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Has Covid 19 really kept couples social distancing from each other?

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Didn't know whether to post it here or in the Covid 19, but either way, I guess you can relate. I have quite a few friends that are coupled up with someone, but don't live together. One that I know of they both live an hour away from each other, dated under a year, but had been dating prior to all this Covid stuff. She told me she drives to see him only (he doesn't drive to see her). She works from home, so no worries there.

Should they be social distancing? Do you know established couples, that live apart, that are seeing each other regardless of social distancing? I am thinking this Covid 19 won't stop established couples.

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I go to work each day and see the same group of guys, we do social distance in the building,

I think what your friends are doing is great, they are around no one but themselves.. why wouldn't it be okay ?


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I formed my relationship through covid.  We didn’t start talking outside of work until I lost my job because of downsizing due to coronavirus.  

We saw each other a couple times a week up until last weekend when my daughter tested positive.  

We’re still in touch everyday but he doesn’t stop by anymore.  I got my test a couple days ago and am still waiting for the result but I’m taking no news as a good sign.  

We haven’t had sex yet.  We fooled around a lot but never did the deed.  I can’t wait til we can 💗

It’s kind of nice to fall in love with someone when sex isn’t even a factor. 

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Yes and no.

Yes... I know a lot of people who are over the top, and won't get close to anyone other than people in their own home.  For example... my GF's closest and oldest friend wouldn't even come over to her house and hang out in the driveway... at a distance... to have a visit.

No... My kids are going back and forth between my house, and my exW's house.  The exW has to work in an office every day.  SO... since my risk is up a little... I have opened my "Germ Circle" to a few of my neighbors (So the kids could interact a little)  and to my GF.  All of the people I allow into my circle I trust, and they take this serious, and take the normal precautions to stay healthy. (mask, washing hands, distance, so on)  I feel this does put me at a "Normal Risk" level, and allows me to still be a person.   I know some people would say that's too risky... but I trust the people around me more if they say they don't feel well, over the idiot in the grocery store or Walmart that I have to go to for normal supplies.

Edited by Blind-Sided
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6 minutes ago, Blind-Sided said:

My kids are going back and forth between my house, and my exW's house.  The exW has to work in an office every day.  SO... since my risk is up a little... I have opened my "Germ Circle" to a few of my neighbors (So the kids could interact a little)  and to my GF.

So so as your personal and kids risk is up a little, you have decided to up the risk even more... that makes no sense whatsoever.

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13 minutes ago, Blind-Sided said:

Yes and no.

Yes... I know a lot of people who are over the top, and won't get close to anyone other than people in their own home.  For example... my GF's closest and oldest friend wouldn't even come over to her house and hang out in the driveway... at a distance... to have a visit.

No... My kids are going back and forth between my house, and my exW's house.  The exW has to work in an office every day.  SO... since my risk is up a little... I have opened my "Germ Circle" to a few of my neighbors (So the kids could interact a little)  and to my GF.  All of the people I allow into my circle I trust, and they take this serious, and take the normal precautions to stay healthy. (mask, washing hands, distance, so on)  I feel this does put me at a "Normal Risk" level, and allows me to still be a person.   I know some people would say that's too risky... but I trust the people around me more if they say they don't feel well, over the idiot in the grocery store or Walmart that I have to go to for normal supplies.

"Germ circle", that's a good word for it. I know in Australia...there is an allowance for a limited amount of people coming and going from homes. Like 5 or something.

There was a woman I was kind of seeing (prior to the pandemic in the US) that works at a nail salon...but now...I may rethink seeing her as she's back in business at the salons.

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3 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

So so as your personal and kids risk is up a little, you have decided to up the risk even more... that makes no sense whatsoever.

I understand... and as I said... some people would say it's too much... and others say it's normal.  The people in my germ circle are basically at home, other than the errands that they have to run. I, myself have even been using grocery delivery.   But I can say this... where I'm at... we are in the "Starting to reopen" phase of this. 

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We’re starting to reopen too, in the second worst hit state in the US.  

A little exposure here and there is good.  That’s exactly what a vaccine is after all. 

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The main idea at this stage of social distancing is to avoid spreading between strangers mainly because then contact tracing is very complicated. If you are in a committed relationship there should be no problem in seeing each other and maintaining physical contact as long as you avoid contact with other people. 

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My fiancé and I live a little under 3 driving hours apart and have been seeing each other almost every weekend regardless of COVID. But we each have been working exclusively from home and don’t leave our house at all other than to see each other. We don’t even go to the grocery store. We also don’t interact with anyone else other than my kids who also have been self-isolating. 

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Covid is just a reality check for many. Couples are not letting this stop them from seeing people they care about, in my experience. Couples are still spending time at each other's houses. The simple way to put this is that social distancing is up to five people, and couples are only two. If anything,couples are spending more time together and if your guy or gal isn't into you then it's wake up time for sure. Covid is a good opportunity to plan your life and what you want out of it. 

Edited by Realitysux
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I haven't read through all the responses yet as I am at work ... But.. the question apoears to confuse social distancing with self isolation.

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12 minutes ago, Realitysux said:

The simple way to put this is that social distancing is up to five people,

Not where I live,, 2 people only from separate households,, only in a public place and observing the 2m social distancing rule..
No meeting in other people's houses or gardens.

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Fletch Lives

I don't think couples should be social distancing. If they stop seeing each other they might lose the relationship.

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I think most people have made their own modified version of social distancing to fit their situation and taking calculated risks.

I still see my SO on a regular basis and her family. That was obviously after having a discussion and that they were open to making an addition to their "germ circle". They are staying home and I am staying home as much as possible so the risk factor is very low.

My Mother on the other hand works in healthcare and has a high chance of exposure so unfortunately our interaction has been minimal and likely will remain that way until this all passes.

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In Jersey, romantic couples were "allowed" to see each other.  My SO and I spend about 4 days a week together.  We don't go anywhere except between each others places.  We have groceries delivered to one home or the other for both of us.  We buy our meat at vegetables and local farms (we live in a very rural area).  And, we order in via contactless delivery if we decide to have pizza or something.  We take drives but make no stops just to have something to do besides going for walks.  Otherwise, we are now spending lots of time on the deck, listening to music, reading and enjoying the weather and each other's company.  

If I had been dating prior to all this, I wouldn't be spending time with anyone now.    I couldn't trust that they've been diligent about keep their exposure to a minimum at least.

Edited by Redhead14
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I don't think the original intent of social distancing is to not see anyone....Just use your brain and some friggin common sense....I mean, there are people out there social distancing themselves from loved ones yet going to the grocery store and Costco all the time...

I don't know any couples that are social distancing....But I gotta admit it's a hell of a good excuse to ghost someone or separate from someone you don't really want to see regularly....I get "visitors" often at my place of business which I unfortunately have to entertain under normal circumstances,.....well...now they cant come.....perfect....😂

Go visit your dear old mom and maintain contact with loved ones....when they're gone you wont have the option,....everyone else can pound sand....at least for a while anyway...



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Go visit your dear old Mum and give her a virus that could kill her...
No-one has a clue if they are assymptomatically carrying the virus.
That is why social distancing is necessary and why it is really not a good idea to go visit older or vulnerable relatives.
Viruses don't' care about love or loneliness they just rub their hands in glee.

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Didn't know whether to post it here or in the Covid 19, but either way, I guess you can relate. I have quite a few friends that are coupled up with someone, but don't live together. One that I know of they both live an hour away from each other, dated under a year, but had been dating prior to all this Covid stuff. She told me she drives to see him only (he doesn't drive to see her). She works from home, so no worries there.

Should they be social distancing? Do you know established couples, that live apart, that are seeing each other regardless of social distancing? I am thinking this Covid 19 won't stop established couples.

It may be difficult. But yes all..even established  couples  should social distance. I haven't met anyone in 2 and a half months. 

My friend and her partner before social distancing were with each other everyday...now they haven't met in weeks 

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2 hours ago, Blind-Sided said:

Yes and no.

Yes... I know a lot of people who are over the top, and won't get close to anyone other than people in their own home.  For example... my GF's closest and oldest friend wouldn't even come over to her house and hang out in the driveway... at a distance... to have a visit.

No... My kids are going back and forth between my house, and my exW's house.  The exW has to work in an office every day.  SO... since my risk is up a little... I have opened my "Germ Circle" to a few of my neighbors (So the kids could interact a little)  and to my GF.  All of the people I allow into my circle I trust, and they take this serious, and take the normal precautions to stay healthy. (mask, washing hands, distance, so on)  I feel this does put me at a "Normal Risk" level, and allows me to still be a person.   I know some people would say that's too risky... but I trust the people around me more if they say they don't feel well, over the idiot in the grocery store or Walmart that I have to go to for normal supplies.

And this is exactly how its spread. Smh. 

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1 minute ago, miranda561 said:

It may be difficult. But yes all..even established  couples  should social distance. I haven't met anyone in 2 and a half months. 

My friend and her partner before social distancing were with each other everyday...now they haven't met in weeks 

If it's an established relationship, they should be spending time with each other if they are both being diligent about the guidelines.  It's ridiculous to separate established, long-term couples.  If one of them is high-risk for some reason, that would have to be evaluated for sure, especially if the other one was still working or being exposed on a regular basis.  If it was just a casual dating scenario or not well-established, I'd drop them in a heartbeat. 

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Here in my Province it's forbidden and punished with a big $1500 ticket each. My Province has a hard time, our pro-rata death rate is very high. We are starting deconfinement next week and masks will be mandatory for public transport and shopping. I have not seen my adult daughter in 2 months. We don't take this lightly, no one come to my home, none. I do not want to end up on a respiratory machine or send someone there. 


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2 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

If it's an established relationship, they should be spending time with each other if they are both being diligent about the guidelines.  It's ridiculous to separate established, long-term couples.  If one of them is high-risk for some reason, that would have to be evaluated for sure, especially if the other one was still working or being exposed on a regular basis.  If it was just a casual dating scenario or not well-established, I'd drop them in a heartbeat. 

Yes but not everyone will assess the risks. Especially if they have the mindset that being in an established couple must mean its a necessity to see one another. 

For example another friend of mine travelled an hour on the train to spend time with her other half. When we've been advised not to use public transport.

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Just now, Gaeta said:

Here in my Province it's forbidden and punished with a big $1500 ticket each. My Province has a hard time, our pro-rata death rate is very high. We are starting deconfinement next week and masks will be mandatory for public transport and shopping. I have not seen my adult daughter in 2 months. We don't take this lightly, no one come to my home, none. I do not want to end up on a respiratory machine or send someone there. 


Where do you live? In italy?

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2 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

If it's an established relationship, they should be spending time with each other if they are both being diligent about the guidelines.  It's ridiculous to separate established, long-term couples. ...... 

Exactly.  And on some level... it's impossible.  Am I supposed to tell my kids they have to go live out in the barn because I can't be close to them?  Am I supposed to tell my exW she can't have time with her kids because she had to go back to work? (That would be a trip into the courthouse again)  There are certain relationships that will maintain.  I don't get close to my folks because they are high risk... and I don't get coffee, or spend time doing hobbies with my close friends... because they were already separated from me. (We don't see each other for weeks at a time) 

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