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I'm supposed to go to Canada in July. We're going to Banff National Park. I'm wondering if Canada will allow Americans in the country by that time? I'm also not so sure I want to fly on a plane at the moment. I guess we're in a holding pattern right now.

Anyone else considering traveling this summer? 

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any foreign travel is out for me this year,

I will be very satisfied if I can get back my unrestricted road travel in my own country - they are saying mid July so I will be happy if can get that,

the things that we took so much for granted are now no longer at our own discretion ( i have a certain frustration with that)

we will appreciate our freedom once all this ends (will it ever end I guess does creep into the mind)

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OS travel is not supported by the Australian govt at present, so we're going nowhere.   

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I'm wondering if I'll even be allowed to go on this trip. Right now, state parks are closed in Canada, and you can't fly from the US to Canada. I can see Canada prohibiting Americans from coming in. Maybe it will take care of itself. 

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July? IME, even if the parks are closed, the Canadian Rockies are beautiful. However, they could be open by July. If no airline tickets, just wait and see, they'll likely be inexpensive if available a few weeks in advance. IIRC you're in health care so have access to pretty much anything that puts you in an advantageous position to travel, whatever the requirements are, presuming any travel bans have expired. IMO, keep an eye on it and if the opportunity presents itself, go. Bonus, you'll likely experience far fewer crowds than I did in years past.

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Banff is beautiful, I’m glad you planned this trip. As you say, federal parks are currently closed. I can see that changing this summer, but unfortunately I don’t see Canada opening their borders to allow non-essential travel from the US anytime soon, given the number of infections in that country. I hate to be pessimistic, but I just don’t think this is going to be done by the summer.  But please, when this pandemic has passed... whenever that is... do come to Banff. You will not be disappointed. 

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Dunno what Canadas cases are like atm but july's a way away yet , could be possible by then. They might not want Americans though with what you guys have goin on maybe. Don't think l'd be too fussed though if it were me , helluva time for holidays you might be too edgy to enjoy it anyway.

My gf flew down 6wks ago , they cancelled the flight 5 times then eventually put her on a midnight one she got here 1.30 am , God blessem haha, they still brought my woman home to me and got her here safely even though there was only 25 people on the plane. Which was good for this situation of course but the poor airline l'll be forever grateful they still did the flight because 25 people wouldn't even cover airport fees for them.

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The travel or lack thereof has been one of the worst results for me.  It's hard to think that you just cannot get up and go like you once did.  I will second how beautiful Canada is definitely a must see.

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22 hours ago, BaileyB said:

Banff is beautiful, I’m glad you planned this trip. As you say, federal parks are currently closed. I can see that changing this summer, but unfortunately I don’t see Canada opening their borders to allow non-essential travel from the US anytime soon, given the number of infections in that country. I hate to be pessimistic, but I just don’t think this is going to be done by the summer.  But please, when this pandemic has passed... whenever that is... do come to Banff. You will not be disappointed. 

I have actually been to Jasper National Park, and I loved it. That was 9 years ago, I've wanted to go back ever since. The Canadian Rockies are gorgeous. 

I think you're right about Canada not letting in non-essential travelers from the US. We're still having roughly 2000 deaths per day. I can't blame Canada if they don't want to let Americans in. 

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I wouldn't, personally, even if technically allowed. I just couldn't be responsible for helping to spread this across borders. Things are bad enough. JMO.

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Right now, my mom and I are leaning against going, but my sister and her fiancé want to go. I did get an email from Delta that said we could cancel and book another flight, free of charge, through 2022. 

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Since you already have tickets and the offer to cancel with free rebook is available, I'd wait and see and cancel close in if no joy. If you do decide to go, especially as a group and for any length of time, I'd look into travel insurance. Never know. I'm no proponent of insurance of any kind but there are times it can come in handy if the dots line up and things go sideways, especially on the health care/evacuation front. I used it most in Africa and Asia, fortunately didn't get bit myself, closest call was a travel companion getting malaria.

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Ruby Slippers

Personally, I'm not flying anywhere until things settle down quite a bit more.

My boyfriend brought up the idea of a tropical beach vacation months ago and I'm beyond ready to go. But for me, it feels too soon, so we'll wait a while.

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Emilie Jolie

We had planned to fly to South Korea in October to visit a friend who's taking up a post there soon. While there, we were also thinking of visiting Japan and potential China. I'm on health leave for another month and SO was very poorly for 3 weeks recently so while we're still excited and hopeful, and October is quite a way away, we're looking at postponing until March 2021 to be on the safe side. There still might not be a vaccine then, but hopefully testing kits will be more readily available so we could get tested before getting on a plane, or something like that.

July is only 2 months away - of course a miracle can happen but it seems a little too close for comfort. 

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I just read that Canada has extended its border closing (to non-essential travel) through June 30. 

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17 minutes ago, BC1980 said:

I just read that Canada has extended its border closing (to non-essential travel) through June 30. 

I would bet money that it will be extended further given the rate of infection in the US. 

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My wife has been wanting to visit family but I'm not real hot on going overseas until either we all have it, or we all get vaccinated. 

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On 5/7/2020 at 5:14 PM, BC1980 said:

I'm supposed to go to Canada in July. We're going to Banff National Park. I'm wondering if Canada will allow Americans in the country by that time? I'm also not so sure I want to fly on a plane at the moment. I guess we're in a holding pattern right now.

Anyone else considering traveling this summer? 

My brother and I are/were hoping to take the kids up in that area as well. Hard to plan if Canada doesn't open up soon and he needs to put in for vacation time. If not Canada, we will stay more local and travel through the beautiful mountains, deserts, valleys, canyons of the American SW! But travel? Hell ya! Stay away from other people as much as possible. I am also planning a solo to visit friends in Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, and Texas. Again, no need to fly (nope for some time) and be around large numbers of people. Whoop whoop! Can't wait! :D 

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Delta said we could get a credit without a rebooking fee through 2022. 

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