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I don't know if 'confont' is quite the way to go about it. When you demand that someone say "I love you" they are pretty much likely to not want to say it to you at all under those circumstances.


A better way might just be to put it in the form of an innocent question in a tender moment. Maybe if you are laying down together, relaxed and comfortable - perhaps you can say "I notice that you don't say "ILY" a lot, and only when I say it first. Is that something I need to worry about?". Keep your tone NON-CONFRONTATIONAL, and do not approach it in anger or frustration.

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Alright but do you think, he'll make a big deal out of it? Like I don't want to argue or anything, and i just don't understand him. Because I know a lot of couples that say it all the time, once they leave each other or when they're on the phone, like to me that makes me feel loved inside. So do you think it's a good idea?

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I think it a great idea to share how you are feeling. Keeping it bottled up will do you no good. The thing you want to consider is your delivery: you want it to sound as if you are genuinely curious about why he doesn't say it. If you come across as angry, hurt, bitter or confrontational about it- then you are making the whole 'saying ILY' thing appear obligational and he will react to how you say it, not what you are actually saying. You definitely don't want it to go in that direction!

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Look for his actions, more than words...The way he looks at you, holds your hand and generally IS with you, should say it too. Yea, its' nice to hear I love you, but it's also just as nice to FEEL the love as well as hear it.


Why do you think an argument will come of it? Does he feel pressured? IF that is the case, then definately don't say I love you for a while...Pick your moment when to say it again, when you truely 'feel' in it in your gut.

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