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When lockdown ends....

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Emilie Jolie
15 minutes ago, Ollie180 said:

Defo do it! There’s no freedom like it! 🙌🏼

I’m lucky I can still paddleboard on the river I live on during lockdown.. but going down to the beach to surf would be taking the Mick a bit so have to wait till after this ends!

Yeah, best to wait it out.

We have a trip planned to South Korea next year that we're still hoping to make, and when looking at the place we were blown away by the beautiful beaches they have there. I was thinking of learning there, just so I can casually say 'I learned to surf in South Korea' (we never go anywhere exotic, that would be my perfect smug moment).

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Happy Lemming

"When lock down ends..."

Here is what I'm looking forward to:

(1) Sending my girlfriend home to her apartment (Buh-bye)

(2) Going to a couple of my favorite home improvement stores, I need supplies and want to start laying granite tile on my kitchen counter top.

(3) Going to the grocery store (without worry) and re-stocking my freezer and pantry.

(4) Buying toilet paper from anywhere (in person) and not getting gouged of having my order canceled from some on-line source.

(5) Going for hike on my favorite trail (without worry).

(6) Going for a bicycle ride (without worry).

(7) Stop with all the sanitizing with bleach/water solution.

(8) Normal hand washing -

(9) Planning and going on some trips to National Parks that were on our "Spring" travels list, but canceled because of the virus.

(10) Not watching the news for case count and death toll each day. Can you imagine a whole news cast without one mention of Covid-19?? I'm sure that day will come, but I don't know when it will be.

(11) Running errands, bank, library, post office, etc. without planning... Packing a mask, gloves, where to park to social distance, etc.


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I'm looking forward to spontaneous trips into the city centre and seeing life buzzing, sitting in pavement cafes, going to bookshops, eating dinner out, and after work drinks,. I also really want to see my parents and friends in my hometown. I had planned to go up there but had to cancel due to the lockdown. Luckily my parents had come to visit not long before lockdown so I saw them at the beginning of March. Oh and I'm looking forward to being a bridesmaid for my friend, who's now postponed her wedding to 2021. 

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Going to the dog park.   Will also mean get to see my girlfriend more.  
Otherwise will be awhile before go back to a restaurant, pub, live music, art show, etc.   

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I'd like to go to the barber's, my hair has grown out a lot and although I do have my own clippers, I don't want to shave it off! 

I'd also like to use the gym, but I think that's going to be a long way off. Even if restrictions are lifted, I would still want to wait a while before I head into a place like that. 

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I'm going to hunker down for another month at least after they open things up. I'm way too skeptical about what's going on. There are too many lies from both sides, and I want to see if the local hospital is inundated in the near future after things are relaxed. I don't so much fear the virus as I do the potential hospital bill. Been there, done that, not interested in a repeat.


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It will be a while, as I will not jump at the starting gun, but I am so excited to see a movie at my local art house theater. It’s one of the small pleasures I have missed the most. 📽️🍿

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On 4/28/2020 at 5:13 PM, Happy Lemming said:

1) Sending my girlfriend home to her apartment (Buh-bye)

lol like your number one!!

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On 4/27/2020 at 11:40 PM, Ellener said:

Our Governor announced today that we start going back to work Friday, places which are allowed to open like restaurants, libraries, cinemas and churches are to retain social distancing and be just 25% occupancy until mid-May when they will go to 50 %. Anything like hands on exhibits is to remain closed.

like the sound of that Ellener,

we are nowhere near that-not even close, perhaps by July

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Ellener and I live in different towns in Texas, but in Dallas, today the numbers shot up way higher than they've been because more tests being run.  So it's still not safe here at all.  It's worse this week than any other week so far.  

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Our cases have been slow to go down, but I think that is at least in part due to increased testing.  From what I've heard, I'm sure our actual numbers have been quite a bit higher all along than the official count since it was hard to qualify for testing.  The hospital numbers are slowly inching down.  

The guy I had been seeing for a few months before the lock down is a musician.  Since the bar and club gigs won't be happening for awhile he's going to start having small get togethers (8-10 people) in his yard for cookouts and have acoustic "private" sets.  We socialized with a few other musicians and their girlfriends/wives, so we'll get everyone together again hopefully starting later in May.  Our State starts opening up Monday, but our city will take at least a few weeks longer.  I think the 10 or less people backyard get togethers should be fine regardless with the six foot spacing.

Baby steps.      

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It's really hard to measure now. our city puts together faithfully every day number of beds used and ventilators used and how many are available. I guess that's one of the main things you might be able to go by. My understanding was that not every hospital reports that stuff but it still would give you an overview. 

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It's been almost 2 weeks since our county had a case, and we're still at zero deaths, so for us I'm not certain a continued lockdown makes a ton of sense. Not that it matters much, I'll still just work and school is remote for the school year. I could probably live in a cave on mars and not mind it too much at this point. 

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On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2020 at 10:27 PM, Ellener said:

Hopefully one day we'll have a health service especially after all this.

I hope this situation will prove the futility of their attempts at medical dictatorship, and expose the corruption of the system.  When this is all over, I plan to tell everybody as much as possible how local, non-medical efforts succeeded where state and federal and medical stupidity failed. 

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On 4/29/2020 at 12:46 AM, Emilie Jolie said:

Yeah, best to wait it out.

We have a trip planned to South Korea next year that we're still hoping to make, and when looking at the place we were blown away by the beautiful beaches they have there. I was thinking of learning there, just so I can casually say 'I learned to surf in South Korea' (we never go anywhere exotic, that would be my perfect smug moment).

I lived there for 12 years. 

Can’t say the beaches were all that impressive 😆

But I do know a guy who I used to work with who’s a champion surfer. 
A few years ago he was trying to get a visa to surf in North Korea but ended up being denied. He got pretty far in the process. 

Skiing is much more common than surfing, which is kind of in its infancy there but there’s definitely a surf community there. 

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Emilie Jolie
5 hours ago, jspice said:

Can’t say the beaches were all that impressive 😆

Oh. Thanks for the heads up. Still really excited to go (luckily not really going there to surf!) but that's a bit of a letdown.  'I learned to surf in NK' sounds much more rockandroll to be honest, I'm sure we'd be welcomed with open arms by KJu if we explain we were told NK beaches are much better than SK ones. 😆 

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16 minutes ago, Emilie Jolie said:

Oh. Thanks for the heads up. Still really excited to go (luckily not really going there to surf!) but that's a bit of a letdown.  'I learned to surf in NK' sounds much more rockandroll to be honest, I'm sure we'd be welcomed with open arms by KJu if we explain we were told NK beaches are much better than SK ones. 😆 

The food is great and the technology is freaking amazing. 

If you want some inside scoop and things to do that are less touristy send me a message :)


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In UK, I suspect they will open some things, including a lot of work for June. Social venues maybe, and then later.

I am somewhat dubious about the idea of cafes/restaurants having to stick to 25-50% occupancy, as surely many of them wont make enough money to make it viable = more bankruptcies.

As a healthy, singleton, I am keen ASAP to get back to dating (I have some encouraging online prospects set up) and socialising in pubs and cafes. And as soon as music venues and gyms open, I will be there too, I am personally not worried about the virus. The vulnerable will need to take care of themselves for longer, sorry but that's my position. 


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On 4/28/2020 at 12:13 PM, Happy Lemming said:

"When lock down ends..."

Here is what I'm looking forward to:

(1) Sending my girlfriend home to her apartment (Buh-bye)



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Yesterday the wife made a couple peach pies. Today we brought one out to the folks, made a pie delivery. Maybe in a week or two we might stay and help eat the next pie. 

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"Opening up" in ATL today meant that crowds of people converged on a mall and waited in line to buy Air Jordans.  Only in  America.  

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Missin my main small city , usually go in a few times a wk , been 5 wks. We're going up tomorrow but most stuff will be closed and it'll be straight in and out. Can't wait to be free again , roam about like l usually do , everything open hopefully , just normal again. l know, that could be who knows when , shutup and let me dream.

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I'm growing loads of marigold flowers for the service we'll have in the fall.

Texas is social-distanced-back-to-normal pretty much but I'll be avoiding crowds for a while.

It's mother's day here Sunday so my son is visiting we'll hang out and have a meal.


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On 4/28/2020 at 11:13 AM, Happy Lemming said:

Stop with all the sanitizing with bleach/water solution.

(8) Normal hand washing -

I'm afraid that's a norm for me ( anxiety disorder ) But I rarely get sick...!

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In the state of Utah, we have not been in mandatory lock-down. We had our second highest confirmed numbers this past Sunday, but our state has allowed more businesses to open. I have been getting out and up into the mountains weekly, so my routine will not changed other than continuing to wear my mask indefinitely. Most, if not all, states are reporting increased numbers of COVID, not less, but too much pressure to open the economy, so this is a new normal. I will not be frequenting venues with large numbers of people. Don't trust other people to do the right thing and in terms of COVID, nothing has changed. But, with the coming of the summer, will plan road trips for camping and visiting friends in Texas, Arkansas, and Kansas. Perhaps Oregon as well. No matter the case, will be taking full advantage of the outdoors this summer. Multi-day extreme camping/hiking and multi-day kayaking! :D


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