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Hotwife Lifestyle... but not quite?

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Ugh lol, we are aware of ALL diseases (STDs) and infections(STIs) that can be obtained through multiple partners. As I said we have spent MANY hours talking about this and ways to keep safe. We go to a teen community clinic where you can tested free of charge and they give you condoms,birth control.advice or whatever you need, they are helping prevent unwanted teen pregnancy. So my g/f gets tested ofter there and we both agreed that before having sex with more guys they must first get tested, if they dont want to, Fine they dont get her in bed. Simple as that.


And just so you know, you contract AIDS, first come HIV then it develops into AIDS. I appreciate the concern but IMO we have planned this out carefully.



Well, I guess the sex will be quite boring then - no oral for the guys unless they wear tongue condoms and no oral for the girls unless they like sucking on latex. :)


Psst... it is much easier and much more fun being monogamous... you may appreciate that POV when you get your positive test results from your doc. :D

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Believe we know what love is, now because this isnt your thing does not mean you can go ahead and be a bitch and bash it. If you dont like it good, dont do it, but if others go for it fine not your problem. I understand its your opinion and its what most people would say, I myself was like that and could not believe I wanted my g/f to do this. If stupidity really pisses you off, start updating yourself on venerial infections.


As for the married lady who does not care to read up about this lifestyle, I only said it so you know what you are debating about. When my g/f sleeps with other guys its not for love its for experience and pleasure.


Perhaps most of you can get updated on STDs and STIs as it seems that you have mainly learned from statistic on the news.

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Well, I guess the sex will be quite boring then - no oral for the guys unless they wear tongue condoms and no oral for the girls unless they like sucking on latex. :)


Psst... it is much easier and much more fun being monogamous... you may appreciate that POV when you get your positive test results from your doc. :D


Yeah and then it wil be too late!! You will wish you had listened !!! Oh well can't say we didn't tell you so!!! lol:D

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Yeah and then it wil be too late!! You will wish you had listened !!! Oh well can't say we didn't tell you so!!! lol:D



This guy really needs to hook up with Alpha... he can give this 19-year old the lowdown on everything related to AIDS since he IS the authority on the subject here on LS. :D

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Believe we know what love is, now because this isnt your thing does not mean you can go ahead and be a bitch and bash it. If you dont like it good, dont do it, but if others go for it fine not your problem. I understand its your opinion and its what most people would say, I myself was like that and could not believe I wanted my g/f to do this. If stupidity really pisses you off, start updating yourself on venerial infections.


As for the married lady who does not care to read up about this lifestyle, I only said it so you know what you are debating about. When my g/f sleeps with other guys its not for love its for experience and pleasure.


Perhaps most of you can get updated on STDs and STIs as it seems that you have mainly learned from statistic on the news.


Honey we are alot older and wiser than you so we know better than you .. You are a teenager and still learning .. I can enjoy pleasure with my h without experiencing half the world !!

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Believe we know what love is, now because this isnt your thing does not mean you can go ahead and be a bitch and bash it. If you dont like it good, dont do it, but if others go for it fine not your problem. I understand its your opinion and its what most people would say, I myself was like that and could not believe I wanted my g/f to do this. If stupidity really pisses you off, start updating yourself on venerial infections.


As for the married lady who does not care to read up about this lifestyle, I only said it so you know what you are debating about. When my g/f sleeps with other guys its not for love its for experience and pleasure.


Perhaps most of you can get updated on STDs and STIs as it seems that you have mainly learned from statistic on the news.



I don't need to get *updated* since I don't engage in this bulls*** behaviour. Thanks for your concern though. :)

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This guy really needs to hook up with Alpha... he can give this 19-year old the lowdown on everything related to AIDS since he IS the authority on the subject here on LS. :D


Definitely!! where is alpha at ? Never around when we need him !!! lol:D :lmao:

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Whatever, bring in Alpha! I'm not an expert but I'm not ignorant like most people.



No, just a wee bit selfish perhaps... just like Alpha.


Hey Alpha! Get your ass in here! Here's one of your clones! :lmao:

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Whatever, bring in Alpha! I'm not an expert but I'm not ignorant like most people.


Where is Alpha come on !! This boy needs some talking to !!! Moose is another one love his replys to posts too!! Moose tells it like it is also!!

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lol. I dont want you guys all turned against me. just if you dont like our lifestyle at least respect that we do, doesnt mean you have to go do it too. We have all the facts and prevention we need. We both are prepared mentally and would like to get married someday. We are not stupid or ignorant as someone said, also about people like us running the country, believe we got more brains than bush. I'm just trying to help mr. Halo here as he also feels like he wants to try out this lifestyle. My g/f and I have agreed that if either one doesnt like it then its stop there or if we see it interfering with our relationship thats the end of the lifestyle.


If its not your cup of tea, dont drink it but dont spit all over it either




now where the hell is alpha?

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