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Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

If i can do it, then anyone can. I smoked like 1 1/2 packs a day for 7 years and i quit like cold turkey over 2 weeksago. YEAAHHHHH!!! Im finally starting to breathe and smell again!!! And now my breathe will smell better for the ladies and not smell like a damn ash tray. lol

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Congratulations. Not only have you stopped smoking but you have added 25 more years to your life, reduced your health and life insurance rates, and have opened up the possiblity of having lots more friendships with people who would normally not want to be around a smoker.


I am jumping for joy along with you. This is the greatest thing I've heard in days!!!

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Bobby D.,


I'm so happy for you, that's great news!


One of the biggest physical turn-offs is the stale odor of cigarette smoke in a guy's hair, in his breath, and on his clothes. So, oh boy, the girls you date will be even more grateful!




Good luck!

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good on you bobby!!


it's really good to hear that some people aren't as pissweak as myself!! i've been smoking a pack a day for 7 years, i've tried patches, gum, cold turkey and zybans.....i'm finding the *habit* particularly hard to break and boy, i'm one moody cow when i try and quit too.


do you have any advice on how you stopped smoking??? like i said, the habitual part of smoking is hardest for me to break, which really should be the easiest!


once again, good on ya!! :)

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Bobby Dygytul

Yeah sure i'll be happy to give you some advise. You see smoking is all in the mind. You mind is what tells you that you need to smoke, it controls everything, like pain, feelings, emotions, BAD HABBITS, etc.


The thing about the all mighty powerful mind that we don't realize is, we CAN control our minds and overwrite things it tells us to do. You have to control your mind, it doesn't control itself.


I just quit like cold turkey. I just don't let my mind think that i need it. Everytime i usually smoked a cig, i think of the reasons why i quit. Toothpicks help to. Everyday the urge to smoke gets fewer and fewer until it is gone.


It makes you feel so much better after you quit, its almost like getting a privilage back. I can smell and taste better now and breate better. It makes me feel so good to not smoke. Every time now im around someone that smokes, im like "YUCK!!!" It stinks so very bad and is a nasty habbit.


I guess when it all comes down to it, it is Will Power that can help you to quit. Once you can quit smoking, you can conquer anything!!!!!!!!

good on you bobby!! it's really good to hear that some people aren't as pissweak as myself!! i've been smoking a pack a day for 7 years, i've tried patches, gum, cold turkey and zybans.....i'm finding the *habit* particularly hard to break and boy, i'm one moody cow when i try and quit too. do you have any advice on how you stopped smoking??? like i said, the habitual part of smoking is hardest for me to break, which really should be the easiest! once again, good on ya!! :)
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....toothpicks are something i haven't tried before, so i think i will give them a shot. i just can't sit on my hands all day!!!


hmmm.....good point you made too....i want to be in control of my own mind, not let my mind control me.


danke shon!!

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