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Social in justice is happening all over the world,  and I would like to discuss what is going on in China.

I'm very concerned about what's going on there and also in Hong Kong and potentially Taiwan. Without getting into details of how he does it, a friend of my oldest is able to get around the Chinese government's restrictions and get some information out- it's pretty bad. He doesn't live far from Wuhan, and from what he's told her, people who ask questions disappear. It's like how they treat practitioners of Falun Gong and don't talk about Tienanmen Square.

We had a lot of international students studying here, but when the unis' closed, they had to go home. For some, studying here was a way to get out and then maybe get their family out too. I don't know what's going to happen now.

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I don't see what we can we do about China mistreating their own people.

We could quit giving them special trade status and keep their students from studying at our universities. We'd lose some universities doing that. No matter what economic sanction we use it will be as if we dropped a weight on our own foot.

We've allowed ourselves to become much more dependent on them they are on us. That's not a good dynamic.

I just recently read where the Philippines electrical grid can be controlled by the Chinese. Chinese money is buying friends especially in Africa and South America.

They are being smart and we are being dumb. The experiment of opening up China with free markets in the hope that the prosperity would temper their revolutionary fervor has failed. That's been obvious for awhile.

If the Wuhan virus hasn't changed any minds about China, I don't know what it will take Pepper.

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