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No sex because of stress


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Just within the past two weeks or so my boyfriend has been overly stressed about his job. I don't mind him bring home his "work" problems. I listen while he vents. The problem is we don't have sex like we use to. He's either to tired from work or too stressed out. Everytime I try to initiate sex, he ignores me or falls asleep. Last night I tried, but he ignored me. I got frustrated and hurt and went to sleep. Finally, I received some "lovin" this morning. I told him I was sexually frustrated because it had been 4 days. I asked him if he was trying to get into the book of world records of happy couples going without sex the longest. He apologized and once again blamed his job.


I know how stressful his job is. I try to keep that in mind, but please realize I am human and need some TLC. I'm going to the sex shop today after work and buy some toys. I hope this helps. If anyone has experience this, please let me know and what you did. Please help me, any advice would be much appreciated.



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The more you stay on his butt, the more stress you add to his life and the longer it will take to resume your normal frequency of sex.


On the other hand, the longer he waits to get help for coping with his stress and the longer you remain unhappy in this situation, the more you will feel rejected, the more likely you will withdraw totally and become resentful, and the more likely you will be to walk from this relationship.


Given these facts, I think you ought to get off his case and give him a gift certificate to some stress management or yoga classes where he can learn relaxation techniques. See a counsellor, psychologist or other competent person to recommend every possible strategy for nipping this in the budd real fast.

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