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college guy

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college guy

Well, my girlfriend and I have been dating for about 4 months now and we have had a perfect relationship. Soon I'll be moving about an hour and a half away for collge and she is still in highschool and is really worried about what will happen to us since she won't get to see me all the time. Now that she brought up the subject, I can't get her to talk about it without her getting really quiet and not saying anything. Any advice as to what i should do would be appreciated.

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Your girlfriend is very sharp, very smart and completely understands she has a reason to worry.


When you move, you won't be seeing her nearly as often, you'll be surrounded by luscious, beautiful, tantalizing, and horny college girls and she is well aware that you are a male and subject to such temptation. She can't compete with your female collegemates while she is a few hours away in high school.


There's nothing you can do. If you start making too many assurances to her, she will worry even more because she'll know you are anticipating all these beauties. If she's insecure, she will constantly worry about who you may be with at college.


Just be nice and kind to her and enjoy her company. If you are interested in continuing to see her once you get into college, be sure you're home every weekend to spend time with her (and to study for exams).


My guess is this may fizzle out. She could meet another guy at school just as easily as you could meet someone at college. At your ages, I'd bet both will happen. Meanwhile, I've told you what you can do to make this last if that's what you want.

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