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Would you take a Covid 19 vaccine

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Would not take a rushed, unproven, and most likely useless vaccine. 

There has never been a vaccine for a respiratory Corona Virus, they have worked on one for years and years and still nothing that is good

Think about that before you agree to take anything for this Corona virus.  All these years of working on one and all of a sudden in a matter of months

bam!, they have one...


On top of even if they get lucky and actually fall into one it would only have a success rate of 30-50%, maybe.

As these virus's mutate all the time so good luck trying to keep up with it.

I am good!

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On 5/22/2020 at 9:39 PM, Mrin said:

No. But I've already had COVID-19

Hope you are well again now.

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On 5/22/2020 at 10:03 PM, Juha said:

All these years of working on one and all of a sudden in a matter of months

bam!, they have one...

yes, that doesn't always work well for people who get the first few rounds...

I just looked up the topic of US regulation and compensation, this is on CDC website:

'The Cutter incident had an ambivalent legacy. On the one hand, it led to the effective federal regulation of vaccines, which today enjoy a record of safety `unmatched by any other medical product'. On the other hand, the court ruling that Cutter was liable to pay compensation to those damaged by its polio vaccine—even though it was not found to be negligent in its production—opened the floodgates to a wave of litigation. As a result, `vaccines were among the first medical products almost eliminated by lawsuits'. Indeed, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was introduced in 1986 to protect vaccine manufacturers from litigation on a scale that threatened the continuing production of vaccines. Still, many companies have opted out of this low-profit, high-risk field, leaving only a handful of firms to meet a growing demand (resulting in recent shortages of flu and other vaccines).

The contemporary climate of risk aversion and predatory litigation deters the introduction of new vaccines and discourages innovation in a field which boasts some of the most impressive achievements of modern medicine. To protect vaccine development—and ultimately public health —Offit proposes that the option of suing vaccine manufacturers should be stopped and that compensation should only be available through the official programme.'

This could be a very innovative time for medical science, but everything comes at a price.

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Absolutely yes.

There is a reason why there are a number of phases of trials that need to be done before a vaccine is widely used - they need to test if it's safe, and test if it actually works. By the time I receive it, it's incredibly likely it's "safe" - perhaps less certain that it "works", but if there's (say) a 50% chance it works and almost no chance of adverse effects, it's worth it.

Flu vaccines are less effective in part because the viruses mutate their way around them. Covid-19 mutates more slowly as far as we know, which improves our chances. The question then becomes how long it gives us immunity for - if it's only a year or two, we would need vaccines about that often. We get flu shots yearly anyway, so there wouldn't be any difference.

Edited by snowboy91
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On 5/22/2020 at 3:33 PM, carhill said:

Last one I took was Lariam (mefloquine) prophylaxis for malaria and we all know how that worked out. I'll pass, thanks. At my age, something is bound to kill me anyway and I've dodged a fair amount of bullets in life.

Mefloquine is not a vaccine. 

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1 hour ago, snowboy91 said:

they need to test if it's safe

I think that's the whole issue, regulations are being temporarily suspended for expediency because of the pandemic, plus who exactly is the 'they' in this collaborative effort.

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2 hours ago, elaine567 said:

Mefloquine is not a vaccine. 

Duh, last prophylaxis I took, can you even read? I answered the question, no! Anything to argue, glad I don't frequent this place anymore. Best decision I ever made. Prog central.

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3 hours ago, Ellener said:

Hope you are well again now.

Thank you. All better. Antibodies tests shows me fully transitioned to IgG - long term antibodies. It was like a bad man cold for me. That's all. Did lose all taste and smell for a week though. Weird virus. Killed a 51 year old mountain climber father of two in my little town. 

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Interesting! I didn’t expect to read so many folks would be hesitant to!


For sure I would.. I just see it as playing my part in protecting others, and our society 🤷🏼‍♂️ But I certainly wouldn’t be beating down the door for it because, way I see it a lot of people are more vulnerable and needing it more than me!

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3 hours ago, Ollie180 said:

I didn’t expect to read so many folks would be hesitant to!

I've been getting less and less reliant on the medical field for a few years, it's not a new thing or a 'belief thing', I just seem to react increasingly badly to medications like yearly flu vaccines or antibiotics, also processed food and stress! Since I took up this holistic healthy simple living I've been in good health and some of the illnesses I've been diagnosed with over the years like type 2 diabetes and thyroid deficiency have gone.

Somebody has to be the test generation for a prevention, cure or treatment though, I know. 



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47 minutes ago, Ellener said:

I've been getting less and less reliant on the medical field for a few years, it's not a new thing or a 'belief thing', I just seem to react increasingly badly to medications like yearly flu vaccines or antibiotics, also processed food and stress! Since I took up this holistic healthy simple living I've been in good health and some of the illnesses I've been diagnosed with over the years like type 2 diabetes and thyroid deficiency have gone.

Oh I certainly don’t doubt that there’s folks like yourself who maybe don’t deal with vaccinations or meds well and I don’t think anyone should be made to have it because of that reason!

...But, right now, only hope we have of getting rid of this thing is 80% of people becoming “immune“ one way or another! So as someone that has reasonable belief to think he’d be as okay having a vaccine as the next guy, then, I feel like it’s only right for me to be prepared to be part of that 80%!

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1 hour ago, Ollie180 said:

Oh I certainly don’t doubt that there’s folks like yourself who maybe don’t deal with vaccinations or meds well and I don’t think anyone should be made to have it because of that reason!

...But, right now, only hope we have of getting rid of this thing is 80% of people becoming “immune“ one way or another! So as someone that has reasonable belief to think he’d be as okay having a vaccine as the next guy, then, I feel like it’s only right for me to be prepared to be part of that 80%!

I keep reading on it all, it seems like it's a complex illness though I'm sure the huge numbers involved in a pandemic are the reason we see that so clearly- loads of illnesses become complex in some % of patients. There's a huge pressure to 'fix' it.

One ICU dr Anthony Gordon in the UK put it this way:"We're having to learn in a few months what we've learnt over many hundreds of years for other diseases, and that has been a real challenge."

Glad you will enthusiastically do your bit! I'll do mine by staying home and by being encouraging and thoughtful- and trying to read all the long medical research documents as they come out 🙂


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serial muse
On 5/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, Juha said:

Would not take a rushed, unproven, and most likely useless vaccine. 

There has never been a vaccine for a respiratory Corona Virus, they have worked on one for years and years and still nothing that is good

Think about that before you agree to take anything for this Corona virus.  All these years of working on one and all of a sudden in a matter of months

bam!, they have one...


On top of even if they get lucky and actually fall into one it would only have a success rate of 30-50%, maybe.

As these virus's mutate all the time so good luck trying to keep up with it.

I am good!

People keep making this argument. It is a bad argument. I have already refuted it elsewhere in the COVID19 forums, but I'll do it again here.

Developing a vaccine against a coronavirus is a matter of motivation. It requires a lot of time and money, and political will.

Let's talk about these other recent coronavirus outbreaks. Both SARS (2002-2003) and MERS (2012) were squashed relatively quickly; SARS because the symptoms were easy to identify and there wasn't this frustratingly long lead time of weeks of potential infectiousness before showing symptoms, so it was easy to quarantine people. And MERS because it was extremely deadly but didn't readily spread from human to human; it basically killed its host too quickly.

COVID-19 is much better equipped to stick around in the human body, and in society, for a long time. It's a much more wily foe. So the motivation to make a vaccine is also completely different, and that is why we ALREADY have all these clinical trials getting under way. Funding for SARS and MERS vaccines dried up very quickly because the outbreaks did too. That's not going to be the case here, obviously.

That other bit about the 30-50% effectiveness doesn't sound like it's based on anything but flippancy, so I'll just leave it at that. As for the mutation rate, in fact there are already quite a few studies out there about this virus's rate of mutation, which is not particularly fast. That's one of the pieces of good news here.

But, you know. You guys "do your own research" and do as you will, don't take a vaccine because reasons something, who the heck even knows at this point, the only "science" you trust is the science that tells you what you want to believe. All the eyerolls. Sorry, but this is just...oh God, just stop.

Edited by serial muse
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On 5/22/2020 at 7:50 AM, Foxhall said:

Personally I would prefer to build up immune system defences with herbal medicine remedies and take my chances that I can overcome or hopefully get a mild dose of the virus,

The only problem here is that many of the healthy people who have died were thought to have experienced a cytokine storm as a result of a too-robust immune system.

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On 5/24/2020 at 5:16 AM, Ellener said:

I think that's the whole issue, regulations are being temporarily suspended for expediency because of the pandemic, plus who exactly is the 'they' in this collaborative effort.

And this is because of the urgency to open businesses back up. (Even as they do open, a percentage of people are staying home until they can be more safe; we're told over and over, "well, if you're in a high risk category, you deal with it, stay home" and yeah...that's what's going to happen, so businesses will continue to suffer.)

So the push for a fast vaccine is on. It's going to be problematic that way, there's no avoiding that, really.

There really is not going to be an entirely foolproof, entirely safe to everyone's satisfaction, way to do this. Circumstances prevent it. I'm going to be a guinea pig if it comes to it, if I make it through I'll let you all know. ;) 

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I would not. I've never had a flu shot and I've done well.
I don't even take Tylenol.  I only see my doctor once a year for a physical and she is amazed every time that i don't take one medication. 
I always get called back up to the reception desk because they think I forgot to fill out the "prescriptions" section on my paperwork.  ha ha.  I love it!
I'm over 50 and pretty darn healthy.  I think it's because I stay away from all these man made vaccines and medicines. 

Edited by Spainglish
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^^^ I do not make medications either.  The occasional ibuprofen and some supplements but no flu shots or so called meds.  I am starting to wonder if our GROUP will be required to take them.  ^^^ Some are simply natural beauties 

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Another healthy old person here. No meds, no shots (never took flu vaccine and wouldn't take -19), no flu. If I got -19, I didn't notice. I've wondered for years and I'll wonder out loud now. How much of a factor is 'healthy' really in the way any individual deals with exposure to -19, the 'regular' flu, the common cold, anything. Personal experience and essentially everything in the news for years is a) healthy requires diet, exercise and sleep and b) 'most' Americans fail to be healthy. Is the way -19 is hitting the US simply 'birds coming home to roost'? Footnote: From what I've read over the years, I'm willing to assume large parts of the 2nd and 3rd world AND places in the US routinely fail having a healthy diet.

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i think one of the big problems with this virus is its unpredictability and though we can point at the elderly, the people with "underlying conditions" and the "unhealthy",
BUT until we ourselves become infected, we have no real idea if we are going to sail through it, or not...

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