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best friend use to go out with the girl im now seeing

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

ok, i have met this wonderful girl and we have hit it off REALLY well. I like everything about her. Ever since we started seeing each other, i have been thinking about her all day. It just makes me happy and warm inside, just thinking about her.


The thing is, my best friend went out with her before about 2 years ago. They only went out on one date. He more or less dumped her because she wouldn't have sex with him. Well, now they don't like each other at all.


My best friend has told me "f*ck her", to not get serious with her, and to "just use her". Well that is something i DON'T want to do and WON'T because i like her so very very much. I haven't told him that and i probably shouldn't.


She seems to REALLY like me alot and i really want to pursue things farther with her. I don't want to lose her and i don't want my best friend interferreing or getting mad. What should i do????

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Tell your friend to kiss your butt. He's not a very good friend and he doesn't treat fellow humans with much respect or kindness. I hope you have more decent friends as well.


Keep seeing this girl, treat her nice, make it work and totally ignore your "friend." It sounds like she's a great lady and well worth keeping around. He is a low class jerk as far as I'm concerned but if you're getting something out of knowing him, knock yourself out.


Don't let him run your life. It sounds like he may just be jealous in this particular situation, which I'm sure is only one small part of his obnoxious, petty and downright mean personality.


Are you listening to how he's telling you to deal with this girl you think so much of??? Pay attention!!!

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Your best friend sounds like a jerk for saying that crap. He's just pissed cause she "rejected him" on their date by not sleeping with him. He's probably also jealous.


Pay no attention to what he says. Don't "use her" or whatever else he said. Continue talking to her, but just keep her away from him. This is one of the situations where your girlfriend won't become friends with your best friend too, so just leave it alone. You don't even have to tell this friend about this girl, or any of your plans with her. That's none of his business anyway.

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