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Neighbor's business ruining quiet neighborhood

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Happy Lemming


Please remember that when you are dealing with money/income or someone's livelihood, people are going to be confrontational. If someone threatens your livelihood you are going to aggressive, as well.  It is just human nature.

This neighbor is making money from this endeavor, he could care less what the neighbors think and he isn't going to stop until some authorities stop him.

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2 hours ago, Happy Lemming said:

2) I'd also look into health department laws, especially if he is re-selling meats that are perishable. Buy some meat from him, try to get a receipt, then call the health department and tell them the meat made you sick.

What's the penalty for filing a false report? For incitement to same?

Asking for a friend. 

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21 hours ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Maybe i missed it, but did you go over and talk to him, man to man, about the situation?... Or did you just call the cops when you saw what was going on./  Was he already living there before you moved in or is it vice versa?   Yes, this does matter...

Most guys can work out issues over a face to face and handshake(although who knows about the handshake anymore)...Point being if you just called the cops without first talking to him about it could be seen as un neighborly and offensive...Its not like he shot your dog or anything...

Calling police or involving authorities should only be a last resort...Its not like you can just leave, and neither can he....It gets stupid...


Not where I live!  A new resident wreaked havoc in the 'hood BECAUSE a neighbor approached him man to man (about illegally setting off fireworks in a common area).  He did not stop until our HOA management company quit on us.  Would have been way easier for everyone if the police had just been called. 

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6 minutes ago, CautiouslyOptimistic said:

Not where I live!  A new resident wreaked havoc in the 'hood BECAUSE a neighbor approached him man to man (about illegally setting off fireworks in a common area).  He did not stop until our HOA management company quit on us.  Would have been way easier for everyone if the police had just been called. 

Look....everyone is going to have the "hey, but what about the time xyz"....

I dunno what to tell you all..Maybe  the guy went over in a threatening way or didnt know how to talk to somebody..?, I don't know what the deal was...

You guys want to be weekend code enforcers and peace officers then go ahead and do it....I can only speak from experience...I have had issues with business competitors involving way more money than this nickel and dime crap that was resolved with a "man to man: and a handshake...

Either way...In your case, the end result was the same....He tried plan A and it didnt work...That doesnt mean that it wasn't the right thing to do in the first place, because another guy(on either end) could have completely diffused it.......

But you don't know if you don't at least try



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It must be quite a unique farm stand to have speeding vehicles causing a hazard around it.  


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Blame your local government!

They were the ones who shut down this man's farmer's market income.  Your issue will go away when things re-open and he doesn't have to do it from his house anymore.  As for legal recourse, if the courts are shut down you just don't have any.  Tough.  You can always set up your own crops and sales stand, and bring in some competition.  You'll make money, you'll hurt his business a bit, etc....  Capitalism can work both ways.  Or, contemplate moving out if you'd like actual peace and quiet.  Suburbia always changes, and suburbia is just "Hell Lite" vs the hell of the inner city. 

Honestly, calling the cops on something like this is just going to annoy the cops.  It is clear in your situation the police aren't going to do anything about it, so leave it be.  Let them go solve a real crime (if they are capable). 

You can't do much about the neighborhood, but you CAN do something about people on your lawn.  Pretty simple - buy a pressure washer and aim well.  Even a sufficiently powerful garden hose nozzle will work.  Once you've posted "no trespassing" signs on your lawn, spray the violators.  The same courts that won't hear about your neighborhood's changes won't hear the complaints of folks who are merely getting wet.   


Edited by major_merrick
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33 minutes ago, NuevoYorko said:

It must be quite a unique farm stand to have speeding vehicles causing a hazard around it.  


Yea, this is what I'm thinking too. Keeping the peace and goodwill among neighbors is reason enough to overlook a minor imposition... and when it comes down to it, this is only an issue because OP is making it one. These is an unusual time, and it's temporary. Also, I just can't imagine that speeding and unsafe behavior is likely caused by a farm stand. I agree that it's an imposition, but I think OP needs to go practice his Zen.

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Yep, and to make lemon into lemonade, literally.  All kinds of good lessons there, except no cash money transfer (oh well.)  Still, good will and lessons for the kids may be done.

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As to your neighbor, he is a fool.  If anything goes wrong in his operation, someone gets sick, someone gets injured, there is a fender bender that is likely it for him.   I seriously doubt his home owner policy covers acts that arise from conducting a business out of the home, even if it was legal.  I think we all have stories of the contortions insurance companies make to avoid legitimate claims.   

His mortgage company may be none too happy as well, I know on my mortgage there is a question about what the property will be used for, having a farm stand in the drive way is a business and requires business insurance to get the loan.  Yet no one will give you business insurance without the proper licenses to run the business.

His insurance company is going to be upset because even if they can deny claims that arise from the business it is time and money to do so.

His bank is likely to get bent out of shape because there are a lot of things that can happen that are not covered by his homeowners insurance that if they happen on his property the person could go after the property...sure it eventually may be cleared up but it puts a cloud on the title and lessens the banks security in the home.  They don't like that and could well accelerate the mortgage. 

And if his mortgage and insurance is like mine he has an obligation to inform the bank and his insurance company of the change.  Heck I have to tell my insurance company if I get a trampoline.   If I don't update them about important changes (i'm guessing operating a mini-mart out of my driveway would be one), my insurance could become void, and I know if I don't have insurance the mortgage company can accelerate the loan.

Last but not least, the tax man.  Where I live if you run a business from your home there are the license fees, and then taxes on various business property and of course collecting appropriate sales tax?  I doubt he gets whatever exemptions that one gets at a farmer's market and he is also re-selling.

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We are in unprecedented times right now, and don't mean to sound judgy but a little empathy and understanding might serve you well right now OP.

Your neighbor has essentially lost his business, as so many others have, no income, can't pay bills, buy food, etc. 

Put yourself in his shoes!  

Perhaps TFY has a point, talk to him, see if you can reach a compromise, the goal being keeping your kids safe.

The noise?  Well it's only temporary, a few more months until this lockdown is lifted.  Small price to pay for your neighbor being able to put food on the table. 

Maybe offer to help out!  I would, give back. Pay it forward. 

Just a suggestion. :)

Edited by poppyfields
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On 5/1/2020 at 6:12 PM, wavylocks said:

There are cars speeding through my once quiet neighborhood. There are strangers coming onto my property to talk to my children, people sitting on my curb chatting for over an hour, and trash (masks & gloves) in the street. I called the police a few weeks ago after about 6 or 7 cars came speeding around the corner in front of my house. They told me there was nothing they could do, that it was a zoning issue and they would report it to the zoning officer.

I would go back to them and say no, it's not a zoning issue.  It's an issue of people who don't live in that street visiting, trying to engage with your children, hanging around your property, littering the place and making a general nuisance of themselves at a time when you're all supposed to be in lockdown.  In other words, rather than trying to set the police on your neighbour and getting them to stop his business activities, ask them to deal with the antisocial behaviour of these nuisance visitors his business is attracting.

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Happy Lemming
6 hours ago, sothereiwas said:

What's the penalty for filing a false report? For incitement to same?

Asking for a friend. 

How are they going to prove you didn't throw up from the meat??  Are they going to check your toilet??

Many years ago, I got sick from a sub sandwich from a local sub shop.  I called and reported the incident to the health department, they checked it out and found numerous violations and shut the place down.  They never asked me for proof of my illness.

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