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Benefits of being single

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40 minutes ago, Hopeful30 said:

THIS!!!!! I completely forgot about the thermostat!!! Yes this is definitely a benefit. No complaints that I need to turn on the AC. I love hot :D

Oh man, what is it with you guys and liking blistering temperatures?! :D

I like it at about 22C. We compromise by turning it to 24C if both of us are around, and he wears a sweater. ;)

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52 minutes ago, snowcones said:

 I will never deal with out-of-sync body temperatures again.  I never will deal with a man hogging the whole bed or the covers again.  I never will deal some man breathing all over me all night long, while I hardly can sleep and he sleeps soundly like a log.  Nope. 

I did a sleepover on the Fourth of July, like a literal sleepover.  It’s all we did minus one hug goodbye the next morning.  He had it set up that we both had our own blanket/fluffy comforter so we didn’t have to share.  We also each had plenty of pillows.  We just laid there in the bed watching “cops” all through the night on the big screen.  He had the ceiling fan on and said it was cool I didn’t mind like his exW use to.  The next morning he said it was a trial run to see if we could sleep in the same bed all night together.  So weird but kinda cool at the same time.  I had great sleep, quality sleep.  The kind of sleep only no dogs and  a $5000 mattress provides.   It was bliss. 

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As a man, it's mental well-being of being free from getting nagged, nit-picked and complained all the time from women.

One of my ex hated the AC, while I loved it, so yeah, being single means I can live my life the way I want.

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19 hours ago, Phallacy said:

For men, you typically have more money.

For many men, a relationship can be viewed as expense.

Dating itself requires precision spending,

Who do I offer the weekend getaway to or the free festival in town?

Unless theyre tight with money. Which a lot are 

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For me, I am happy being single. I have grown and learnt to love myself and my independence.

But I would say that the very best times in life are when you share the experience with a loved one. That loved one could be a relation or a close friend. You are then, not alone.

The secret to a happy life is to be content alone, and when you are with someone, and not to be unhappy when you are in the other.

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Everything is yours. A lot of people have this society view on what is acceptable and unacceptable and often those people do very well socially. I don't fall into that category. I can get by at a fancy restaurant and know etiquette but I don't really think I would enjoy friends who are say engineers. Popular engineers! So I'll tell you my story and allow you all to judge me like your life's are so perfect and you are better then me. I grew up neglected and I raised myself. I ended up being a stripper and I had a different connection daily. I liked it a lot. When your single you can still do that as long as your sane but I wasn't sane and end up like eeeeeek eeeeeek eeeeeek. I'm getting sane and at work I can connect with a different man everyday again. I work with 200 of them at least daily! 

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One of the benefits I'm about to explore is being able to worry about only your schedule. For instance, I'm doing alright financially, but I have some debt that if I pay it down sooner rather than later I can be in a lot better place. So, now that I'm single, I can take a part-time job (in addition to my full-time job) and work towards that goal without having to worry about what will be a tighter schedule fitting with a significant other (for spending time together, etc.). This also works for if you want to go to school, learn new skills, etc. 


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You can organize your time as you wish. There is no need to share salary. You can travel and meet new people. But to be alone all the time isn't a good thing. You will be bored sooner or later.

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There are a some big benefits, no doubt, as you can do a lot of things that you like, you make your own schedule. and what to do when you have some free time.

Also, If you are smart enough and most of all nice enough and fair, you can have a lot of sex with no strings attached.

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If you ever want to uproot your life and relocate or change careers completely and take a risk going after your dreams, it'll require risks and you will be in some financial turmoil for awhile...roughing it out.   Also, if you ever went through something overwhelmingly painful which throws you into grief, like a death in the family, illness, maybe losing a job, you don't have to worry about your partner putting a silent timer on you to get back up on your feet and get over it.   You have the flexibility to live life on your clock.  Your way..with no one around to impose their expectations on you or belittle you if you don't rise to them.

It's one of the best things about being single.

- Beach


On 7/5/2020 at 1:29 AM, Mystery4u said:

Someone sounds jealous. Haters gonna hate.

I don't think its jealousy so much as you being on thread where the OP is looking to find some comfort in being single..and you're attempting to reinforce what they are missing out on.    Perhaps consider this thread is about helping the OP.  


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On 7/4/2020 at 11:40 AM, rjc149 said:

As a man, too many benefits to list. 

Number 1 benefit: the freedom to date whoever you please without the disastrous financial consequences of a divorce. 

Thank you! Marriage is a financial prison. No thanks!! 

Edit to add: My brother-in-law destroyed my sister's perfect credit when he was laid off from his job and they had to move back to their home state. They would have lost their house to the bank, if my sister hadn't taken out another loan to pay their past due mortgage bills. 

So, my view is from a financial perspective: stay single. Sure, "be" with someone for the long haul but keep your finances separate and never combine them or you will regret it. 

Plus, as a singleton, you can spend your money any way you want to. You can take a vacation, or you can buy a used car. You don't have your partner judging your spending habits (that is, unless you are a shopaholic and have run up 6 credit card balances that is under their name). 

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On 7/27/2020 at 4:01 PM, melonmint57 said:

Less "obligatory" family functions to attend. 

Maybe so, but often there's food at these family functions....... 

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