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He's upset because I ended the friends with benefits

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It sounds like he was a bit lukewarm about you, OP.  That's not your fault.  I would say, though, that if you show you are keen and want to see him and question him about when that will be, you are giving him all the power.  If a guy does not take the initiative to arrange to meet you, to keep in touch regularly, and to let you know you matter to him, then walk away.  You do not need to go off on him and criticise him for his lack of texting (annoying though it is), you just need to walk.  I am glad you have done that.  

His comments don't make sense, i.e. that he is upset.  He has not shown great interest from what I hear.  Go forth and find someone different who is more in tune with you.  You do not have to chase guys.  if you start feeling you are doing the chasing and that the situation is becoming uneven in terms of effort, just back off. There is no need to complain, just show by your actions that you are giving the relationship less priority since he is doing the same.

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