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do women put too much stock in astrological signs?

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Saw this dating profile where the opening sentence was, "I'm this sign, and if you're THAT sign, do not contact me!"  I mean, ...really? Are we getting into tin foil hat territory here? lol

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I personally don't believe in that kind of thing and maybe some people do it just for fun, but there does seem to be a shift in people taking it very seriously. I know someone who explains most of my behaviour with "that's such an insertsign thing to do!". I'll always refer to it as nonsense, but I don't see it as my place to trample all over someone else's fun. If someone is into astrology that seriously and you're not, it might be a dealbreaker in some relationships and I think that's fine. I personally wouldn't date someone with different core values to myself. I would probably struggle to date someone religious because I don't want to raise my children that way. 


My general philosophy is "let people enjoy things!" as long as there's no harm caused of course. 

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No, LOL! Not as a general rule or anything.

While they're out there, I personally don't know many people, male or female, who take much if any stock in astrology. I think of it this way: how many other people were born on Hitler's birthday, at the same latutide, in the same time zone? Yet mysteriously they didn't all rise to power and go on to kill a few million people. How come? Because they didn't have Mercury rising? How about Davinci? Einstein? Torquemada? Thousands of people must have been born on their birthdays, at the same time, same lattitide, perhaps the same country. So why weren't they like 500 Davincis in Europe at the same time? 

I can't really believe that the date, time and location where I was born half a century ago is causing the resurfacing of an old flame who will bring up memories and possibly complicate my relationship with a close family member with the initial M starting this coming Saturday. Or that because I have Leo rising I'll get an unexpected phone call that adds new life into a stale career. Come on now.



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I usually don't believe in stuff like that, but I would tend to believe astrological signs over religion for example. 😉  I don't believe in the super natural.  So religion is a non starter for me.  But astrology is of the natural, so there could be something to it.  But who knows if there is anything to it,  that it's being interpreted correctly.  

I think most people look at it for fun.  That said, I've been with my wife for 42 years and we're both Geminis.  When we started dating we sent away for a reading.  Basically it said we'd have a nice short lived relationship, but it wouldn't work long term.  

Like I said, could be something to it.  🤔

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If anybody, man or woman, puts stock in astrology, it’s too much. Also certain personality disorders are prone to “magical thinking” (like believing in astrology) so general rule is stay away. Man or woman.

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24 minutes ago, Weezy1973 said:

If anybody, man or woman, puts stock in astrology, it’s too much. Also certain personality disorders are prone to “magical thinking” (like believing in astrology) so general rule is stay away. Man or woman.

I wonder if a certain individual with personality disorders and magical thinking believes in it?  Couldn't resist.  :classic_smile:

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Well, at least you know what you're dealing with.  Astrology is a hobby for some, just like it was in the 60s.  Let's just say it's all true.  What does that matter?  You're still going to have to meet someone and see if you get along or not, and you're certainly not going to be the perfect match for 1/12 of the population on earth.  

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Well there's always someone in anything. Never met anyone that was rock solid about it though all that stuffs only ever been as a little bit of a light hearted guide she's not really taking serious in my experience.

However , although l prefer brown eyes , my gf on the other hand has never and would never be with anyone other than blue eyes . She's very superstitious and eyes are a huge thing in her culture.

l also have a male friend 56  and he's never been with anyone other than brown eyes and he never will . He told me once when my marriage broke up if she had brown eyes we would've worked because l needed a woman with brown eyes like he does where as a few of his other friends must choose blue eyes. That's not why l love brown eyes , l just do , but the first thing he asked after l'd met gf is what colour are her eyes, so he was very pleased when l told brown. lt's quite funny really but nope for him no way , if she doesn't have brown eyes forget it.

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I used to read charts so naturally I have no problem with women liking astrology. I think it depends on what kind of stock they put into it. 

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Yes absolutely. But the cynic in me thinks women’s belief in all that limbo jumbo is brilliant because there is no greater ‘in’ than when you reveal you know about compatible star signs.

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3 hours ago, Piddy said:

I wonder if a certain individual with personality disorders and magical thinking believes in it?  Couldn't resist.  :classic_smile:

Okay, well...this is something of a thin line because technically any religion is magical thinking. Honestly, if we weren't in the Western hemisphere in the 21st century, someone else might look at our culture and say, "These primitives belive there's an invisible giant being who can be everywhere at the same time, created every object in the cosmos by breathing and talking, can perform miracles, communicates through flaming vegetation without the vegetation actually burning up, turns one fish into a thousand upon command via a human conduit, has the ability to wipe out the earth, gets personally involved in the winning of wars, the healing of cancer and the finding of lost car keys, and determines whether after death people go to a nirvana of eternal pleasantness and singing or a fiery pit resided over by a demon" - and say, "wow. Supserstitions for the win."

With that said, I don't live my life as if God (which I see in a slightly different way than a majority of Western culture does, or appears to) is dictating my every move, and equally, I don't take stock in my sun sign, moon sign and rising sign at a specific time 50 years ago influencing whether or not things will go well for me this week. Both can be beliefs, the latter can be a hobby and it's interesting and fun, and I love investigating esoteric subjects, often with a "is there somehow a natural basis for this?" investigative leaning. BUT...I do think someone relying on astrology in any significant way is...while interesting, not dating material. For me. 

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Which astrological signs?  Whose zodiac and astrological interpretation are you talking?  I put little stock in the upstart, second run Grecco-Roman stuff, I mean really, Egypt had astrology and writings on same for thousands of years before the Greeks even had an alphabet. :) 

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15 minutes ago, SumGuy said:

Which astrological signs?  Whose zodiac and astrological interpretation are you talking?  I put little stock in the upstart, second run Grecco-Roman stuff, I mean really, Egypt had astrology and writings on same for thousands of years before the Greeks even had an alphabet. :) 

I'm sure it's generally more current than this but overall, it changes from interpretation to interpretation until SOMETHING sticks, somewhere, for an individual, and to me (just to me) that says a lot.

The Amazing Randy - ETA: Ooops, sorry! Randi (I don't love his style, TBH, but he did reveal some fascinating things during his career) once did a project, which he filmed. I watched the vid. It was kids in a classroom. They gave their astrological signs. Randi then handed out a chart for each according to his or her sign, or supposedly, which ended up being the point. Each read his or her traits, etc. and said "Yes. This is accurate." I don't know if any of them said overall the chart was wrong.

Randi then revealed that he had given a chart for a different sign than each individual stated he or she was. I know you guys knew that was coming but yeah.

Humans tend to love patterns. It's part of how we interpret our world and honestly it's served us pretty well. But it can also make us see parallels while automatically discounting errors. This is true in psychic cold readings too. So for instance if the reader says she sees someone, female, a mother? - in your family with an M or R somewhere (two of the most common first-name letters in the English language) and then tells you to really think hard, when she "sees" "mother" it can mean "mother figure," and this person is dead, and you're still saying no, and the reader says when she sees "death" it can mean a huge change, and you say "Oh my God...my Aunt Margaret just moved from a house she lived in for 50 years, it was a big deal," three major mistakes (one of the two letters; mother changing to mother figure; death changed to...change) have been made and then one part of all this was right, that's a 75% failure rate, and that's WITH the law of averages on his or her side, but the person being read will say, "I went to a psychic who knew things she couldn't possibly know." This is simply human nature.

Same with astrology, as far as I can see. I do remember it being "a thing" among the grownups in the 70s and today it's all over the internet, and I know some have it as a hobby. But I have actually never known anybody, in my adult life, who refused to date someone of a different astrological sign, so my personal view (just mine) is...no...it's probably not an overly common dating requirement.

Interesting stuff today, folks! This is actually a deeper subject than it may appear at the outset. I don't discount everyone's beliefs about everything. I do get "that deep feeling" that "something is out there" although I do know studies have been done on that too to determine who has the "God genes" set that contribute to beliefs. :D We have our beliefs because they enhance our lives...and I'm all for optimisim, a purpose, and fun. I just think people who go to something of extremes on something like astrology, religion, etc. is not the person for me. While fascinated I'm also more moderate on what I bet my life on, so to speak.

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Emilie Jolie
9 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Saw this dating profile

Women? Nope.

This woman? Apparently so.

Sample of one does not a generality make.

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1 hour ago, smackie9 said:

"What's your sign man." 1972

OMG and (listening to my parents' friends...or stuff on TV) the answer was ALWAYS "Oh really? That's a VERY sexy/sensual sign"...like literally no matter what. 😂

ETA: I probably heard this once or twice in the 80s...I remember answering once, "Do Not Enter."

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I don't believe in astrology, but workmates who don't know my birthday have guessed my star sign.   Yes.  I'm Virgo.

Anyway, if someone had in their profile "Don't contact me if you are X sign" I would not contact them regardless of what my own sign is.  Then again, I also wouldn't contact someone who spoke about religion too.   

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7 hours ago, chillii said:

Well there's always someone in anything. Never met anyone that was rock solid about it though all that stuffs only ever been as a little bit of a light hearted guide she's not really taking serious in my experience.

However , although l prefer brown eyes , my gf on the other hand has never and would never be with anyone other than blue eyes . She's very superstitious and eyes are a huge thing in her culture.

l also have a male friend 56  and he's never been with anyone other than brown eyes and he never will . He told me once when my marriage broke up if she had brown eyes we would've worked because l needed a woman with brown eyes like he does where as a few of his other friends must choose blue eyes. That's not why l love brown eyes , l just do , but the first thing he asked after l'd met gf is what colour are her eyes, so he was very pleased when l told brown. lt's quite funny really but nope for him no way , if she doesn't have brown eyes forget it.

Yeah, I have a friend that said he'd never date a Hispanic woman again as he had a couple of bad experiences with dating them...they were basically bossy hot heads. Not sure why he'd paint such a generalized brush about Hispanic women, but ...never again.

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mark clemson

I think some women and some men do put a lot of stock in it. Whether that's too much stock is I suppose a matter of opinion.

I don't put much stock in it myself, although I'm guilty of certain other types of what some would call magical thinking.

It's worth noting that it's been said that for all intents and purposes Nancy Reagan's astrologer ran this country during the later years of the Reagan administration. This is a period widely credited (in conjunction with Gorbachev's rise) with leading to the end of the cold war and the collapse of the USSR.  I don't know how fully true that is, but it's worth giving at least a bit of consideration to IMO.

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6 hours ago, SumGuy said:

Which astrological signs?  Whose zodiac and astrological interpretation are you talking?  I put little stock in the upstart, second run Grecco-Roman stuff, I mean really, Egypt had astrology and writings on same for thousands of years before the Greeks even had an alphabet. :) 

Yeah very true , but they were real , depth n soul they truly lived by for 1000s of yrs built effg pyramids by .My gf's eye thing and their beliefs go back 1000s of years in her culture too. Not some shallow bs out of a mag, latest fad or some idiot Hollywood tv show that got into someones head yesterday and so today , ohhh, she believes, like a shiny new handbag .

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25 minutes ago, chillii said:

Yeah very true , but they were real , depth n soul they truly lived by for 1000s of yrs built effg pyramids by .My gf's eye thing and their beliefs go back 1000s of years in her culture too. Not some shallow bs out of a mag, latest fad or some idiot Hollywood tv show that got into someones head yesterday and so today , ohhh, she believes, like a shiny new handbag .

But without astrology those pyramids would have gotten built. It didn't take astrology. It took math. And a lot of slaves.

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They also(a number of them anyway) believe in ghosts and psychics as well...

I dunno...Im not knocking it, but most men don't buy any of it...Seems like an easy way to con someone out of their money....


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Me too actually . Which is why my friends beliefs because he's an extremely perceptive guy and def  in some way physic , he's people also go back 1000s of yrs. For my gf's people it isn't about eye colour preference or something so trivial they believe you must match the soul and the eyes the soul. When she talks about it or her grandmothers or their grand mothers or theirs l'm listening to her ancestors , beautiful stuff. 

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Miss Spider

No I don't believe, but I think it's fun/enjoy messing w people who do. I have dated guys who have believed in it a lot. One guy I dated had pulled up in one of his many tabs an article on " how to woo *my star sign*" I can't really take ppl like that seriously xD

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