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Why do we attract certain types?

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14 hours ago, amaysngrace said:

Apparently I attract jackasses. 

Good to know  👌

Lets drink to that .

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On 5/17/2020 at 5:33 PM, OatsAndHall said:

I got a bit sidetracked in my previous responses. I will echo what others have stated; I believe the type of people you attract are due to a) your personality type and the kind of people you're attracted to. I'm independent and strong-willed, I'm attracted to women with the same personality type and vice versa. This played out well for me in my formative years as I wasn't as set in my ways and neither were my partners. I've grown my independent and stubborn as I've gotten older and so have many of the women I have dated. At times, that can make it tricky to have a relationship.

Thankfully, the woman I am seeing now has a similar personality type but we can be set in our ways together as we mesh that way. We've both been happy to relinquish some of our independence for the sake of the other person. Neither of us has asked the other to make drastic changes in our lifestyles which makes things click.

I have been attracted to different types of personalities.

I've also noticed that I have a secure attachment style with friends but in a romantic context it's been the opposite.

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I think without realizing it we often mold our personalities to attract what we really want. 

Growing up I was always attracted to women older than me and along the way developed behavior and a way of communicating that made me seem older than I really am. Which ended up attracting exactly what I had been fantasizing about for many years. Brunette, incredible breasts and ass, with the mind and personality to rival her exquisite physical form. Although I had to coax her for a bit once she found out how old I was. 

You can learn a lot about yourself by how others react to you.

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This is a good topic! I thought about this a while ago. 

I seem to attract Psychology Students/women. I have no idea why.  3 of them have been pretty serious at some point in my life, 2 committed LDR’s.

The parting words,  that have always stuck with me from 2 of them were

I can’t figure you out”  ....” I cant ever tell what you’re thinking” 

My parents reaction every time? “Oh you’re just their subject!”
... well there was love there at some point so who knows. Im a bit of an old soul, open but guarded. I’m also scarily intuitive , which has been more of a curse than a blessing , for the most part. 

To this day,  part of me thinks if their intentions were true then maybe we would have actually connected, because I’ve connected properly with a few people before and that feeling is like pure magic. Rare as rocking horse s***. But pure.  Shared that with my last ex 4 years ago who wasn’t a psych student. 

So that’s my story on my pattern types  


Edited by Fox Sake
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I had to think about it for awhile, but I don't attract any certain type.  I have attracted a whole range of men, anywhere from an alpha male marine bartender, to a sensitive, brainiac writer, to a witty, cultured, millionaire businessman.  The only thing they seem to have in common is they like to keep in touch. Every now and then, out of the blue, I will receive a message from one saying "I often think of you" or "I was thinking of you the other day".  What am I supposed to do with that?  Especially if they're now married?!  🙄  I'll tell you what I do with that....Nada, Nothing, Zilch. 

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This is an interesting thread. Haha

I attract guys who are fit, marriage-minded, not big talkers, and emotionally unintelligent.   So basically, I get these guys who want to rush into a serious commitment with me, but they have the personality and passion of a flip-flop.  LOL

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