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1 hour ago, QuietRiot said:

Sadly, as soon as our governor extended out State of Emergency...a local, back water town announced that their police will NOT be policing those who are not participating in social distancing rules. I'm guessing it's because they don't have the man power to waste on that? Bigger fish to fry?

The police here don't enforce the rules, they have chosen a 'softly' approach and give out masks etc. My city is very accustomed to a heavy police presence with regular flood disasters, they know how to police effectively in a disaster and reassure people. 

I avoid crowded places where it's difficult to social distance. People can't do it I guess! stay 6 feet from each other I mean.

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19 minutes ago, Ellener said:

I'm sure especially in the early days when people were unaccustomed to PPE and frightened there were literally heart attacks from fear. And everyone to some extent is affected by the inevitable anxieties. The media news doesn't help!

Seniors with dementia illnesses will have been hit especially hard. 

As cold as this may sound, I've had some friends say "survival of the fittest". The health conscious apparently thinks this way and feel free to put themselves out there and the unhealthy (obese, diabetics, etc) need to do what they need to do do protect themselves...ie - stay home...and it's really on them to protect themselves.

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I went to a restaurant yesterday wearing gloves and a mask where they were trying to be careful. Before I could even get in the door a woman just barreled right up behind me within a foot of me, and I stepped back and said, You go ahead. And let her ahead of me and she checked in for her party. The manager came around the corner about then and I told him I was just trying to stay out of her way as she was going back out the door to get her party and he had noticed her too. And she just kept reaching what most people would consider a suitable perimeter during normal times and she thought all she had to say was sorry. I was ready to deck that cow. Some people are just aholes. Sorry just does not get it for being inconsiderate and endangering other people. Oh and she had a baby and young child with her too as well as an elderly woman. Sure just go ahead and kill grandma. 

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

As cold as this may sound, I've had some friends say "survival of the fittest". The health conscious apparently thinks this way and feel free to put themselves out there and the unhealthy (obese, diabetics, etc) need to do what they need to do do protect themselves...ie - stay home...and it's really on them to protect themselves.

I think people are annoying at the best of times, but yes, it's on me to stay home until I feel confident again. I have anxiety disorder and am likely to panic if I place myself in stressful situations.

I'm super health-conscious by the way and have my diabetes under control as it's type 2 and can be reversed with lifestyle changes; type 1 diabetes is an incurable autoimmune disease.

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7 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

As cold as this may sound, I've had some friends say "survival of the fittest". The health conscious apparently thinks this way and feel free to put themselves out there and the unhealthy (obese, diabetics, etc) need to do what they need to do do protect themselves...ie - stay home...and it's really on them to protect themselves.

We have the opposite in my town. The fat loud yellers with giant beards are the ones without masks going around yelling about "their freedoms" (to get everyone else sick). The already health conscious, well-read, well-educated are the ones in masks. But we're getting overrun so we're just heading for the biking and hiking trails where we already were a lot of the time pre-pandemic anyway. (shrug)

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7 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

As cold as this may sound, I've had some friends say "survival of the fittest". The health conscious apparently thinks this way and feel free to put themselves out there and the unhealthy (obese, diabetics, etc) need to do what they need to do do protect themselves...ie - stay home...and it's really on them to protect themselves.

Although on second thought to my reply below, it's not just my town where the opposite to this is apparent. Even a brief look at protests shows that protestors are far from what would appear to be the healthier faction. It's definitely way more political.

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1 hour ago, CaliforniaGirl said:

Although on second thought to my reply below, it's not just my town where the opposite to this is apparent. Even a brief look at protests shows that protestors are far from what would appear to be the healthier faction. It's definitely way more political.

We've had relatively low incidence of the virus here in TX, so people are just wanting to get back to daily life I guess. 

I'm going slow for now as I know it doesn't take much to flare up a new spate of infections, then we'll be back to full lockdown again. Hopefully there's enough tests and PPE now and a co-ordinated plan for if it happens.

No idea who the people were who posed for the US media with rifles and no masks, that was a bit of a weird over-response to it all.

We have more freedoms here than anyone regarding the lockdowns, so far as I can see- I was reading this am about the UK PM's advisor who got reported to the police for driving across his country! 


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