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We are just so natural together....but just friends...

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Here is the situation. I have this friend named Amanda. Now I have known her for about four years now, and we get along like we have known each other for years and years. We always have a great time when we hang out, and everything feels so natural.


I have been kind of upset because every relaitonship I have been in it has ended up one sided. Me being the one side trying. I am just so sick of having to try so hard then getting disappointed, or screwed over.


Amanda has been there for me in everything, and I her. When my dad was in the hospital, she was there for me more than my ex was when we were dating. Also the same when my uncle had a heart attack. I just feel so natural around her, I wonder if something will be there eventually. I seem to be thinking lately that it will be on of those stories where I try so hard to find somebody then in 5 years I realize the perfect girl is right in front of me. I was wondering if any of you have any take on this. If any of you have any advice, or something I can try to figure out my situation with. She is just like my best friend, and I am hers. Could something be there, or is just platonic?

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You sound fairly young and that is a good thing..


Because a lot of the times young people that have a lot in common become good friends and kinda almost forget about the whole bf/gf thing..

Time passes and they never really see the forest thru the trees...


Have you dicussed with her how you feel at all.. You know just maybe felt her out about the subject of the 2 of you ?

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have you spoken to her about it because the thing is if both of you are so comfortable being friends and being there for each other then you are also one of the lucky few to experience a completely platonic friendship between a guy and a gurl......

i have that with a friend of mine and he n i are just friends and thts it we cant imagine something else but then again we both feel that way.............

just because people always say a guy n gal cant be friends dont start thinking there can be more , often tht ends up being the one sided story.

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If you want to keep her your friend you better keep thoughts of more out of your head. Accept your situation and don't go for more or you'll mess it up. As for other girls, quit becoming their friend first before you tell her your feelings. Women hate it when a guy becomes their friend and then thinks they should have more. If you see an attractive girl tell her and see where it goes. Find about them on a date, not becoming their friend.

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JH is right. Many women know having a male friend is wonderful, and we even know that sometimes they want to bang us...That's okay too... Just never bring it up and don't tell her. 4 years and she hasn't made a move on you, chances are it isn't going to happen.


Now, if there is a time when you "feel" some energy from her, that is maybe something to hint about slightly and see if she takes the bait. You have alot of time on your hands, and who knows what the future holds...But right now you're very lucky to have a close friend who you can truely be you with. Enjoy it and be happy.

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I would also think twice about * confessing * any feelings and risk losing this very SPECIAL friend.

Alot of times things turn romantic and its just a mistake and then it all ends.


Do you want to risk losing her friendship by either making this into somehting further that might not work or keep it as awesome as it is now. ?


I realize you can confess your feelings but at what risk ?

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I would think really long and hard and if you still feel this way then tell her your feelings .. Remember sex changes everything once you get in a relationship with someone eventually you will have sex and it will be different than before you want just be friends you will be in a relationship..Do you think she feels the same for you ? Atleast you are friends already that can be a plus but if things don't work out are you willing to take that risk to lose her as your friend... I don't know too many people that want to be friends after being in a relationship ... Be sure before you take that giant step !! Good luck

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i know how u feel...even this guy and me know each other for the past 3 yrs...we're comfortable with each other and know each other's family...he's in another city now..and i saw him only once after he left the city i stay in rite now...and we keep in touch with each other...

its natural to fall in love with such a person..go ahead and talk to her..:)

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