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Dealing with my BF's drug problem


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So I am trying to help my BF through this drug problem he has developed. Cocaine. Its such an evil drug. We have even decided to downsize our relationship to just a friendship while he is dealing with this. Its so tough. He runs a large company so he cant really go away to rehab so he is trying to rehab himself. I know he is still sneeking it. Its ripping me me apart watching someone spend so much money to harm themselves. I could just walk away, but I dont want to. i would feel horroble, but im at my wits end. I just need advice or opinions from people who have went through this. I myself am a recovered drug addict so I have given him all the pep talks and everything but I just dont know what to do to help him get to his breaking point of not wanting it anymore. I just dont think he wants it bad enough.

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decided to downsize our relationship to just a friendship


this is a great idea.. Because rehabing himself isn't going to work and you are going to go down with him.. Please don't risk your own sobriety for this man..


I'm a sober Alcoholic.. 18 years.. I also run/own companies and I can tell you that rehab is possible.. in fact even more so for someone who owns his own..



That is an excuse full of denial so he can continue to use.. Don't fall for it and get him into treatment.


One thing to remember is that since he will continue to use and it will get worse.. He will lose his company..

So treatment is really the easy way.. Letting him continue to use and run his business in the ground is the hard way to go down

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I suggest you look into Al-Anon or Nar-Anon. Being a recoverING addict does not hold the same answers as living with or loving one.


There is NOTHING you can do to fix him. He must fix himself. Or die. Or go to jail. Or end up with nothing. That's pretty much it.


You recognize that this relationship is not healthy for you, and I'm glad to hear that. I knew a wonderful woman with 15 years clean when I got clean nearly 9 years ago. She must've had 20 when she started dating a guy with "a little problem, who still sneaks some."


Her son found her dead on her kitchen floor, tied off, with a needle in her arm. You are playing with fire by immersing yourself in his addiction. Please take good care of YOU - because that's the only one you can.

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