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Sad story about cheating

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I'll try to keep this short. As a background I had posted before on advise on my relationship on this board and should have listened to some people. The just of my story is this. I dated this girl for 2 years and it was my first real adult relationship. She was my first, we moved in together but I took things for granted and didn't really show her how much she meant to me. Anyways shortly after I bought a house, by myself, which was a big mistake not to do it together it all went downhill. We she moved out and crushed me by doing so. I really didn't know this girl meant that much to me until she left. We kept in contact even though i asked her not to talk to me. I felt she kept on messing with my head because i wanted to get back together with her and she kinda lead me on. I figured something was not right and asked her if she was with another guy and she said no. (Guys if you get to this point trust your instincts cause she is) Anywho 6 months went on and we still hung out and I actually tried for several months to win her back... with her encouragement. Ok so she gets a new job to a new city and she wants to try a LD ralationship.. and before she left we got together at her place only for her other dude to come knocking on the door in the middle of us getting together. My heart just sank, she starts crying... the other guy wont leave and its a huge scene. So that was the worst night in my life so i think. So i tell this girl to never speak to me again but she feels so bad that she doesn't leave me alone. She claims that it was a mistake, of 6 MONTHS, and now all she wants is me. Somehow after a month i forgive her, not her actions but just her because i cared so much for her. We keep in touch in her new city and i plan this trip to go up and visit her which was a complete inconvinience to me but i figure i love this girl so i should. Well i get there and she doesnt give me the time of day. Now this is the worst time ever... my heart breaks again and now i figure this girl is complete poison. I still talk to this girl and i have feelings for her, i know it's stupid but i can't help it feel that way although i have come to realize that this one girl isn't for me. So guys please learn from my mistakes if you can... what i went through i wouldn't wish to my worst enemy. Some girls just love to F*ck with guys heads. now that i'm damaged goods i hope to recover and have a chance at a normal relationship in the future.

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now that i'm damaged goods i hope to recover and have a chance at a normal relationship in the future.


You're not damaged goods...You just had your heart broken and that sucks.


Lessons were learned, as painful as that was for you, you now know how much you'll put up with in the future.


Don't let her and what she did ruin you. You're a good guy, have a big heart and when you're ready, the next girl will be great!


PS Love your username...Totally Seinfeld!

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Thanks for the support whichwayisup. And thanks for catching my Seindfeld name.... i love that show. I do know just because one girl did that not all girls are like that. Im just in a rough place right now because it just happened.

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whatever doesn't break you makes you stronger! I know it's hard, but try and learn from this experience and use the experience in a positive way for your next relationship.


a couple of things you've learned:


1. trust your instincts...this is so true when a relationship ends and one person says 'you didn't do this or that and that's why I'm leaving.' Usually, it's an excuse to justify going to someone else.


2. Next time you are in a relationship- remember the things this girl said are wrong and work on those things (ex. if she said you don't communicate- try to be a better communicator)


You're in a difficult time right now, but you will bounce back and have a much better relationship next time.


Whatever you do- never ever talk to this girl again. She treated you really badly and you kept going for more and she kept hurting you. If you go near her, you will get hurt again- guarenteed.

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