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why play games??

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I went out with this guy 2 days ago, and I thought he would have called or emailed me back by now.


We met online and chatted for about a month, talked on the phone a couple times, seemed to really hit it off.


(Sent eachother long emails)


At the end of the date he suggested we do something next week after work one night, (he's going out of town this weekend) and we both like to do outdoors things, like go down to the river.


I emailed him a quick message yesterday afternoon just thanking him for a fun evening, saying I wish we could have talked more, the music was kinda loud to talk much.


is he playing the dumb wait 2-3 day game or not interested anymore?

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There is no way anybody on the forum can answer that question. We don't know him or what's in his mind. However, as eager as you may be to hear from him you really shouldn't be on pins and needles. Go about your life and if he calls, great and if he doesn't...no big loss.


I'd say if you hear from him within a week, that's reasonable. Nowdays, you can hear from people just about anytime. You never know what sort of things they may be smoking or what else they may have going.


The world's a crazy place. Don't get sucked into it by letting something like this keep you on edge.

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I agree with Tony.


Just wait till he calls. If he does, that's great. If not, he wasn't the right one anyway. So he did you a favor.


You can sit there and attempt to figure out what he's thinking or why he hasn't called, but it won't help ONE single bit. Believe me, I've been there.



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It's very difficult not to get sucked into focusing on how someone acts towards you - especially if you are keen and you want them to be keen. But the importance of not making them the centre of your world cannot be overstated. If you have another focus and this comes across, then things will move along in a much more positive way. This is more than about playing games but actually having other genuine things going on in your life, so that you don't start obsessing about what the other person does or might think. So in a slight change to the old cliche-be busy, keep 'em keen!

I went out with this guy 2 days ago, and I thought he would have called or emailed me back by now. We met online and chatted for about a month, talked on the phone a couple times, seemed to really hit it off. (Sent eachother long emails) At the end of the date he suggested we do something next week after work one night, (he's going out of town this weekend) and we both like to do outdoors things, like go down to the river.


I emailed him a quick message yesterday afternoon just thanking him for a fun evening, saying I wish we could have talked more, the music was kinda loud to talk much. is he playing the dumb wait 2-3 day game or not interested anymore?

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