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Some will simply refused to not visit their loved ones

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I have come to the conclusion that...OVER TIME...since apparently we are in this for the long haul. For those non-partiers/non-socialites, there are a group of people out there ,though they aren't out partying or hitting the crowds, they are still having grand kids over, or having a select amount of friends to visit with one-on-one.

For instnace, there is this mid-50s grandma that moved to my area from the big city. Retired nurse. She tells me that the "gremlins are over" and they'll be up and to play in the pool. She's not out hitting the town nor painting the town red, as this is a smaller community, but I asked her, "Are you not concerned about them spreading Covid to you?" And she said, 'Yeah, it's a concern, but...I'll cross that bridge when I  get to it"


You see, people will only be good for so long and then go, "fck it, i'm going to see my grand kids or girlfriend or wife or whatever".  ESPECIALLY if they aren't frontline workers or if the nature of their lives aren't really being around a lot of people.

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1 hour ago, QuietRiot said:

having a select amount of friends to visit with one-on-one.

I've had two select walking friends since the pandemic and my son to visit. The only place I've been except walking in the woods and park is the grocery store.

When things reopened I started to make plans but they have had to be cancelled. 

1 hour ago, QuietRiot said:

people will only be good for so long

I think people have to cope as best they can, total isolation isn't good for us. 

It's been 4 months now here. There's not a consensus on what to do, we're being mandated to wear face covering, and asked to stay 6 feet away in public and wash hands. This last few days we've been asked to stay home again, work from home if possible. Some businesses have been closed again. The emergency unemployment assistance ends in a few days.

I think the majority of us are just muddling through as best we can. 




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During lockdown, I visited my parents and sat far away shouting out our conversations.  I also delivered packages to people who were in lockdown without breaching recommended boundaries.

Dont judge without the full story.  

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Happy Lemming
9 minutes ago, preraph said:

We have those people to thank for spreading the disease to others.

Here is the perfect example to reinforce your point and the woman in question is a nurse!!

"Jacksonville woman, 15 friends test positive for COVID-19 after dinner at restaurant"


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1 hour ago, basil67 said:

 I also delivered packages to people who were in lockdown without breaching recommended boundaries.

That's great!

I'm sick right now, a friend texted and said he'd drop off anything outside I need meanwhile- it makes all the difference to staying positive, knowing people care. 

A lot of things have changed here, we already had drive-through banks and restaurants, but now the library leaves your books ( ordered online ) outside, oil changes are done while the customer sits in their vehicle, and most of the community has gone online. 


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It kills me that people are still going into grocery stores at all.  Parking lot pickup is free and delivery is also available, so why?  Our neighborhood Walmart Market closed last week due to covid outbreak.  That's where my sister gets all her food.  She had an order in the works at the time.  I called her at 10:30 at night when I found out it closed and she was able to cancel her order.  They brought third party in to clean, but really, can't imagine how thorough it could be.  I mean, I know how long it takes me just to sterile my few bags of groceries before putting them up each week.  


They do need to get some sort of disinfectant spray for large areas, though, where they can spray it on like a mist and let it settle on everything and then leave it 24 hours and have it safe, but I have not heard of such a thing.  Needs to be something like the way bug bombs are, fine mist.  

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Ruby Slippers

My parents decided at the beginning that they still want me to visit as I normally do. We all take reasonable precautions. They decided they'd rather accept the risk than not see family indefinitely, and that's their choice. 

The absolute worst is people who don't get to have any loved ones around when they're dying in the hospital. That seems so inhumane and awful. 

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58 minutes ago, preraph said:

They do need to get some sort of disinfectant spray for large areas, though, where they can spray it on like a mist and let it settle on everything and then leave it 24 hours and have it safe, but I have not heard of such a thing. 

They do Touch-point Surface Cleaning manually then


Mist Fogging
This uses air speed to atomise the detergent and DOES NOT deteriorate the detergent to create the ‘fog’.

This technique involves a very fine chemical being sprayed / misted across an entire workplace, coating the surface and soft furnishings. The detergent kills on contact and we would suggest letting the detergent dry before re-entry. It is generally up to an hour before it is completely safe for employees to return to work.


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1 hour ago, basil67 said:

@Ellener hope you get off lightly.   Get well soon.

Thank you, I suspect the eye infection comes from re-using a paper mask, I'll pick up more washable ones when I can go out again. 

Eaten two bowls of the cayenne pepper chicken soup and feeling way better! Frozen a batch for if I get sick again.

I'm getting run down in general, not enough exercise/fresh air/human contact...we had storms last week and I kind of got out of synch, plus my 2 friends I walk with are out of town and we're back in lockdown. 

Edited by Ellener
add thank you
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10 hours ago, preraph said:

It kills me that people are still going into grocery stores at all.  Parking lot pickup is free and delivery is also available, so why?  Our neighborhood Walmart Market closed last week due to covid outbreak.  That's where my sister gets all her food.  She had an order in the works at the time.  I called her at 10:30 at night when I found out it closed and she was able to cancel her order.  They brought third party in to clean, but really, can't imagine how thorough it could be.  I mean, I know how long it takes me just to sterile my few bags of groceries before putting them up each week.  


They do need to get some sort of disinfectant spray for large areas, though, where they can spray it on like a mist and let it settle on everything and then leave it 24 hours and have it safe, but I have not heard of such a thing.  Needs to be something like the way bug bombs are, fine mist.  

It kills you how people can go into grocery stores at all? At our Publix, we go in with masks and there are social distancing markers in place, and one-way directional arrows down the ailes. What more can you ask for?

Also, disinfecting the groceries has been debunked. No real need todo that anymore.

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12 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

"fck it, i'm going to see my grand kids or girlfriend or wife or whatever".

I am thinking a way around this myself, I won't be able to see one of my walking friends for a couple of weeks when she returns, she's with her extended family now and is going to quarantine when she gets back.

I do talk to people out walking and I expect my son will visit at the weekend. I had an outdoor party invite for 4 July but I am not going to go, we're being asked to stay home. Fireworks are banned in the city except the official big display which is being televised.

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2 hours ago, Ellener said:

I am thinking a way around this myself, I won't be able to see one of my walking friends for a couple of weeks when she returns, she's with her extended family now and is going to quarantine when she gets back.

I do talk to people out walking and I expect my son will visit at the weekend. I had an outdoor party invite for 4 July but I am not going to go, we're being asked to stay home. Fireworks are banned in the city except the official big display which is being televised.

Come the holidays, I think people will start throwing caution to the wind...I guarantee it.

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2 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

Come the holidays, I think people will start throwing caution to the wind...I guarantee it.

You mean Thanksgiving/Christmas/Channukah?

Oh my goodness, I cannot imagine being alone all the time until then either. We should create a contingency thread...

I took my first music booking last week since the beginning of March- it's in November. 

5 more months...




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21 hours ago, QuietRiot said:

You see, people will only be good for so long and then go, "fck it, i'm going to see my grand kids or girlfriend or wife or whatever".  ESPECIALLY if they aren't frontline workers or if the nature of their lives aren't really being around a lot of people.

and it is unrealistic to expect this to be different,

People cannot be isolated forever, people have done their bit for the last few months,  if your talking a country or state where the numbers are under reasonable control, people have to see each other,


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2 hours ago, Foxhall said:

People cannot be isolated forever, people have done their bit for the last few months

Do you really think the virus cares a damn about that?
The virus is not a thunder storm, the sun comes out and we all go out to play again.
This virus is here for a long time, we will all have to get used to living with it.

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1 hour ago, elaine567 said:

Do you really think the virus cares a damn about that?
The virus is not a thunder storm, the sun comes out and we all go out to play again.
This virus is here for a long time, we will all have to get used to living with it.

Very much like `Love Island`

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1 hour ago, elaine567 said:

This virus is here for a long time, we will all have to get used to living with it.

yes with that in mind I think we need to address the isolation issue at this point,

where you are from (Scotland is it) and where I am there are a relatively low number of cases, so people need to be able to meet again,

Im not talking holding house parties or major indoor gatherings , rather the situations outlined by the opener here,  

folks for their mental well being they need to embrace some interactions again,

it is possible that the situation could get painful again later this year, so whatever freedoms they can enjoy now they have to make the most of it.


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14 hours ago, elaine567 said:

Do you really think the virus cares a damn about that?
The virus is not a thunder storm, the sun comes out and we all go out to play again.
This virus is here for a long time, we will all have to get used to living with it.

True, but come the holidays...should the virus still be an issue...even those that were on board with social distancing...won't be so much as they used to come Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I guarantee it.

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On 6/30/2020 at 5:39 AM, preraph said:

We have those people to thank for spreading the disease to others.


Thanks, dudes...ensuring that at this rate the economy can never open the hell back up and we'll be wearing masks until about the 22nd century.

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On 6/30/2020 at 6:44 PM, QuietRiot said:

Come the holidays, I think people will start throwing caution to the wind...I guarantee it.


They have. All along. That's the problem. This is what's keeping this going on...and on...and on.

And those of us being careful are being punished right along with the nozzles who "won't have their rights trampled on!!!" - because a virus. Does. Not. Care.

 It's insanity. 

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In UK we have our first "local" lockdown.
The city of Leicester.
According to local sources it has been "business as usual"  in the city generally, throughout the crisis, so no real surprise it has become a hotspot...

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