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Ex gf showed at my house uninvited? Broke up 3 months ago)

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Hey y’all we didn’t date for too long, 9 months. I broke it off due to personality differences. She was upset for a while and was calling me crying..I got suckered in at first but eventually realized she never changed and never will. Ignore her again. She started playing little mind games...showed at my house after I hadn’t seen her in a while (looking Damn good) to give me back my house key that I never asked for back? Didn’t even tell me she was coming? A few days later she calls me asking something stupid..then asks if I’m home..then says she has to go bye. Weird s***. 

further...she’s away at college right now and made it a point to let me brothers girlfriend know that she’s hooking up with randoms, knowing it will get back to me. 


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You dumped her.  She wants you back.  She's doing whatever she thinks will get into your head space & it appears to be working.  

Understand something although she may look good, the personality differences that caused you to break up have not changed.  Why would you want to go back to something that wasn't working, especially since she's playing head games with you?   There was no need for her to be so indiscrete as to tell your brother's GF all her business.  Anybody who would do that is too immature to be in a relationship with.  

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3 hours ago, Juggernut23 said:

let my brothers girlfriend know that she’s hooking up with randoms, knowing it will get back to me. 


How the heck would that info make you want her back?????   She turned into an easy tramp.  Oh yes... that's what I wan't in a GFLOL.   My mom always told me... "There are girls you date, and girls you marry."   (You can figure out where she is)

Anyway... you sound very young still... if you are in school... there are hundreds of girls to chose from.  Go have fun and figure out what you need.  Block her on SM and tell your brother and hes GF that you don't want to know about her.

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1 hour ago, Blind-Sided said:

How the heck would that info make you want her back?????   She turned into an easy tramp.  Oh yes... that's what I wan't in a GFLOL.   My mom always told me... "There are girls you date, and girls you marry."   (You can figure out where she is)

Anyway... you sound very young still... if you are in school... there are hundreds of girls to chose from.  Go have fun and figure out what you need.  Block her on SM and tell your brother and hes GF that you don't want to know about her.

No clue. these mind games are well thought out. Thanks for the stating the obvious Lol 

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8 hours ago, Juggernut23 said:


She's salty a.f. over you dumping her and she's living out her revenge fantasies.

She's not taking the dismissal well or gracefully--and it sounds like she's very immature/entitled. Yeah, she may be hurt, but you don't have to show your behind in the process... or risk behavior that will land you in an orange jumpsuit courtesy of the county jail.

IIWY, I wouldn't entertain any thoughts of hitting and quitting---you'll find your mom's dog in a boiling pot on your stove. Time to put her on block and quit feeding into her delusions that she can sex you back into a relationship.

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First off why are you not block/deleting her number, and all contact. You shouldn't have even answered the door let alone accept any phone calls. This girl really needs to be cut off. AND tell your brother's GF "Good finally she's moving on....hopefully she will leave me alone now."

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She sounds really immature.  I agree, she needs to be cut off.  Don't talk to her, don't text her, don't respond to her ploys for attention.

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On 6/30/2020 at 3:06 PM, Juggernut23 said:

No clue. these mind games are well thought out. Thanks for the stating the obvious Lol 

Eh, not really. They're pretty cliche, actually. 

Her behaviour is a reflection of her immaturity, it seems, and she's desperately grasping at straws here. If you genuinely have no intention of getting back together, you need to block her and tell your brother's girlfriend to employ some more mature discretion and not pass on information about this girl's sex adventures. 

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On 7/1/2020 at 10:06 AM, smackie9 said:

First off why are you not block/deleting her number, and all contact. You shouldn't have even answered the door let alone accept any phone calls. This girl really needs to be cut off. AND tell your brother's GF "Good finally she's moving on....hopefully she will leave me alone now."

I hear you man. I was on my front porch smoking a joint..she came out of the woodwork 

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