everything, and ask her if she wants your support. Don't allow her to hurt you. Try to be strong. Find out where you stand in your relationship with her and what she wants. If you are unable to rekindle your romance, try to be there as a friend to help her through or distance yourself from her so that you can heal. She may not want help. Just because someone says they love you doesn't mean it is true, actions speak. Her actions are not speaking love but disrespect and disregard for your feelings. You deserve someone who will love you through their actions as well as words. Goodluck! Pray and think about what is best for your future.

well me and this girl were friends for about 1 and half before i asked her out. we went out for about 3 months then she said she had problems. she said to temporaraly brake up so she could fix her problems. 2days later another guy asked her out she said yes.every day that goes by i can't help but to think of her. a 1 1/2 months go by they can't see each other and she realized he was a bad for her. now she wanted me back. i asked her what she would say if i asked her back out. she said she would say yes. this made me think that she really wanted me back and only me. a few days goes by she makesout with a guy right infront of me. right after she apologize. she said wouldn't do anythin with any other guy. she ended up screwing a guy a few days after that.then i made her promise to quit with all other guys or else i would just forget about asking her out and she said ok. I know i loved her. a few days later with another guy she ended up doing something with a guy at a dance but she wouldn't tell me. then a few days later she got high and went pretty far with another guy but not all the way. every day i talk to her and she always says i love you at sometime. She always gets defensive of me when i even talk to another girl. right now i'm real confused if she really loves me and wants me back she still wants me to ask her back out but with this stuff she's doing with all these other guys it makes me wounder. please can anyone give some advice. if more details are needed let me know. i really want to ask her back but not if she's going to but this way with other guys. HELP PLEASE
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You say you're confused but I'm not. This chick has the class of a drunken roach.


She'll be nothing but trouble for you until you die. Save some time by forgetting her right now.


You really had to ask about this??? What planet are you from???

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what on earth makes you think this girl will quit with the other guys if you ask her out again? she is obviously just stringing you along and she just wants the best of both worlds. if she cared about you and your feelings, she wouldn't be doing this. it sounds like she would prefer to be out there flaunting her stuff with any guy she can get her hands on. don't put yourself through any more misery - let her go. it'll be her loss. you are obviously more willing to be involved in a serious relationship than she is, so my advice is to move on and find someone on the same wavelength as you - this girl sounds waaaaay too immature for you.

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Forget about this girl!!!!!!!!!!!!


She is acting like a big hoochie mama! Don't ask her out. Don't date her. Don't be friends with her. Don't even hang out with her. Don't call her anymore. Don't talk to her anymore. Get her out of your life.


By the way, she does NOT love you. Not one tiny bit.

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For the record, exactly what is a big hoochie mama?


Sounds like something that ought to have its tubes tied.

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