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i told him bye...need support


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hey y'all..

after thinking n thinking i decided to end ****ing terms with my fwb.


i sent him a text last nite saying "i think i wanna chill 4 a bit n stop ****ing around. just giving a heads up. later"


we have been sleping avergae once in a week from last 7 months. he is/was a close friend and will remain so coz everyone kinda knows everyone but i will simply say hi hello to him socially.


tell me i did the right thing....n good things will happen.....

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well...ok when we first started having sex i did ask for commitment and he and i both backed off coz he didnt wanna commit.


then later we got back into the feb situation and actually got closer....I didnt wanna let go of the sex but at the same time i stopped wanting more than sex. I was simply enjoying sex for the moment.


its funny, coz i see him every weekend...we have common friends and all...

and we are both at a stage in life where we want marriage just not with each other (we discussed this...)


so 7 months is a long time to be having sex every week....to be having a fling...it has to end something...so i have ended it now...

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I applaud you for having the strength to end your FWB arrangement, especially if you still have feelings for him (do you?). I am in a similar situation at the moment (see my thread for more details) and so many times over the last couple of months, I told myself to end it before he did because it was inevitably going to come to an end. Better to be the one in control, right? Unfortunately, because I liked him so much and was afraid that ending the sex would end the friendship (which is not necessarily true), I continued full-steam ahead and ended up getting my heart broken.


You definitely did the right thing by taking a breather, especially if you weren't completely happy/comfortable with the way things were going. You're at a stage in your life where you want to get married, and the FWB arrangement was simply holding you back from getting out there with a clean slate and getting to know other guys. Good on you, hun, and be strong.



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You wanted committment .


He did not. He wanted sex.


You wanted sex with committment . He did not.


He wanted to have sex with you at his own time and schedule.


He got the cake and ate it too.


So now you know why FWB does not work when one wants love and committment and the other one wants just sex.

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