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Wanting to contact this guy

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I think I am becoming interested in this guy at work 

I have been told by my friends there a week ago that he’s been asking for my number and my name and he tells them he likes me

i do have his number but he gave it out a couple of years ago to us for a pre party at his place

what do I do? Shall I approach him when I come back to work in August after lockdown eases or just text him out of the blue?


 Thank you 

Edited by Blossom1985
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If you want to text him, just say. "Hey, this is Blossom1985. So how's everything with you?" Keep it light and lead into it. Gauge how he responds to your messages. I see no issues with it. As he gave you and co his number. Even if it has been a couple of years since.

Be no more or less odd than confronting him at work about it. 

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